Discussion in 'NBA Discussion' started by LaVarBallsDad, May 27, 2015.
Curry trying to fire up Klay.
Chef Curry cooking and feeding
Warriors in the penalty now...
Yes that was a kick ball.
That was also a back court/
6 minutes seem like forever
Idiots, he was fouled three times in that sequence. Talking about the announcers.
It's okay they missed the shove by Bron on Iggy. A very strangely reffed game.
This is gonna be a finish
Scott Foster is an interesting ref...
Backcourt = must see replay. LeBron shoves Iggy = no replay.
All right. GS just needs to keep their foot on the gas but still play smart. Finish this!
Iggy should be MVP of the finals.
Just play smart from here on out.
He's been amazing, but I honestly think it's more likely they give it to Lebron than Iggy.
James don't want it!
Beautiful stuff right now.
That's five for Klay just when he was starting to wake up. Bad night for him.