wow, the wolves have had some insane luck the past few years wiggins, towns, and now thibs. with some good role players off the bench and some vets, they could very well be contending for a title in the next 3-4 seasons
Thibs working with Towns and Wiggins, two guys very capable of becoming good defensive players, they are going to be really good in a couple years.
More importantly (at least to me) is that he's not GM. I don't like the GM/Coach role. Basically what this does though is put him in charge of the GM instead of the traditional other-way-around. Pretty interesting stuff. Now he can focus on coaching without anyone over him telling him what to do, but STILL be in control of the environment... Hm. There's not many guys I trust in that capacity, but Thibs could pull it off. With Wiggins and Towns leading the way? That team is going to be trouble. They reek of "The Next Big Thing", don't they? They look just like the Warriors and Thunder did about 4 years ago.
29 wins this year for the Wolves this season. You add Thibs, internal improvement the young core, some quality FA addiditions, and their making a run at the PO's next season. Great move by the Wolves.
Yup...... Thinking Brooks goes to Washington. They hope he and the hometown factor can bring KD home.
If the Lakers bring back Byron, I hope they fail miserably next season. They're not doing us right and I don't want them rewarded with high attendance/viewership if they're not going to do right by the fans. Same goes with the Dodgers for me. If Byron is coaching next season, I can't see us doing a heck of a lot better than we did this season. No Kobe, just kids... I'd set the win total over/under at about 22 wins.
it just baffles me how byron has so clearly shown he isn't capable of properly developing the kids yet the FO either has no issue with it or is oblivious to this fact. and it's not like he's some proven coach with an amazing track record either but the organization is infatuated with him he had all of this past season to develop the kids and failed miserably at it. and now, assuming we keep our pick, there will be another young stud coming in who will fall victim to byron's incompetence
Yep. If they go through another 20 win season, regardless of circumstance, then I want the entire power structure taken down. No Jim/Jeanie power struggle, no Mitch, none of that s***. Bring in a new owner, give Ryan West a nice new job (assistant GM), and move forward with a whole new system in place. I've had enough 20 win seasons to last a lifetime.
This thread is depressing. All these teams going out interviewing coaches, looking to better their franchise, while the Lakers sit and do nothing with the worst coach in NBA history.
I said in the Byron thread Thibs adds about 10 wins to a team. With how good Wiggins/Towns are, the sky is the limit for that team. Really if I was a T-Pups fan I'd be ecstatic right now. Here we are.... Behind on player development Behind on coaching moves Behind on today's game Damnit.
It baffles me that the Lakers aren't pushing hard for brooks. 1. Hes a very good coach (not great, but very good imo) which is obviously better than scott and 2. It doesn't hurt the chances of landing KD. KD loves brooks. Those two reasons seem pretty clear to me. WTF are the lakers doin?