Melo: I'm The Most Underrated Superstar

Discussion in 'NBA Discussion' started by thkthebest, Oct 3, 2014.

  1. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    to weigh in on the side discussion: curry's been flat out amazing this year, imo. I've said I think this year's mvp will be looked up on like the steve nash or derrick rose mvps, but he's got my vote (just over marc gasol--someone needs to invent a stat that captures that dude's impact; it's massive). but I do think melo/curry is apples to oranges. we're picking melo's nadir and curry's apex to compare them. curry is a more likeable character, too, so I think that taints some of the basketball opinion. at their best, they're both crazy good scorers and guys you can build a top-notch offense around. neither is much of a defender, but curry seems a bit more interested on that end. still, we're not talking about people in the kobe/Duncan/LeBron/kd stratosphere here.

    I think I'm just sensitive to melo criticism because it's a lot of similar arguments levied against kobe. I prefer skilled players who are fearless to cowards who hide behind whistles. curry certainly doesn't fall into the latter category, though I do think his "efficiency" is heavily bolstered by his teammates/system. when melo (and kobe and Iverson) have had the approporiate supporting cast, they've won big. the groundswell of support for "efficiency" really hasn't yielded big winners. kevin martin was hyper efficient for years, even scoring near 30 doing so. but he didn't win. because he was a bs artist like harden and wade.
    Snake Eyes and lakerjones like this.

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