Kawhi Leonard Discussion: “I’m A Snake Clipper Guy.”

Discussion in 'NBA Discussion' started by Helljumper, Jun 15, 2018.

  1. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Bro?!? You low key calling me a b****? All flare, no substance.

    Also d***au...really? Oh for Buck's sakes...this is you we're talking about. you claims you well endowed...which lines up with the fact that you one big, giant Dan.


  2. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I think Zen, Ox and maybe one or two others pushed the swear filter to its limits in game time so now it’s been set up to catch ridiculous stuff. :D I first noticed this last week when I asked in game time chat if anyone had caught the Fairleigh d***inson vs Prairie View A&M play in game for the tournament because it was awesome.
    Big Mamma Jamma, karacha and Toneloc like this.
  3. Toneloc

    Toneloc - Rookie -

    Jun 1, 2017
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    bruin fam
  4. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Arenas wasn't a b****. Dude was a straight baller for years...at the end he went a little koo-koo, but hey, don't we all?
    Toneloc and Barnstable like this.
  5. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Back to the original topic, the insider claiming Kawhi is a done deal also said he's been beefing with Woj. If that's true, that probably give the rumor more legs because if Woj is giving him the time of day, it must mean Woj thinks the guy has some juice.
    Toneloc, Barnstable and Cookie like this.
  6. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    My joke went on the way side again. Hi(biach)i


    Anyways, too much is being said about Bron's "we'll keep in touch" comments. I'd like to know what Kawhi said into his towel to spur on Bron's comments.

    Give us cyber-detectives something Kawhi...anything! But till then, I refuse to believe it's cLips or bust for dude. Think of it this way...would the cLips be stalking this hard on dude if he was already in the bag?
    LTLakerFan and TIME like this.
  7. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Anyone know what Dan Jenkins was hired by Clippers for away from Sports Illustrated?
  8. karacha

    karacha Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    You'll never get anything out of him. He's a total enigma. And he knows what he's doing.
  9. 432J

    432J - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    is he the guy who was stalking kawhi? or was that lawrence frank
  10. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Don't know about what you're asking but of course Dan Jenkins one of the great sports writers in the country. Why did the Clippers hire him we or at least I keep wondering.
  11. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Who cares when we have the great Kevin Ding. :(
    sirronstuff, abeer3 and LTLakerFan like this.
  12. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    They hired Jenkins for story-telling... probably something to sell free agents (primarily Kawhi) on this summer or to sell the story of the cLippers to a free agent and their camps. He could also be a media liaison of sorts to create exposure and brand recognition in a market dominated by the Lakers.

    But we have our own story-teller too...in Kobe. But I doubt he's as day to day as Jenkins is. One thing Kob did say is that players have to know what comes with being a franchise player of the Lakers. If they can't handle it, then it's pointless in trying to pitch them. It's almost as if he foreshadowed Paula wasn't the one to take the reigns.

    Meanwhile Bron didn't shy away from that scrutinizing spotlight. His house was tagged with racial bigotry, his dedicated murals were vandalized, dude didn't make a spectacle about signing here...dude didn't create a mandate of firing coach or shipping out the kids before inking a long-term deal. And dude still embraces and wants to prove his worth to a fanbase where there is a growing majority that has already judged him on things he hasn't done (Luke's still here...kids still here...our bench still celebrates and shows team chemistry).

    I think Jerry West said it best: what's the things the cLips can sell free agents on:

    1) Ballmer as their Owner
    2) Doc as their coach
    3) They got different kinda fans than the Lakers do

    That last one is especially true. When free agents have been ghosting us, a large majority have s***ted on the man that finally did pick us while also s***ting on a LakerLifer that helped begin our come back into relevance.

    I'm not saying fans need to treat stars with baby gloves. There absolutely has to be accountability. But some of the fans have been real extra with it. Y'all are smart enough to know what I mean by that.

  13. Khmrp

    Khmrp - Lakers Legend -

    Jun 10, 2016
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    that Lakerlifer has been creating some terrible moves, thats why he gets s***ted on, he was a terrible HC as well, he didn't need to get babied then or now.
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  14. SamsonMiodek

    SamsonMiodek - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    This x 100. While I love Magic the player, there are literally zero reasons for me to let that fact impact my judgement on him as the GM. I really don't understand why this is being brought up in this context time and time again.
  15. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Magic is quite literally my favorite player ever. But so far his team management has left a lot to be desired. I'm not one that is saying it's bad and it has no hope of changing. If that one dude is correct and Kawhi is Laker bound, and we can swing a trade that sends some kids to NO for AD, then nothing he did before that matters because he would have accumulated 3 of the top 7 players on one roster. Heck, even if he gets just Kawhi, or gets just AD while being able to keep one of our young studs (Kuzma/Ingram/Ball), that's also a win and this season and the head scratching signings can be forgotten.
  16. Khmrp

    Khmrp - Lakers Legend -

    Jun 10, 2016
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    well based on some of his signings its questionable if he even knows how to create a balanced/well fitting team even with 3 stars you still need to get the right guys
    alam1108, sirronstuff and LTLakerFan like this.
  17. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Pretty much the proof of that so far is the talent he let leave the Lakers organization.
    sirronstuff likes this.
  18. vasashi17

    vasashi17 LB's Resident Capologist

    Sep 6, 2014
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    The proof has been there, but y'all want to keep complaing cause at the moment it's all the rage (pun intended). It's a frustrating year and period of time (6 straight seasons that ended in April). But the current FO isn't to blame entirely for it...and to continously pile on is just y'all being extra.

    DLo, Jules, TB, Zu, BLo...all have great games from time to time and then its a retread into why our FO is such a problem. Tell me again, how much playing time were they getting here? MozDeng was brought in after Luke took over, so clearly the previous FO along with Luke wanted those dudes, yet look at their PT? Deng went from playing roughly 33 mins per to 26.5. Moz played all of 20mins per. Those guys were barely 30 years of age at the time, so why the time crunch? Bogut avg 9 mins a game after avg 23mins the season before. We saw the trend continue with BLo. Obviously there was the whole debacle with Jules not getting starter type minutes here. Zu was also getting barely any time. So again, when guys blow up statistically with more playing time elsewhere, how's that on the FO?

    How much usage are they getting exposed to on other teams? DLo is only behind Harden and Booker in usage among guards. DLo, Lou, Jules and JC are top 35 in usage in the league. How much of that ball time would occur around here? Now try to incorporate Bron into it. Recall Zo's 2nd game ever after he was punked by Beverley? He went to Phx and dropped a near 30piece triple double...on a 32% usage rate. Clearly an outlier cause he's on a 16.5% avg usage in his first 2 seasons (nearly half of what DLo is avg). How much is that on Luke (you know the coach that isn't even this FO's hire)? I'm not trying to admonish Luke here and trying to deflect from the thread, but theres alot of elements at play here. The way Pop handled Kawhi, maybe he doesn't want such a strong willed coach like Doc. The Lakers present him with the option of choosing a coach from the available candidates.

    We're sitting on Bron to give us access to AD and potentially Simmons. We have BI, Zo, Kuz, Hart, Moe, Bonga cause of trades (and non-trades) our FO conducted. And we got another max slot that needs occupying. All within 1yr of them taking over.

    They had missteps (BLo, Zu, TB), but nothing erroneous enough to take away from the potential that still exists out there. Once the door slams shut to Kawhi and/or AD, the overkill in critiques of our FO finally holds some weight. Till then, Jerry West shading Laker fans actually holds alot more weight.

    I dont visit the cLipper forums, but around here the cLips FO is applauded for trading away 3 allstars (Cp3, Blake, DJ) for essentially cap space and young assets (see Lakers trading Lou, DLo, Nance, JC for Bron, Kuz, Hart and 1max spot) .

    It's true that we essentially lost Jules, TB and Zu for nothing. Ballmer took over in 2014...can any of you tell me the picks the cLips made and retained over that time?

    As for our FO not pushing harder to make deals for Paula and Kawhi. What about the cLips? They had assets to trade for Paula in in Indy. They had fellow Oklahomian Blake to move in a 3way deal to bring Paula back home, Blake back to his home and Dipo to his alma mater. They doing the same with Kawhi as well in trying to bring him in via free agency rather than sell the house in trading for him from the Spurs.

    Our novice FO gets attacked...yet when the seasoned cLips FO does the very same thing, they're applauded...by Laker fans. That's wild.

    All that being said, if Kawhi chooses us, those same fans will say all is forgiven...and that's the point. We're not buried in hopelessness like we were with the previous regime. There's still hope on the horizon and our current FO put us in that position within a year! Meanwhile Jerry took over in the summer of 2017 (same as Magic/Rob), and during his time, he traded away 3 Allstars (well DJ walked away for nothing) for future capspace (2 max spots if they stretch Gallo), Lou, Harrell, Shamet, SGA, Robinson, a future heavily protected lottery Philly pick and a future unprotected Miami pick.

    I like Jerry West alot! But it's odd how much credit that former Laker great is getting on a Lakers forum while our FO consisting of Magic and Kobe (by Rob proxy) is getting nothing but hate for doing the same exact thing.

    The cLips had alot more trade capital when Jerry came on board. It's nice to make the playoffs, but continuously not making it past the 2nd round of the playoffs isn't really accomplishing anything. We've missed the playoffs 6 straight years now, but in these last 2 seasons, we've lost assets (Jules), but gained one right back (projected top 10 pick this summer), bagged Bron, traded for Kuz and Hart when we didn't have those picks, cleaned our books to gain a max slot and still have Zo and BI who could become better or bring in someone better. We're trying to create a title team...not a playoff team (which we did have this year had we stayed relatively healthy).
  19. Khmrp

    Khmrp - Lakers Legend -

    Jun 10, 2016
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    Jerry West has 3 lotto picks to show from salary dumping Blake (SGA, Robinson and a future unprotected Mia 1st)....while Magic has Kuzma from his salary dumping of Mozgov and the like of Moose Caca, while losing talents like Jules, Dlo, Bryant, Zu, etc....I for one am not the "all is for given" group even with the trade/signings of Kawahi/AD IF we're still a LOSING team....and how anyone gona talk bout "magic is creating a championship contender" when we missed the playoffs for the last 5yrs, going on 6? Its called baby steps, maybe thats why our team is so jacked up looking when injuries happen cause Magic pretty much skipping steps.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2019
    alam1108 and SamsonMiodek like this.
  20. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    That's not an apples to apples comparison. Tobias Harris was a free agent this offseason. They dumped him knowing they weren't going to resign him just like we dumped Zubac knowing we weren't going to resign him. That's where the similarities end because we got zilch in return for Zubac while the Clippers got 2 first rounders in return for Harris. Yes, they traded Blake Griffin, but the second Blake signed that deal, many were calling it an albatross. He got a first rounder from the Pistons and Harris who as previously mentioned turned into two more firsts.

    No one is saying we should have gotten a first rounder for Zubac or something. But we should have been able to squeeze a second rounder out of someone at the very least. I'm saying that right now, Magic has made some moves that no one can defend and that have nothing to do with clearing cap room.

    And I need to ask, because I don't want to assume you are actually saying this, but are you implying that the 10th pick this year is a gained asset that we should be giving Magic and Pelinka credit for? An asset that we gained because they couldn't build a team that could make the playoffs with Lebron James on the roster (albeit for 3/4 of the season)? I mean, they are getting credit for that?
    Toneloc, Cookie, Weezy and 1 other person like this.

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