Clippers with a great effort ... Spurs D had no answer in this game ... and couldn't make 3s and FTs on the other end . I hope it's going 7 games
LOL. DeAndre Jordan with the offensive interference on a shot that was about to go in anyway. He might have just lost them the game.
I jumped up in joy after seeing the replay on that DJ interference. That's gotta sting! What a game put on by both teams though.
Wow!!! Blake showed school to choke...who cares if he scored 30p when he missed in clutch times 2 the biggest ft of his career... Dj showed he is mental midget who doesnt deserve max money...i want even spend my words on his ft...
Ufff, too damn close for my liking. Time to send Clipps fishing after the next game, can't risk a hero game from Paul, Blake or even Crawford.