If it was anyone else, TNT would have already smacked them. (Disciplined) Terrible precedent to allow IMHO. He got personal, and owes him a public apology at a minimum.
Thank you for the correction... I wasn't sure if he was still around. If he was, then he would have stepped in.
Stephen A Smith: "I'm not trying to be cruel here but how is Javal McGee better than Kwame Brown." And then he continues to say it's essentially McGee's fault. Comparing his stats with Kwame and Shaq. I mean the guy isn't a great player and sometimes not the smartest player but the solution isn't to "get good"? And then he goes off on how can you, a 29 year old man, has to have his mom defend him. What about Shaq? His mom has to tell him to be mature? This isn't an issue about who's a better player, it's boils down to bullying. The Shaqtin' a fool segment is pretty funny but man does Shaq sometime reach to put Javal on every week. I don't know where this is going but /rant.
You're right. Shaq has gotten ridiculous going after Javale. Even the other TNT guys tell him he's reaching for stuff at this point. Smith is an idiot though and doesn't deserve his salary. His success in life is indicative of a big problem in today's media.