Dragic is a very good player, he just isn't worth what he makes, same as many players that will be overpaid this summer. Same with players like Parsons and some others that got overpaid because max is what it is for players in a starved market.
I hate to say it, but the Cavs look like they could win the title, even over the Spurs, Thunder and Warriors. They peaked at the right time and it annoys me.
Their fans were probably ready to toss him overboard with his turnover at the end of the game. Pretty impressive they have managed to stay relevant and be transitioning to the next generation of players though. San Antonio-esque.
Well, DeRozan finally had another good game. So far he's had one per series and pretty terrible ball otherwise. Maybe he turns the corner now but I'm not holding my breath. I still feel like Miami could win this.
This series is going to 7, and honestly its such a boring series. I'm just watching it scouting potential Laker FA acquisitions.
I hope Miami wins Game 7 and faces the Cavaliers. If they somehow pulled off that upset that would be awesome and hilarious. There's always a chance of LeCasper reappearing especially against his former team.
To get back to the Eastern Conference Finals with no Bosh or Lebron? That would be very impressive actually.
I HATED Wade during the Shaqami era, but now I'm a fan and I don't think he gets the credit he deserves. What he is doing with the Heat in these playoffs is huge.
Me, too. I do think what he's doing now is impressive, but I'll stop short of saying "huge" just because the competition absolutely sucks. If the Heat were able to get through this round and challenge the Cavs, then I would be mightily impressed.