To be fair, there aren't many great defensive PG, especially ones who are under 6 feet. His height is a huge detriment on defense, so not much he can do there.
In addition to Battles comment, in no way was this deal about talent for talent. Deals are relative to team needs and while they needed floor talent and chemistry shake-up, we needed cap relief and to retain our core. We would have taken an expiring scrub instead of Thomas and still done this deal. There was nothing else out there. The fact that we got a 1st round pick with the deal instead of including a 1st is a testament to Rob's patience and salesmanship. Believe it. The fact we actually have someone that may contribute for the rest of the year is purely bonus. IT's attitude sure seems to convey his willingness to contribute. Let's not forget this man averaged (rounded) 29/6/3 last year . He has not had a chance to get his legs back yet. He will, and his attitude is positive now, getting cut by the C-Bags was crushing. I could care less if he starts if it means holding back our core and screw his agent on the "starting" comments. Who cares? We hold ALL the cards on him. It is in his benefit to perform for more reasons than resigning with us which isn't very likely. We were screaming at our FO for missing on signing on him before, let's take this as a good karma. I'm amazed we got this deal done. I now do not doubt Rob's ability to "somehow" find a way to off Deng too. There is an obvious lucky vibe to our organization now since certain people got their walking papers. And yes, I consider the tampering fines part of our good luck. All part of the plan.
He was pretty unstoppable in the right role. I’m curious to see how Luke uses his talents, if he complains a lot, and if he starts to get his game back.
^...doesn't mess with the chemistry of the starting five (for now) and he replicates Clarkson's scoring off the pine maybe even better at it.
IT probably won't stick here unless its a stop-gap for 2019, but I really do hope he gets to find a new home and a lucrative enough contract to make him and his pops happy. Being that his pops is a crazy Lakers fan (named IT off a lost bet with a friend...who does that?) and had to endure his boy playing for the dreaded C Bags and see how that scumbag organization did his boy thereafter....I really am sympathetic and hoping IT does well after this season, regardless if he sticks or not. Due to his physical basketball deficiencies, its really easy to root for the underdog.
not sure how luke plans on playing both he and lonzo at the same time but once zo gets back play lonzo at the 2? doesn't seem like a good situation for zo
Depends what link your watching... also haha Lonzo appreciating the IT assist knocking Miles' shot off during their regular shooting game between Zo & Kuz and Miles & Shaw
no matter when IT plays, it will certainly limit us defensive in the aspect of we won't be able to switch all like we normally like to.