In summer league, we already saw some improved ball movement. The new coaching staff will improve us in that area. Unfortunately bad habits will die hard and isoball which is the hallmark of boron's Foxholeball will take some time to shake off. I think at worst we're a 30 win team and at best we're a 45 win team. That's a wide margin but it's so difficult to tell how far we'll progress and how long it will take to get the coaching staff to get the guys to unlearn all the bad habits they picked up under Mike Brown's Le-Iso offense aka give Kobe the Ball at the Top of the Key offense, Damfony's Ball Finds no D system and Boron's Fistfights and Foxholes dysfunction. In other words, I have no idea what will happen next season.
Luke>Byron = 10 wins Russell/Randle/Clarkson/Nance maturation = 5 wins Ingram/Zublocka = 2 wins Deng/Mozgov/Calderón = 3 wins I'm going with 37 +\- 5
They only had a year under Sergeant Scott and it looks like everything is positive vibes wise. None of them had the Potato Head and Bumpkin experience. It will still be tough sledding but there is a learning curve. Once they experience winning and noting their progress both individually as well as a collective, confidence should grow then they will go from there. Russell, Randle, Clarkson and Nance seem to be a tough minded group after the circus they went through last season...