Houston even with the win were not able to completely put away the Clippers sans Paul. If Paul were playing, they take this in five...six tops.
I remember people being angry when I was on the "trade howard for blake griffin" train... also, please eliminate the Houston FTAs. they're not very good, and they're simply sad to watch. harden makes basketball jesus cry.
Without Chris Paul around, this guy is someone I can respect. Paul has taught him so much wrong and he's still a major douche, but he's a hell of a player. I think the Clippers should make HIM the franchise face and let Paul go. Seriously. They'd be better served using that money somewhere else like say DeAndre Jordan and a BENCH. Let Paul go somewhere else and control the ball and limit Griffin's potential.
I don't know, man. I don't think that's a very good team minus paul. Houston's not good, either, so they pulled a surprise win on them. but if paul can't be paul, lac is going to lose this series.
Nah get a solid PG in there who is cheaper than Paul and spend more money on that god-awful bench. I have no names off the top of my head, but I think that's a better route than spending 20 million on Paul.
I think Clips opting to let go of Darren Collison and going after Spencer Hawes was a mistake... Then again hindsight is always 20/20
Didn't Doc also trade away a 2nd round pick CDR, and waive Farmar to get Austin Rivers? I think they also traded Dudley and a first round pick for Delfino or something like that.
count me as one who thought hawes was a good pickup...and was apparently just dead wrong. losing minutes to big baby. then again, big baby is a doc guy and all. I do think collison was a nice backup for paul. problem is that collison doesn't see himself as a backup.
18-0 run. DeAndre Jordan just got the rebound and took it coast to coast. Lmao. Austin Rivers is tearing the Rockets apart. Wow.
Yeah, I'll never say Go Paper Clips because I can't stand them, but in this series it sure is fun to see them stomp on Coward and the Beard thus far.