Scott isn't a great coach and won't take a team anywhere but on vacation come playoff time. That said, he's a great motivator, gets hard work from his players if they buy in (except Swaggy and Lin), and from the exit interviews they all seem to really like him and the culture he's building. We won't win with him, but we won't win without him right now either. If a great coach becomes available then I'll have no problem saying farewell to Scott. Thibs next summer, maybe? But until then, let's utilize what he can do and how he can help these kids who can't or can barely walk into a liquor store. I'd certainly enjoy having a proven name on the bench next to him, especially a x&o's guy, but that's not his way. So I guess we'll have to let Kobe QB that for the time being.
Yeah I wouldn't be opposed to Shaw at all by the way. I'm just defending having Byron now in the position we're all in. Especially those of us who want to build through the draft, I think Byron is a good fit where he is. I'd love seeing Shaw on the bench. I miss B-Shaw and I think he's gotten a bad rep from Denver. I'd welcome him home, but I don't know that Scott really wants another HC type around him.
RE: Assistant coaching. This is all I want. Another head coach tht could help Scott put these young guys in positions to succeed. That's it. I'm sure you watched every game last season. I did. We were depleted, injures, and we sucked. However, there was a clear indication to me watching the schematics of Scott's system from the very beginning of the season until the end that another assistant might help. That's all. If he doesn't upgrade, then I'll have to deal with it. Hope for the best.
Scott is a poor x and o's coach and by the look of it, our assistants are too. If we're going ride Scott for another year, he needs help with x's and o's. Need an upgrade in the assistants department.
You know I went all the way back to last year before the season even started. This was before the tanking even began. All the crap that Bryon ran in the preseason that went on throughout the season; before even talk of 'tanking' began... Of course following all the issues that Coach Nick breaks down hear within our offense in the preseason, you would expect it to improve throughout the season, right? Nope. It didn't