Orlando just became a very attractive spot for the remaining FAs. Young core of 6 players, money to spend this summer, no state tax, and Disney.
Orlando just became a very attractive spot for the remaining FAs. Young core of 6 players, money to spend this summer, no state tax, and Disney.
odd that skiles would step down after they very much improved this last season i'm thinking there's something personal involved. apparently he's departed every team he's coached with years remaining on his contract
I read a report saying the Magic hate him now. He bugged the owners incessantly begging for the job, but in January told the GM he regretted taking it. Weird situation... I hope the Lakers call him! Vogel should be on a flight over there right now.
i was shocked that they even hired skiles in the first place shocked that any team hires him this day in age really. not sure about orlando but he's lost the locker room with every team he's coached. today's players don't respond well to his militaristic, abrasive style. i'd really like to know why he decided to resign from a seemingly good situation
Horrible decision and it keeps Shaw, Bickerstaff, Vogel, and maybe Skiles in play for us assistants. Also... Lurch could be available as an assistant as weird as that sounds... But seriously I like McMillan, but you wanted to run a modern offense with George at the four pushing tempo so you went with McMillan? Really? Yikes.
It was a horrible power trip by Bird. Vogel wasn't following his small ball directive because George was not into it also. If Larry keeps insisting on it, I think PG13 is gonna be a Laker in two years.