“Paraphernalia” …. roach clip, bong or volcano? …. hey I only know these things from having worked at a record company.
I would pay decent money for some merch with that mugshot. Maybe bundle it in with a Carushow branded grinder?
I don't mind people smoking weed... but I do when pro athletes do. If you want to be great at your craft, you don't smoke anything.
No worries about losing Laker endorsements. Weed just makes you want Jack in the Box tacos even more.
historic bust... news at 11 edit: as i am on the east coast now, i received this news a bit later in the evening... so i had to blink my eyes a few times and double-check what i had just read... a grinder in your bag? does it get any more classic than that?
oh, hogwash, as long as it is in moderation. For all you know, Kobe and MJ smoked occasionally. Honest truth, I used to smoke when I was in my 20's but ended out not liking the smoke in my lungs. I took a break, got married and my wife ended out working for the federal government so I quit all together and haven't smoked in closed to 2 decades. Last time I tried some, I did not even like it, so I am done with it. The thing is, my lungs cannot handle it at all, and it screws my sinus' up. All that being said, it is stupid that it is illegal and I know many hard working, bright, successful people who smoke it for various reasons. Who cares what they do? I don't. It gets down to body rights. If you can do something and function well within society, then who cares??? All that being said, I am considering moving to a place where pot is a felony. LOL, but since I don't smoke it anymore, not too worried. I don't think the league cares much and I don't think anyone in LA cares at all, so ................