OUCH!! But . Letter to L.A. Times today in the trashing Clippers' meltdown section. "After the Bulls failed to show up and the Clippers pulled one of the biggest choke jobs in NBA history Thursday night, my only question is, how are Derrick Rose and Chris Paul going to blame Vinny Del Negro?"
I want Rockets to win, not cheering for them but I want to see the collapse of the Clips. It's annoyingg watching Harden play, dribble dribble, drive, head twitch and then look at the refs for a foul.
Every player they show is annoying lol. Rockets 15 point lead is now down to 3, outside of Harden they don't have play makers and hes making Reddick look like Tony Allen.
See, that trade that was stopped by Stern was bad on Kobe & Chris; Chris would have carried us during the regular season; Kobe would have carried Chris' scared a$$ during the playoffs; they both needed each other during that point in time and now 4 years later we both see the reasons very clearly...
CP2 is fools gold. You can't play the tough guy role when you're constantly flopping. They really need to build around Blake. He should get 10 - 15 more touches per game.
Rockets role players have been huge, Clippers' have been lackluster and no one stepped up. Ariza, the one Rocket I'll root for.
The complete collapse in this series was bad even for the Clippers. Wondering where this leaves Jordan this summer. Rumors have been around for a while that's he's not a fan of Chris.
It's the Clippers, nobody really cares. Although they got that 20+ point deficit down to 8. Too late, most likely.