then it wont be here imo....if hes looking to start n make north of 15+, only bad teams or up and coming ones can afford that sort of offer
IT came to Boston when they were a 40 win team and barely made the playoffs. His mvp seasons they were the 1st seed with 53 wins. So I think he backs himself to add wins. That’s what an MVP caliber player can do and he seems himself as one.
Bos coach designed the whole O to cater to IT and had a bunch of schemes and players that could hide him defensively.....its not a coincedence, guys like Bradley, Crowder have all looked like crap since being traded away from Bos
No doubt, that’s what a good coach does... I don’t get your point? Yes Brad Stevens designed a system to take advantage of IT. But no one averages 29/6 and torches every team in the 4th quarter like IT last year if they aren’t a top shelf player. If it’s just the coach why isn’t Kyrie having a better season than IT last year? He is averaging 24/5 and based off their play recently they might not beat their record last year? What if they get bounced before the WCF as well?
Better team this year, addition of Tatum, improvement of Brown, no need for Kyrie to put up as many points. It’s still not that big of a difference in points when you factor in IT took and made at least one more 3 per game than Kyrie does, Kyrie goes to the hoop more. Also, C Bags probably lose to the Bulls in round one last year if Rondo doesn’t get injured. I give him major credit for playing through the death of his sister and his injury, but IMO the C Bags with IT as their main guy were fools gold. Again, almost lost to the Bulls, beat the Wizards because they choked in game 7. I think IT burned bright and fast, and now beat up and not what he was. I think he got all the MVP play out of that small body he was ever going to get and I’d never give him big money now with his scoring diminished and him being strictly a 1-way player.
I can appreciate your breakdown. I tend to agree on a lot of points. I think most teams are fools gold with only one star player. So I don’t put that exclusively on IT. The points on the bulls and wizards is kind of moot - because it played out a certain way and IT still got his team to the WCF. Boston is struggling offensively so I don’t buy that Kyrie doesn’t need to score more. I just don’t think there is a huge difference between them offensively with IT in last years form. I wouldn’t pay current IT, but we have a third of a season to see what he has. If he gets back to MVP level, we have to consider it after seeing Lebron and PG’s interest.
I’d sign him for a 6th man role with the MLE. I wouldn’t even give him Clarkson money though, no way, he’s a 1 way player that leaves the team always 4 on 5 on D. If his body never recovers from that hip injury and he can’t jump like he used to that’s even worse, then you have a slowed down 30 year old 5’9 guy. I am very glad to finally have a player that can make clutch free throws though.
I like that he looks for and creates for the bigs on pick and rolls. He makes a player like Zubac effective for us, and I think that’s huge. I’d probably give him a Clarkson deal if he stays healthy, but too soon to say.
He clearly made a mistake playing injured last season . He can't turn the corner as he used to , this is why he's not the same player , not coaching . As Weezy said it's good to have an authomatic closer from the FT line
We play slower when he's out there. Besides that outlet to Randle for that hammer dunk he doesn't look to push it.
feel like barea is better than post hip injury thomas. i think if the lakers strike out in FA, thomas might get a sizable one-year offer from them (like kcp last year).
I think everyone is grossly underestimating how good IT was last year. It wasn't ALL Brad don't put up 29/6/3 and be a Top 5 MVP candidate without being pretty godo yourself. He is still recovering from that hip injury...that's the real issue at hand. Once he gets healthier...look the hell out. I like that he has accepted the bench role for now though. He will be HUGE for our 2nd unit and he'll be closing out games for us. Keep in mind we'll need him to close games at the FREE THROW LINE...something our team hasn't been able to do.
Still pissed and contemplating legal action against Boing Vert for adds like at the start here that they used footage of me and then screwed me with no money for my contributions. But that's another story .....