How can anyone want this weak team to win the series? Even against the Clippers. In any case, the Warriors will feast on whoever wins this.
Sheesh, what a joke of a game this was from the Rockets. Would love to see what is being said on a Rockets forum lol
Crockets are the worst WC playoffs team to watch ... I wouldn't mind Brewer with his terrible footwork and flying act all over the court being punched by Barnes ... Clippers have improved from the last couple of seasons , I give them credit for this ...
Yea, I'll also give credit to Blake Griffin for working hard to get to where he's at. He's stopped his annoying flopping ways. He improved his jumper. His FT% has also consistently went up every single season since his sophomore year (52.1% to 72.8%). I think he's averaging something like 25/13/8 in this playoff run. Just a sidenote, he said he worked on his jumper a lot this season with Sasha Vujacic. He also didn't "dunk" in the regular season to save his legs for the playoffs.
His dribbling has drastically improved too. Dribble, spin, dunk. He does it extremely well and most bigs just can't stay in front of him.
I actually thought his ball handling was always great. It was one of his best attributes coming into the NBA.
Go LA!!! Come on, for all the Clips hate around here, it doesn't count if you pull for them when they're playing Coward, Beard and the Rockets OR the Cavs if they get there (not gettn through Golden State, but hypothetically speaking). I'll gladly watch DJ humiliate Dwight this whole series.
I can't stand the Paper Clips but now that game one is said and done (and I didn't have to actually watch it), I have to say I'm surprised that I'm so pleased that they beat the Sprockets . . . without even Chris Paul! I don't know, I love seeing the Paper Clips lose but I've found out that I like the fact that the Sprockets lost even more! I think it's the vengeance factor on Howard. I just never, ever want to see him succeed.
All I know is that the Warriors...or even the Grizz have to be seeing this trash, drooling. Going to be such an easy series for either of them. 4 of the 5 dumbest big men in the NBA are on the court during this series. Disgrace to even watch.
Here you go: There's a ton, but this is a sample. He never was the MVP. At least, this guy seems to be enjoying it. With a name like that, I smell a bandwagoner.
I don't like Blake the person (to say the least) but damn, dude is BALLIN. He's averaging more assists in the PO than Paul, he's one of the 3 non-guards to post a back to back playoff triple double and a first one in 12 years to do that. He changed his game dramaticly, huge props. I can easily see WCF go to game 7.
Harden with <10 FT = automatic Rockets loss I'm starting to take into consideration the possibility that the Clippers are actually for real. Could it be that letsgoclippers was right all the time? . I don't like both teams, but if I should chose the lesser evil, it would be the Clippers. As much as I hate flopping, I still haven't forgotten the things Howard did when he was on the Lakers and I just can't root for him to win anything. Oh and huge props for Griffin. Never saw him becoming this good...
one down. three to go. get these clowns out of the playoffs, clippers. then go lose to gsw. anyway, good to steal one--especially game 1. the question is whether paul can come back and play. because game 1 was an aberration, imo. Houston will crush them in game 2 if paul doesn't play (harden 20 FTA special coming right up!), then it will be up to lac to get both at home and take command.
That was amazing @thkthebest thanks for taking the time to gather them. Can't believe they turned on Harden so quickly.
Just because this is so entertaining, here are some more. For some reason, they are still obsessed with Jeremy Lin. Apparently, they have a term there: LOH and LOF. LOF = Lin Only Fan. LOH = Lin Only Hater Note: In this video, Harden loses Matt Barnes. It's his patented zone-out defense.
Whoever loses in this a win-win for Laker fans. Personally, two coaches that used to be affiliated with the *******? One will suffer, so I am good with it.