Curry, Livingston, Iggy, Barbosa, Ezeli; keep them in; although, Curry might rest the start of the 4th quarter.
Are you kidding me? Why did Ezeli wait so long to pass it up? On another topic, not sure what Kerr can do to stem this tide. The players have to play with heart as mentioned by Ras and others. Otherwise there's not much the coach can do.
Well, there's nothing you can do in this particular game, but you have to find some positive to take out of it, right? So, right now, you have find a combination(s) that could work on the floor for extended periods of time.
Agreed. At a certain point, it's not about shooting or schemes or anything. It's about a gut level desire. Cavs are playing with it. GS is not.
This really hurts Curry's momentum as one of the best and brightest in the game. The best shooter ever title everyone was throwing around has to be revoked. Reggie, Ray Ray or anyone of the other great shooters wouldn't get punked like this. They're forcing him where they want him. Great shooters get to their spots, if they miss it then or it's a bad look, that's still got to where you wanted to go. Dirtyadova is going to earn himself a massive pay day from this series. This reminds me of all the bum PGs that got massive contracts thanks to Fish in the playoffs (I'm looking at you Minnesota)
The series isn't over yet. I'll wait to de-anoint him until then. But agreed, if he doesn't recover he can't be the GOAT shooter of all time.
Just riding the box score today say can't comment too much. It looks like I made the right decision not to watch. Oh well academically it is good for me, I can go back to studying for exams and not be too frustrated. GSW looked small and scared in parts of game 1, I hope this is not the trend that will anoint the chosen one, the best ever.