Key for GS is to finish this series being and staying healthy ... I can see a couple of cheap shots coming from the Crockets in Game 4 ...
Lebron can't guard him as the game begins ... He will need his energy for O ... I guess Shumpert will be the "best" choice ... Klay or Barnes will have a great matchup if this is what happens ... On the other end GS will be able to throw Klay , Iggy , Barnes , even Green at Lebron ... this is going to be a huge advantage ... already is against Harden
Up until now, whenever I looked at Howard, I could see his softness in his game, and in interviews outside the court. but I never understood why the whole league thought he was THAT soft. and then yesterday he was with microphon in the game. there was a scene with 6 min left in the second querter when he tried to motivate josh smith. that was a pathatic motivation speech. I laughtd my a** out. "We got to take it. They will not give it to us. We got to take it" - in the softiest voice I heard. it was FAIL. now I understand. He is a joke. that Curry closing him out on a rebound was classic.
one of my favorite kobe plays was in the playoffs vs the Duncan/robinson spurs, iirc, he went up over both in the paint for an offensive board and then went back up over both for the putback. just mammoth. says more than any stepback j could.
In that play Kobe used all his athleticism to get the rebound. In this play Curry actually boxes him out. CURRY BOXES HIM OUT AND GETS A REBOUND. That's shameful. That's unacceptable for Howard.
James try to check Curry in stretches when the game is in the balance. As wcsoldier81 stated, the Dubs will platoon defending James. I can see him though getting enough calls to make the games/series interesting even though he is not a one trick pony like Harden.
Yeah and that's exactly the level of effort Dwight doesn't want to have to make in the playoffs much less during the regular season.
Yes that was a great play: I also remember this play where it was the final seconds of the 4th quarter and Kobe was trying to get past Bowen and Kobe dribbled it off his foot, Fisher picked it up and through up a jumper. Kobe skied for the offensive board and put it back in over the Twin Towners. I remember this play vividly because it was Kobe's reaction afterwards that pumped me up and got me up off my chair yelling. Kobe was flexing and doing his Kobe growl/scream. LOVE IT!
i actually think the shot I was thinking about was the one you mentioned after the clip, but the clip was awesome! anyway, larger point is that these kinds of unorthodox hustle/skill plays loom large in the playoffs. harden doesn't tend to make them. curry is showing signs.
It's like the Warriors want to experiment by shooting threes non-stop and if they lose... no problem. They are still up 3-1. They can come back though. Being down by 13 is nothing.
lmao.. I am not watching the game but clicked on ESPN to see what the Dodgers score was and this was the tweet on the side: "Literally the worst thing that could happen for Houston: Smith hits his first 3" I burst out laughing. I hope GSW finishes the deal and then destroys the damn cavs
Yeah, Houston can't continue to shoot like this, right? If they cool down at some point, GS can make their run.
HOU shooting 75%, Warriors 25%. No, it can't continue. The question is, will GSW be able to shoot themselves back into the game? It's still early.
Nope, the Warriors can't hit anything. On the other hand, HOU is shooting over 76%, 8-9 or three. Go figure.