Dude that's a complete Flagrant 2. The most most flagrant of all fouls! HOW DARE THEY TOUCH THE KING'S COURT JESTER???
I am honestly how difficult was it for the refs to see that on the replay? He grips him with a weird reverse leg lock thing... What a freak and what a stupid thing to do. At best I give the little guy a technical for the leg lock and Gibson a technical for the kick. At best.
I believe if he played the last few games this series would be over already, as it stands Cleveland has the momentum and they are going to hard to stop, even in Chicago. #SaveUsAtlanta
Yeah Gasol is the real game changer this series, lebron and the cavs have all the momentum right now.
Gasol being injured is just an expected thing. LeBron never faces a fully healthy team until he reaches the finals, it's always a cakewalk through the East. Luckiest star of all time. If Jordan or Kobe played in their primes in this era in that conference they'd have 8 titles.
Yeah Gasol missing in game 5 was sort of the death knell. I don't see Chi town getting over, but you never know. Glad he'll at least play in Game 6 - that gives the Bulls a shot at extending this to 7.
Mainstream medias conversation will be " Lebron going to the Finals for the fifth time in a row , he's , at least , as good as MJ " though .... totally ignoring the level of the Least and Lebron's record in the Finals .
If he ultimately ends up something like 2/7 or even 3/8 when his career is done, what will the story be? Also Chicago is no better than Indiana of the past few except they did push the Heat to 7 once I believe and actually made it to ECF.
Bulls are just too banged up every year. They have a pretty decent defense but their offense is so bad. Cavs are going to run through eitehr Atlanta or Washington, best chance of stopping them was probably the Bulls.