Sacre is the safe move. It's just that we need to develop talent. Sacre has none to speak of, and as risky as Upshaw is, he has real talent.
Good, then place Upshaw in the D-league, and I understand he can still get poached in the D-league. Either way, I make Upshaw earn it.
when Upshaw is in the game, the potential for a block on every shot is there and most shots in the paint will be altered i can't say the same about Sacre...i'll roll with potential...
I'd rather have Upshaw than Sacre, but I'm realistic in that Byron and the Lakers might not agree with that. It makes way more sense for the Lakers to let Sacre go. We're developing and we need the most talent we can get. Upshaw is more talented than either Black or Sacre. I'd rather go through the ups and downs of Upshaw than the steady mediocrity of Sacre. Sacre would fit better on our team back in 2010 when we had enough talent to win it all. Now? I'd rather take a big swing and miss than a bunt.
I respect that. I think we all know the risks with Upshaw. I'm not just completely trustworthy of his behavior off the court just yet. However, if the Lakers cut Sacre, and they're all in on Upshaw, I'll support it obviously. We'll just have to wait and see...
I get both sides and I agree with the idea of having Sacre who is just a solid dude. I just think if I'm being objective and we're talking about luring FAs with talent, Upshaw is the guy. I think he showed enough to put up a fight. We'll see next game if he settles down more and makes more impact defensively. Right now to me Sacre has done enough to make me think about keeping him and that's on Upshaw to change.
When I look in Upshaw's eyes, and his facial expressions, I sense I see a really immature kid. I think there is legitimate concern that despite his talent that he isn't wired right, and despite given an opportunity, he might blow it with money at his disposal. Do you jettison "old reliable but unspectacular" as your third string vs take a risk on the shiny new unreliable? I think they will take every possible hour they can before having to make that decision. Talent wise the decision is a no brainer, but obviously there is stuff we don't know that factors into such an important time and position for a franchise like this.
I think we're too used to having Sacre come off the bench as the second string rather than third. We now have Tarik and even Bass to do that much better than Sacre. We're talking third string guys. Someone who just comes in for spurts to dispel minutes. If Upshaw underperforms, than we cut him and sign someone else. However, if Upshaw rises to his potential, that is a lot of talent to consider. The benefits severely out weight the risks here. Think about it this way, I don't think this team loses much if we cut Sacre here and now. On the other hand, if we let go of Upshaw, and he turns into a beast elsewhere, we'd be kicking ourselves in the butt.
............................................................................................................................................................................... I think you have to lock Upshaw UPSHAW ^^^ and roll the dice. How stupid can he be to blow it now? Let's make the assumption, to help the argument, whatever he has been involved with has been only "recreational". Immature.....yes (for a guy who wants to compete at the highest levels in the NBA) but then again look to Lakers' past history and success with Lamar Odom who was addicted to .... "candy"
Yes to all of that. Sigh. Wish this was not such an important franchise decision but it is. I keep coming back to Metta. Humorously to get up close to "Bob"'s face occasionally like only Ron Artest.....errrr.....Panda......errrrr.....Metta can do and get the POINT across ..... don't F*** this up. The fear and responsibility thing for a pro athlete on a TEAM. But before the fear thing maybe ever has to be used, Metta in contact with and a "confidant" for "Bob". Ron Ron sold his freaking championship ring to forward this cause.
Bah Sacre needs to go . Ship his a@@ out. Let's get Jason Kidd for him? I think we chance it on Upshaw. Don't be cautious for Mr 7 feet 6 fouls.
I'm coming around to signing Upshaw on the parent roster and placing him in the D-league. That means you cut Sacre and eat the money which is a pittance for the Lakers. I think Scott will probably run more with Kelly at the 5; Black might be used interchangeably at the 4 and 5. In that sense, just cut the dead weight. Bye, Sacre.
i thought they cut bob and kelly? those two scrubs do not belong on NBA rosters. please dump the cheerleader
^^ I'll disagree on Kelly. Agreed on Sacre. Oh, and Jabari Brown is still sucking and needs to go. And Anthony Brown was the invisible man out there tonight. No impact whatsoever.
Yeah, just say no to roster spots for Sacre..... and the two Browns for now. Kelly is FINALLY healthy and playing quite well actually.
Anthony Brown is here to stay. Nance Jr is also here to stay, and I'm currently scratching my head over taking him in the 1st round. He jumps high, that's about it, he doesn't at the moment look like an NBA player. I mean he looked awful against the end of the bench of a non-NBA team. I'm not giving up on the guy, but it's only because I can't as he's got a guaranteed deal. Makes me wonder who we passed on at that pick that might be doing better right now.
We cannot keep him just cuz he's a glue guy in the locker room. I mean Hibbert can do that AND play competent basketball.