Please for the love of all things holy, Spurs you gotta win. Dont know how I will stand to watch a series between two teams that flop and whine so much.
The Spurs have been depending on their supporting cast with Parker hurt and Ginobli a shell of his former self. Hopefully Parker looks like his old MVP form for game 7.
Don't know why Pop didn't go with the Hack a Jordan when Cp3 and Blake were heating up. There was too much standing around to finish the game for the Spurs. No ball movement made their offense stagnant. Cp3 will fold under the pressure of Game 7.
The Spurs started especially just couldn't make shots. Lucky they brought Beleneli along. And Diaw as well. Dudes like Ginobli and Parker are going to have to step up in game 7.
Hack a DJ hurts the Spurs as much as the Clippers through the whole series imo as Spurs lose their offensive flow too ... I had no idea why Green ( and Parker) were on the floor in the 4th for so long ... poor game by Popovich
Ginobli looks really slow now and Parker still doesn't have much lift. Game 7s a toss up - hopefully Kawaii has a better shooting game.
Go Clips go. Cips-Rockets would be an absolute flopfest and I would love the disgustingness of it. Also, it would be cool to see someone else win the championship so might as well root for the Spurs to lose asap.
Hmmm, the only reason I would want the Spurs around is because I am sure they can beat the Cavs, otherwise I don't really want Tim to get that #6. Oh well I agree Clips-Rockets would be interesting alone for the flop factor even though I despise both teams.
I agree on nit wanting Timmy getting number six. I guess I'm pulling for GS to win the west. Without Love I doubt Cavs get past Bulls next series. Unless the league absolutely can't live without LeBron in the finals and then we see a parade to the line for him.
Spurs off to a good start. I feel like they started off a bit slow in the other games so this is a good sign.
Danny Green blocking Blake Griffin! Lol. Everyone in this series seems to have some sort of nagging injury.
Just like i predicted, close series that can go either way. Most of you guys underestimated the Clippers .