The Danny Green we signed and wishing for will show up in closing game as a farewell present. Positive vibes, two birds one stone thing...
Just two more games where the Lakers need you to shoot 40% from three... can you do that Danny Green? Please?
LOL. Durant’s got one too now. That’s where Kyrie was saying the “Kevin and he were coaches too stuff”
Danny Green is this type of vet. And he is inciting this type of reaction in us. Damn it Danny Green I kid and hope this can provoke that one or two great performances you have in your old but ultra smooth body, before we trade you for that elusive third piece who can score, shoot and make magic rainbows and marshmallows when he poops. Always willing to eat Crow if it means those last couple of wins.
I felt all year like he lost focus on what got him this opportunity. The Green Room is offensive if you aren't going the thing that gave you the opportunity for that forum in the first place. Forum members told me all year he was playing great defense, but i wasn't really seeing it. I'm completely ok with him getting some heat right now. People paid that much need to be held accountable for results. We don't need another Deng on the payroll. Completely overpaid this year.
As I mentioned in Game Time, this is not even worth discussing at this point. Let's just beat them and see what we're going to get for him afterwards. He'll play, he'll continue to start.
Just 1 good game DG, 1. That's all I'm asking for..... so we can put some highlight reel together to trade you.
Serious Green the worse starting laker player in the finals off all time? I never seen any of the 80s chip team so i cant comment there but as far as the 3pt n the b2b team, I cant think of any starters worse than him on those teams
Taking out the obvious ones position wise... Frank Selvy, Gail Goodrich, Norm Nixon, Byron Scott, Derek Fisher. Answer is: Yes.