And now Matt Barnes is ejected. I think they feared LeBron might get guarded well, or he'd get something mean said to him.
I don't wanna side with Clippers, but she was calling a horrible game. Jordan yelled "God damn" out loud to no one in particular after finishing in the lane in a crowd and got a tech. Paul said one thing to the ref as the Clippers inbounded the ball, instant tech. Matt Barnes fouled Love going to the hoop and then held his arm to keep it from being an and one, then partted him on the cheat to say "not personal", tech (from a different ref tho). Paul also complained that Holtkamp wasn't letting them inbound the ball fast enough and I agree with him. I noticed her doing the same thing during the Heat/Pistons game the other day, it was like she was waiting for her fellow refs to get settled on the other end, but that also allows the defense to get set. She's a rookie, and I think she needs to adjust, you can't call techs on guys immediately for being emotional. They tried this a while back and it was ridiculous, these aren't robots. I can't stand the Clippers, they whine and complain like nobody else, but in this case, I'm on their side, terrible reffing, it looked personal when she was arguing with Paul even though it wasn't and that's not a good look.
If it was a him instead of her this would be a non-issue. If she wants to ref in the NBA, she's going to have to do a better job, that game last night was awful by the referees. Now the media is portraying it as putting down a woman. Get out of here with that crap. People have been ragging on Joey Crawford for years. Not because he's a man because he's not good at his job. The world we live in today of overly sensitive political correctness is baffling sometimes. There is a time and place for it, but if you are doing a sub par job, you should expect to get called out for it.
AD nails the free throws. Perfect from the line 10 for 10. Clutch. 2.8 seconds for a three point shot for OKC.