You're right Ras, but Klay doing the same thing. Granted he's been on fire this game so it's forgivable. It's just the combo of three times down in a row that are one and done long shots with no one rebounding. I like it when more guys touch the ball on GS.
Pains me to say it, but if LBJ can lead this pile of crap team to a ring, it would be an amazing feat. Astounding.
Well, GS is going to have to find their cajones. Didn't box out dirty D and let him beat you. Weak. Then missing what should have been the finishing touch. Curry is going to have to get himself together.
I'm truly upset that Curry has let Dirty D make a folk hero out of himself. Disgusting. Lack of heart from GS.
Horrible shooting game by curry,i dont expect him to plqy that way again so i stil give them advantage over cle...but this game was set point and basicly match point for them... They couldnt control the ball after green block and then they let deladova to grab ofensive rebound...
What the f*** was that? Curry was a massive liability out there tonight. Outside of his FTs, he was awful on D, even worse shooting, and he didn't learn. If you aren't hitting then attack, attack, attack, and keep attacking. How do you ignore Klay for that long when he's your best player tonight? Kerr, what were you thinking? Inexperience was on full display tonight. It was the one game in Bron's playoff career where he didn't get the calls down the stretch and they still blow it. Also, hats off to Green. He had a huge OT on both sides of the ball. Now Cleveland goes home with all the momentum and are the favorites to win game 3.
Curry's not gonna shoot that bad again. Live by the 3, die by the 3. Cavs are playing with house money (took home court and no one expects them to win). However, in the end, the better team will prevail. I hate LeBron as much as everyone on Earth should, but I gotta give it up to him. he's a one man show out there. Playing great, even if he still lacks that clutch gene.
2 crap games in a row for GSW....Could be 3,4 I guess...Kerr should have played Lee and tell the guys there are other options then 3pt on offense. If you cannot win against cavs with half their line up injured and them shooting 32%FG, they you S*CK....
If the Cavs win this series they might be the worst roster to ever win an NBA title. GS should be ashamed of themselves, Cavs aren't just going to concede the title because Love and Irving are out.