For me it's the Clippers and it's not close anymore. The closest to them would definitely be Houston... Then Cleveland. I hate all three, but I want nothing but failure for the tenants. I want them to lose everything that they've been gifted. I want Paul to flounder the rest of his career. I want Griffin to plateau. I want Jordan to lose some of that athleticism. I want all their role players to figure out that they suck. I would love for that team to miss the playoffs altogether. I think that'd cement them as the worst franchise imaginable.
Houston is by far the team I most want to fail. I find harden's game largely objectionable, Dwight completely objectionable in all ways, and the daryl morey hero worship unwarranted and out of control. they need to lose. I've actually gone soft on clipper hate. I don't know why. they're objectively detestable, but I just can't get the hate fires burning as intensely. I suppose they'd be #2 for me still, but it's a distant second.
Any team with Lebron will always be #1 on the fail meter for me. Houston is 2nd and it would be fun to watch the clips fail for the lols.
Probably because you know the clippers are still just the LA JV team. Even at their most popular, they're the warm up act. They'll never win anything as they're born losers, and will never amount to anything. There's no threat that the team will ever gain anything meaningful. Yeah, the hate flames burn strong in me.
maybe it's because I know they're one of two teams that can, without question, stop Houston. btw, kickass game from "mvp" harden last night. this is what happens when you don't give him 20 FTAs.
I think my order would be Hou, Clev and Clips. Hou- I can not stand the manufactured superstar in Harden and I damn sure cant stand the heartless coward in howard. All their success comes from the gifts harden gets game in and game out. Clev- I have only heard one show even hint at what happened on Brons "Florida vacation" and that was Highly Questionable with Dan and Bomani. No one else is talking about the elephant in the room that a 2 week break has the King back to last years form. Shame. Add to that what Stu and Joel had mentioned (I actually forgot) that it was Lebron who complained that the Allstar break was too short and all of a sudden we have 9 days between games. The league caters to the King and the Cavs have been gifted way too much. Can't imagine what happens if they succeed. Clips- Yup hate CPFlop and the whinny Clips. Hate Doc and hate the whole idea that the league took a mans property cause of his remarks. Hate they are so pathetic they cover our banners up with ugly pictures of themselves. Hate that they reside in our building which is a building of Champions. Hate their fans. I will admit though Ginger Spice has grown on me I don't hate him as much as years past.
I just don't like Blake Griffin the person. I really don't. I think he's a jerk, I think he's entitled, and I think I would not enjoy having to spend even a minute in his company. Not my cup of tea. Good player though.
^ There's a reason players across the league take shots at him every chance they get in games. He rubs everyone the wrong way and is a wussy. I hate that he's popular and has as many commercials as he does. Seeing him during non-LAC games just annoys me. I hope he and Dwight both team up when their athleticism has long left them.
I hate the evil empire, always have, always will. I hate Dan Gilbert and hope he fails forever since he whined so much after the CP3 trade. Same with Cuban. I hate Doc because I still see that shiny headed coach as a ****** so by translation that annoyance descends to that putrid organization that we share Staples Center with. Players I hate: A whole host of former players from those guys, especially KG, Paul Pierce, Ray Allen, Shrek, Porkins, Rondo, etc. KG and Paul Pierce are up there with the Kevin McHale Bill Laimbeer Danny Ainge levels of hate for me. Harden, hate his game, hate the way he plays, hate his beard. I can't stand Biff like pretty much everyone else. Howard, liked him in Orlando, hate him now. Hated his body language when he played with us. I wish him failure.
yea my comment on Griffin is more from the BBall stand point. I really thought he would be like Dwight a truly 1-dimensional player but last year I thought he developed a pretty decent midrange shot and was able to put the ball on the floor better. In fact, when CPFlop was out Blake took over that team and was beasting. I was surprised by him not being dependent on Paul. I gotta give him credit for evolving his game. I still hate him though.
I agree with you guys as far as three most disliked teams - my order is 1. Houston 2. Paper Clips 3. Cleveland. I think the Paper Clips are the furthest of them from truly contending. Cleveland could possibly come out of the Leastern Conference just because the competition is so weak. Houston seems slightly better than the Paper Clips who seem like a first or second round out at best.
Paper clips now will start to have BIG money decisions to make or break up the roster. DeAndre Jordan is going to want to get paid. And he deserves it for his defensive work around the basket. Very athletic big man. Mid teens to doesn't deserve it but would anyone throw max money at him? Introduce crazy a** Ballmer to the pain of the repeater luxury taxes. When he has a team that looks like it peaked in the past already.
So who watched the all new fantabulous World vs Rising Stars game last night? I just saw a blurb that Wiggins stood out. Then with no one contesting anything in the rookie.....errrr.......rookie / sophomore ...... errrr world / rising stars game it's just who misses the least in the layup/dunk and warm up shooting drills.
This 3point shootout tonight is going to be epic! Been looking forward to this for weeks. I am also actually excited about the skills competition too. They changed the entire format where now players are going at the same time against each other (bracket format). Also the next big change is that instead of a lay-up they have to do to finish things off they have to make a 3 pt shot from the top of the arc
Top 5 free throw attempts this season. Oh what a surprise. James Harden is ahead by by 154 free throws from second place. The difference between 1st and 2nd is the difference between 2nd and 35th.
Oh geeeeez. Remember when Kobe was leading the league in scoring, the first, and sometimes only thing ESPN would say is that he was so far ahead of every one else in shot attempts. Not a peep about this though for Harden eh?
I honestly think he will win it... They are looking for anyone to promote. Curry should be front runner and we know they are just waiting on the Cavs to get up higher in the rankings so Bron can get it. I wouldn't be surprised if Harden wins it though