This is about to get very ugly unfortunately for Toronto and Bron will get plenty of rest while they play real basketball in the western conference.
They really need to start seeding teams by overall record disregarding conferences now. Just ridiculous how easy of a road lebrons teams get every year. Only team that actually had the chance to beat them in the east was Miami but at full health. Of course injuries happened but still. There should at least be a few teams that would make the top team sweat. If the NBA doesn't want to do the overall record seeds. Then at least switch them Texas teams to the east with maybe Chicago and Indiana to the west.
I'm just glad it's not a Bron-Wade bromance in the ECF. I want to root for the Raptors this series... but their backcourt can get wildly inconsistent in a flash. I'll give them maybe 2 games in this series and that's it. At least don't let Lebron have another cakewalk to the Finals.
If the Raps can win a game, i'll be more than surprised. Even though the East sucks, Cavs are a realy good team. Won't be shocked if they take it all
I haven't seen much of Ezeli, so watching him now during game 1 against OKC. Saw my first Biyombo extended time viewing in the close out game. Knee jerk reaction as follows: You guys are concerned about Ezeli's being able to stay on the court and away from injury playing big minutes. Has questionable knees and is 26. Biyombo looks like a well put together in his legs .... much better athlete that runs the floor and is a beast on defense, with great hands and PnR possibilities at only 23 years of age. What am I missing. Why would we consider Ezeli over Biyombo. Is he a lot more skilled shooting, passing or handling the ball? That much more to compensate for Biyombo being this young stud of an athletic center who is only 23 with lots of room to hone his game if he's a worker? Again, knee jerk and don't really know Ezeli, but I loved what I saw out of Biyombo. Who else sees it that way?
^^ I'm with you LT. I like Biyombo a lot. I think the problem people see is he is going to get PAID now big time. I'd still be happy to have him though. I like what I see from him. I don't want Ezeli after the knee problems.
I'll just quote myself rather than re-type it. Cavs should just be automatically advanced to the Finals, yawn.
I'd give this year's Lakers team 2 games against the 2-7 seeds of the Eastern Conference in a 7 game series. Seriously these teams have been TERRIBLE. Not even the games against the Cavs, those teams have looked God awful when playing against each other. Hell Portland is probably sitting in the ECF right now and they are the 5th seed out West. It's pathetic. Anybody that I hear saying the East has improved, it's more competitive I just give the stink eye. Yea they look better in the regular season, but come playoff team the 7 other teams aside from CLE look like absolute crap. It's a joke. The level of basketball between the East/West is night and day. I would give maybe a game to this year's Lakers team vs the West squads aside from Memphis. These clowns didn't even guard anyone tonight and they ran all ISO long 2's. I'm so disappointed for the game of basketball that the 2nd best team in the East looks this bad. My God change the playoff format. The East is just a hot steamy pile of s*** year in and year out. I don't care what anyone says, the East is hasn't gotten better when it counts.
I really hope they change the playoff format soon. Needs to be by record 1-16. 1 plays 8, 9 plays 16 and so on and so on.
I do still believe the East was improved the problem was Cleveland was still so far above the competition and none of those teams outside of the Miami Heat really were equipped to make a deep playoff run. I still fully believe Miami could've given the Cavaliers a fight if Hassan and Chris had been healthy.