Discussion in 'NBA Discussion' started by LaVarBallsDad, May 27, 2015.
Big shot from Iggy
Iggy for MVP
Oh my!!
Gettin Iggy with it!
I bet we get Bulldozer-Bron for the rest of this game.
OMG Curry.
That was effing disgusting.
The MVP has returned.
Curry's a bad mutha*****
Steph mother effin Curry! Where you at Delly!
Chef Curry. My god he embarrassed Dirty D there. Let's go!!!!!!
Anyone doubting Steph now?
IGGY does not follow through on his fts, thats why he's so bad.
Chef Curry, those slow mo replays, whew!
Mark Jackson, what are you saying - contact all night long that he is actually creating.
Yikes 1-9.
Come on Iggy. Got to make one of these.