You don't really see muscular or cut big men. I think they naturally have slower metabolisms. They could still be getting stronger, but the fat probably just doesn't burn off as fast as someone with a freakish metabolism like a Randle or Howard, so they won't technically "look" ripped, but I can definitely see Zu is a lot leaner than he was when we first drafted him. Remember, the kid barely played when we drafted him, got sparse minutes during the season, then finally started seeing some rotation towards the end until he got hurt again. If anything, the only thing we need Zu to focus on his to develop a stronger core and base to hold off stronger players. Work on boxing out and using his length to grab boards.
The fat burn is the obvious progress. He's thinner now than he's ever been with the Lakers. Less doughy. The kid is just 19 or 20 years old with odd levers and a lot of baby fat. Not everyone is going to have physical transformations like Randle who apparently had a truly terrible diet if it took 5 weeks to cut like that (and a hyper metabolism). Look at Russell for a good example: modest, but obvious gains. That's the norm for human growth and fitness, not Karl Malone.
Hard for seven foot nineteen year olds to have impressive physiques. You'll see scrawny or chubby. He's slenderness out, and he looks to have at least some musculature. A guy his size adding a ton of muscle would be a problem. He'd be floor bound and have a ton of weight on his joints.
I am always perplexed by this differentiation between a 6'9" guy and a 7'0" guy. There is a 3 inch difference in height, possibly less in length and even less in weight. Is their metabolism really that much different? Perhaps it is racial thing? I think Zubac doesn't come from "do you even lift, bro?" kind of culture. In Eastern Europe it really isn't a thing, outside of specific circles. Randle have seen people lift daily, probably, his entire life... So...
The difference in size is all about levers so yeah that difference is huge. But I think more than that yes their metabolisms are likely very different. Think the difference between Clarkson and D'Angelo.
With you calling attention to them I had to go look. Hard. Not seeing much to creep me if anything to elicit that. Long as the other 94.675% of she or he looks normal. The toenails? Kind of in shadow not a whole lot to see. No biggee. Whatever sinks your boat.
Factor - 10 pts more for the pale skin. Sirron's been preoccupied of late with his gif work and impending coronation on LB for stud of the month ..... to keep track of conversations where this must be factored in for all the proven reasons.
Did not listen to whole interview as it's 32 minutes, but it is fun. Zu is a great personality. Working hard on getting quicker with his feet, losing fat and getting stronger. About 9 minutes in he talks about his first trip to Disneyland. Didn't want to go himself because he's so recognizable and didn't want all that attention. But he went with Larry, Tarik and Luke recently and loved it. They asked him who was the most scared on the big rides and he cracked on Larry saying he was always screaming. Also they asked him if he and Larry are still playing one on one FIFA and basketball. He said not FIFA lately and he can't get Larry to play him in basketball. They went along and asked if Larry is scared of the sky hook. Zu said nobody wants a part of the sky hook. He worked all last year on it and continues along with now working on the 3 ball so he can help stretch the floor. They asked if he expected to start next year and he said that is what he wants to do and is working to be ready .... (the position is open and no one has it yet). Great kid!
"Oliver Miller would be a great player if he learned to say "no thanks" when offered seconds." -- Charles Barkley
He looks fine to me. Zubac's build reminds me of Kevin Love, who was a doughboy in his college and early NBA days. The muscles will come. Shed the baby fat first.
As long as he keeps improving his lower body, legs or whatever it takes to continue his great balance and positioning, I don't care what his upper body looks like. He might even lose his great touch if he has Karl Malone's biceps lol