Meh, Paper Clips still suck. But the Sprockets suck worse. Can't wait to watch real basketball tomorrow with the entertaining series - GSW vs. Memphis Grizz.
I really, really, really, really hope this goes the full seven. Yes, it is not an aesthetically pleasing series but I just want both squads to beat each other senseless into stupor until one staggers into the WCF.
Agreed GCC. The less rest for CP3 the better. I don't see any possibility of the Sprockets having the grit necessary to beat the Paper Clips three games in a row. They are weak. This should probably end next game I would think.
Do you guys think that the Clips have a good chance of beating GSW/MEM in the WCF? They play better against Memphis... the Warriors seem to beat them without too much trouble. Plazoffs might be different, of course.
^ I just edited my post above. I personally think they can beat Memphis; not easily, of course, but they match up well. They don't play well against Golden State for some reason.
^^ Man, I just don't know. When GS is hot they are unbelievable. But as much as it pains me to say this . . . I've been impressed by the Paper Clips' ability to D it up in the post season. That's where they are making me more of a believer than in the past. If it were just an offensive battle, I'd say GS would take it in 6. But that other team that shares the Staples with us actually showed a lot of grit against the Spurs. Seeing how GS has struggled at times against Memphis, I'm not sure they are quite ready to take the next step and get all the way to the Finals. They are still pretty young in general. As much as I can't stand Doc Rivers, he has that team pretty poised and they have a lot of veterans at this point who know how to get things done in the playoffs. Memphis to me might stand a better chance because they are so strong defensively and they have a great front court matchup with the Paper Clips. I also like their fight. Just going to have to see who comes out on top! It's a shame because I truly wish that the GSW and Memphis series WERE the WCF. I don't want to see the Paper Clips or Sprockets in the next round at all.
When i think of Balmer holding the trophy (or Gibert for that matter), it makes me wanna puke. I pray to God for GS or MEM to save the NBA for me.
I think the Clippers have a shot against both teams. I would favor them against the Grizzlies, but I'd have them as the underdogs against the Warriors. I've believed that GS would win the whole thing, and I don't think I am changing my stance on that. I thought GS would beat Grizzlies in 5 and Clippers in 6 in the WCF. The Warriors have played worse than I expected, but I still think they would beat the Clippers. That series will be close. No matter what though, whoever comes out in the West will be the champs. In other words, since the Clippers will beat the Rockets, they really only have one more series.
this one isn't over yet. I predicted a no-show by the clips last night, but it may have been even worse than I thought. the clips are totally a team that would choke away the clincher at home in game 6, too. but based on what we've seen outside of game 5, I'm picking them to win it.
It would be so tasty to see Game 6 go to Houston just for the sheer enjoyment of it. In reality, I see the series ending there and then. The Clippers can beat Memphis with a subpar but game Conley. Golden State? No but I see that matchup going the seven.
Clips have impressed me this post-season. For the first time ever, I really think they are legit championship contender. Imo most likely to win it all at this point: 1. GSW 2. lAC 3. CLE 4. MEM 5. HOU 6. CHI 7. ATL 8. WIZ
It would be totally Clippers-esque. But number one, I don't see it happening as the Sprockets don't have the heart or guts to do it, and second, I hate Dwight and the Beard more than I do the Paper Clips.
can't muster the same level of hate for the clippers as others here. they're not likeable. but you're talking about james harden and Dwight howard. I mean, is there a worse duo in terms of likeability in the last couple of decades? all the reasons people give for hating paul can be said about harden--except paul is twice the basketball player. rivers/McHale: wash. griffin's actually grown on me over time (as has Jordan, big time), whereas Dwight somehow keeps lowering my esteem for him. and I'm ok with bombastic d****** owners, but preening self-promoting general managers really bug me. in fact, that may be all of what I don't like about Houston boiled down to single term: preening. they care about image over substance. and when they talk about substance, it's only in service of image. get these clowns out of here. I don't care if it means the clips go to the wcf. I can't handle Houston being rewarded for their general douchebaggery.