To Serve And Protect

Discussion in 'Politics, Religion and Philosophy -(FORUM CLOSED)-' started by Barnstable, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. revgen

    revgen - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    That's a silly law. I always drive at freeway speeds on the onramp. When a car is going below freeway speeds while coming on the onramp, it increases the chances of an accident. Drivers in the freeway lane have to slam their breaks to avoid hitting the slow car coming off the ramp.
    therealdeal and John3:16 like this.
  2. PosterFormerlyKnownAs_MC

    PosterFormerlyKnownAs_MC - Rookie -

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    yup..... kind of said that to the officer while explaining the rule in Ontario, Canada as my explanation.
  3. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    You don't see the parallels/irony here?

    I feel the same way when I see someone that isn't black talking about how racism isn't a big factor in our everyday life.

    As you might say about policing "walk a mile in our shoes, before judging"... but you can't
    Kingsama and John3:16 like this.
  4. davriver209

    davriver209 - Rookie -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Well I'm a minority (Hispanic), and I have experienced racism, so yes, I can talk about it... My issues with all this anti-police rhetoric is that there is this false belief that the police institution is designed to target blacks, kill them and oppress them. As Sheriff Clarke says... "don't fix the police, fix the ghettos."

    Now I agree there is some problem when a large population of hispanics and blacks being in poverty, and being a majority when it comes to being arrested for different crimes and becoming stuck in the justice system... But, that's a societal problem, not a police problem. The police just have to deal with the dirty outcomes from failed urban policies that have created and sustained these ghettos...

    And Barnstable, Blacks aren't the only ones who were discriminated against.... There are Asians, Mexicans, and right now, in the present, Whites are being discriminated against....
  5. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Right now in Milwaukee, I don't understand the protests (riots). They haven't seen the video. Witnesses say he had a gun in his hand. That's a huge problem right there. No cop with an ounce of common sense is gonna let anyone (black, white, or blue) stand there with a gun for very long. Drop the gun or option B. The cop being black seems to be irrelevant. The facts aren't out yet. If he wasn't doing anything and was killed for no good reason, I'll be the first to say it's wrong (see the NY guy who was choked to death saying he couldn't breathe. I had a huge problem with that, as well as the kid shot in the back in a park and a gun was planted by the cop). But everyone needs to let the facts come out. Or else we have another Mike Brown situation.

    I'd like for the Milwaukee police to release the video. Not sure the hold-up, but doesn't look good for the police that they haven't released it yet.
  6. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Yeah, I know you're Hispanic. I didn't say this because I thought you were a white guy, I said it because I don't feel you put enough stock into racism being a factor here. I'm black, but I'm like Rick Fox colored, so I don't even get as much racism directed at me as I see directed at my friends that are darker. So my point isn't that you don't know what racism is, my point is that you don't know what it's like to be black, because the racism we get is different, and yes, often worse than Hispanics because there's a longer history there, and we can't pass as white for the most part (don't know if you can or not).

    Both of those thoughts are wrong IMO. The police institution is not designed to target blacks kill and oppress them as a whole, but it absolutely is intended to do that in some areas of the country. As I've said, every department is different, and should not be held accountable for other departments, but some are out and out racist and do target blacks. Some departments have been shut down because of the number of racist civil liberties law suites against them. Some cities decided it's cheaper to disband the departments because the cops keep violating the rights of people of color.

    I'm not talking about most departments, but there is a problem there that is not due to ghetto crime.

    It's not even close to an equivalent or similar amount of occurrence, or impact on people's lives. Default for what's preferred and acceptable culturally and ethnically in this country is still white. Default for what's maligned and considered lower and dangerous is still black. Everybody else falls somewhere in between for most discriminatory categories.

    And by the way, this is an example of what I'm talking about when I say police have a choice and choose to kill black people way easier than they do white people:

    "Florida College Student Kills Couple, Eats Victim’s Face, Officials Say

    The 19-year-old had no apparent relationship to his victims and the attack seemed to be “completely random,” the sheriff said.

    posted on Aug. 16, 2016, at 7:06 p.m.
    Ema O'Connor

    BuzzFeed News Reporter
    reported. He took Advanced Placement classes in the International Baccalaureate program at school.


    A 19-year-old Florida State University student was having dinner with his family Monday night in Tequesta, Florida, when he got angry, stormed out of the restaurant, killed two people, then ate a victim’s face, officials said.

    Moments after Austin Harrouff left the restaurant, police responded to a 911 call of a stabbing attack and arrived to find the teen biting off part of a dead man’s face in the driveway of a Tequesta couple’s home, officials said. The man’s wife was found dead in the garage and a neighbor suffered multiple stab wounds.

    Harrouff was charged with a double homicide and taken to a nearby hospital, where he remained in an unconscious state. Police and hospital workers have completed some tests, but have not yet found any evidence of drug use.

    “He had no criminal record … he was a good kid,” Martin County Sheriff William Snyder told reporters Tuesday, adding that Harrouff had no apparent relationship to his victims and that the attack seemed to be “completely random.”

    The victims were later identified as John Joseph Stevens, 59, and his wife, Michelle Karen Mishcon, 53. They left behind a daughter, Ivy Stevens.

    “There’s not one thing in this case that seems to make sense,” Snyder added, shaking his head. “We grasp to get our footing and try to understand what happened and why … but we can’t.”

    What doesn’t make sense to police is that Harrouff does not fit the typical description of a deranged murderer. He was a star high school football player and an excellent student, the Miami Herald reported. He took Advanced Placement classes in the International Baccalaureate program at school.

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    Harrouff was home for the weekend in Tequesta, visiting family with some of his Alpha Delta Phi fraternity brothers, Snyder told reporters.

    The teen was eating dinner with his family in a local sports bar when he grew enraged by something — possibly the slow service, Snyder conjectured — and stormed out.

    He then walked a few blocks, in the direction of his father’s house, and came across Stevens and Mischon sitting in their garage with the door open, an evening habit of theirs, neighbors told police.

    He allegedly attacked the couple, using multiple weapons, including a knife and other blunt objects, killing them both. “There was a lot of violence in that garage,” Snyder said.

    A neighbor attempted to stop Harrouff, but the teen turned to him and said, “You don’t want any of this,” before attacking him with a knife, police said. The neighbor got away and called 911. He is currently undergoing surgery with non-life threatening injuries.

    When deputies arrived they found Harrouff crouched over Stevens, “making animals noises,” and “grunting and growling,” Snyder said.

    After attempting to subdue Harrouff with a stun gun and K-9 to no effect, three to four police officers managed to pull the college sophomore from the body, placed him under arrest, and eventually sedated him.

    Tequesta, Florida in 2015. Lynne Sladky / AP

    Snyder said though preliminary tests have found no drugs in Harrouff’s system, he “wouldn’t be surprised” if more in depths tests find evidence of Flakka — technically known as alpha-PVP — a strong, synthetic, psychoactive stimulant similar to “bath salts.”

    The attack recalls the infamous 2012 Florida case where a man named Rudy Eugene ate a homeless man’s face. Although Eugene was widely rumored to have taken bath salts, police found only marijuana in his system. Eugene’s victim survived."

    Do you really believe if the police found this kid standing over two dead bodies eating one of their faces off that they would have first tried to taze him and send in the K9 if he wasn't white? You think they would have taken him into custody if he was black? Story after story of the police taking in white murderers caught in the middle of the act and still safely taking them into custody without even ruffing them up is the reason Black Lives matter exists.

    Add one more to the list of mass murdering white people apprehended safely:

    Last edited: Aug 17, 2016
  7. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    The public at large doesn't trust the police anymore, and it's up to the police to change that perception. That's why there will be riots, because they don't think they can believe what the police say happened. I don't know about this one myself, but they need to release the video footage if it exonerates the cops, if they want this to go away.
  8. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    "Here Are 7 White People Who Pointed Guns at Cops and Didn’t Get Killed
    Tom Cahill | July 7, 2016FacebookTwitter

    In the wake of the videotaped police slayings of two black men on opposite sides of the country this week, it’s worth noting that white people, even when armed, get kid-gloves treatment from police in comparison to African Americans.

    Alton Sterling was killed by Baton Rouge police for allegedly waving a gun, but video evidence shows Sterling never reached for his weapon, but he was shot multiple times at point-blank range while subdued anyway.

    And in Minnesota, Philando Castile was shot and killed during a routine traffic stop after reaching for his ID. Even though Castile was armed, he had a license to carry, his gun was registered, and he never threatened the officer with his gun.

    However, white people on multiple occasions have gotten away with pointing guns directly at police, yet somehow survived the encounter. Here are seven instances where white privilege allowed armed and dangerous people to brandish weapons at police officers.

    1. White woman in body armor shoots randomly into traffic

    In January of 2015, Julia Shields went on a shooting rampage in Chattanooga, Tennessee, firing randomly at cars and people as she drove by, clad in body armor. Shields reportedly held her gun out of her driver side window as if it were a cigarette, even firing upon a nearby car at a stop sign, disabling the car’s radiator. When police were called, she led them on a chase, during which she pointed her weapon at the pursuing officers. Despite the imminent danger, Shields was “taken into custody without incident or injury.”

    2. White men shoot up Walmart with a BB gun

    In 2014, two drunk white men walked into an Idaho Walmart, opened and loaded up two BB guns, and started shooting randomly. According to local police, the two men had been making comments about how they were going to “shoot up” the store before the incident occurred. However, law enforcement agencies were able to set up a perimeter and apprehend the two men peacefully. This is a stark contrast to how police treated John Crawford III.

    Crawford was killed inside an Ohio Walmart while holding an air rifle and talking to his wife on the phone. Police didn’t even give Crawford a chance to put down the rifle, killing him almost instantly after encountering him. Crawford never pointed the rifle at anyone, and the surveillance video above shows he never pointed it at the officers.

    3. White man shoots at police conducting traffic stop with BB gun

    In September of 2014, 22-year-old Jesse Deflorio fired a BB gun at police while they were in the midst of conducting a traffic stop in downtown Concord, New Hampshire. A year before, Deflorio had been arrested for firing a BB gun at a random driver. Despite the aggressive behavior toward police, Deflorio was only charged on one count of reckless conduct. However, 12-year-old Tamir Rice was killed instantly by police for simply playing in a park with a toy gun.

    Rice, who had been playing in the park without incident, was killed by Cleveland police officer Timothy Loehmann seconds after he arrived on the scene. While surveillance camera footage didn’t capture audio, the time between Loehmann’s arrival and Rice getting shot was only seconds apart, meaning the 12-year-old was never given the opportunity to put down the gun. Rice died of gunshot wounds the following day.

    4. Drunk white guy points rifle at police, calls for revolution
    Kalamazoo police never once shot at 63-year-old Joseph Houseman during a 40-minute armed standoff in a Dairy Queen parking lot in Michigan. Even though Houseman was brandishing an assault rifle and taunting police, calling them a “gang” and shouting about “revolution,” police still managed to de-escalate the situation without firing a single shot at Houseman. The bizarre audio of the standoff shows Houseman felt entitled to threaten the officers present:

    HOUSEMAN: I can threaten you. I can threaten your family. I didn’t threaten your family; I said I could.

    POLICE: You said a war was coming.

    HOUSEMAN: I didn’t say a war was coming.

    POLICE: You said a revolution is coming.

    HOUSEMAN: Think about it. You know it is.

    Houseman, an open carry advocate, had his gun returned to him by local police the very next day, and he apologized for his actions. Ironically, Houseman complained that he was “losing his rights,” which apparently caused him to initiate the armed standoff. He was not charged with any crimes.

    5. White man points loaded gun at police and small children
    In 2014, 46-year-old Lance Tamayo survived an encounter with San Diego SWAT officers in a local park, despite waving a loaded 9mm pistol at police and child bystanders. Tamayo refused officers’ orders to put down his weapon, eventually charging at them with his gun pointed.

    Tamayo was shot in the stomach as he rushed officers. After a 15-minute conversation between Tamayo and police on his cellphone, Tamayo agreed to surrender. In 2015, he was sentenced to 180 days in jail on a charge of exhibiting a firearm in the presence of a peace officer, along with three years of probation.

    6. Texas man points handgun at police during DUI stop
    In January of 2015, 25-year-old Jed Frazier drove his truck off of the road and into a ditch in Pennsylvania while driving intoxicated. When officers responded, Frazier refused orders to unlock his doors. After police attempted to force the doors open, Frazier pointed a handgun in their direction. The car windows were broken, and Frazier was eventually removed from his car and arrested with only minor injuries, likely sustained in the crash.

    This is a stark contrast to what happened Wednesday, when Minnesota police killed Philando Castile.

    Castile’s girlfriend livestreamed the aftermath of the shooting, in which Castile is seen bleeding severely from gunshot wounds sustained during a routine traffic stop. Castile was reportedly shot after reaching for his ID. While Castile had a weapon in his possession, he had a license to carry a firearm, and informed the officer of the firearm after he was pulled over.

    7. White man survives armed standoff with Phoenix police
    In 2014, Phoenix, Arizona, firefighters went to the apartment of 53-year-old Stephen Whitlock to conduct a welfare check. After receiving no answer when knocking on the door, firefighters prepared to leave when Whitlock suddenly opened the door, pointing a gun at the firefighters. Whitlock barricaded himself inside his apartment, and police engaged in an hour-long standoff with him before finally storming the apartment and taking Whitlock into custody.

    However, police in St. Louis treated Kajime Powell, a 25-year-old black man, very differently in a similar situation. Powell, who was armed with a knife and not a gun, was killed after he refused officers’ orders to drop his weapon. Powell’s hands were at his sides when he was shot, and he was not within striking distance of the officers.

    These multiple cases make it clear that there’s a definitive double standard in how police treat armed white people vs. armed black people. And it also proves that the standard police excuse of fearing for one’s life is tailor-made to justify the killing of black people, while white people are always given the benefit of the doubt."
  9. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    ^^^ this article says video shows Sterling never reached for his gun. Also says he was subdued. I disagree with that. Otherwise, on point.
    Barnstable likes this.
  10. davriver209

    davriver209 - Rookie -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Again, you can nitpick all you want to believe or legitimize the narrative that has been created.... But again, from a millions of encounters, millions, and thousands of violent encounters, you nitpick the ones that went bad, involving black males... I'm sure there are tons I can nitpick from to counter your argument, but it'll just be a back and forth that'd never end.... So I'll just pick this one only cause it came across my FB feed.

    A black male, on parole carjacked someone and led officers on a dangerous pursuit. During the pursuit, he unloaded his pistol and pursuin officers even striking one... He ended up surrendering, without officers killing him... And those officers, were all white...
  11. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

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    Because he threw out his gun and showed his hands. If he got out with his gun in his hand it'd be a different story.
    Barnstable likes this.
  12. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    The preliminary process to becoming a cop out here includes 2 steps. The C.H.I.P physical test, and the Connecticut Police Chief's Association written test.

    I just took the written test on Saturday. You need at least 70% to pass, and I just got my grade, 80.05%


    So step 1 is complete. On to the physical test next month.
  13. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Man, on the one hand I wish you the best of luck, Barns, and on the other I'm genuinely scared for you now. I hope for your safety and well being with this profession, same with you, davriver.
    gcclaker and Barnstable like this.
  14. davriver209

    davriver209 - Rookie -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    So as I type this, I'm at a homicide scene letting our technicians process the scene... We arrived here after we got reports of shots fired, it's really bad neighborhood, predominantly black and full of gangs....

    We get here, family is a mess, everyone is screaming... We get inside and find a guy shot. We render first aid, dude is dead already but we try. While we're rendering first aid, we're trying to keep a hoard of people from over taking the apartment, we have pretty large males trying to rush us and get inside, so it's pretty hectic

    Meanwhile, other units finally arrive and begin to look for a crime scene, while doing so, more neighbors show up and begin yelling and screaming at us that we're useless pigs, and that this is why they hate us, because we don't do anything for them.

    So while we're trying to do all this, we have to gather information on what happened since all we have is a dude shot. Medics arrive and I begin to question the hoard of people that were obviously present at the time of the incident... No one saw anything, no one heard anything, no one knows what happened. And others just cursed us out and insulted us.

    After getting several more units there we were finally able to gain control of the scene and push everyone back and away...

    Thought I'd share this little thing with you guys since it's a common occurance here in my hometown.... And also gives you an insider perspective of how these homicide incidents play out for us a lot of timeS. By the way, we end up finding out that someone from within the apartment also had a gun and fire back at the suspects, so more than likely someone picked up the gun and walked away with it... There's still a crowd here and no doubt one of them has it... But due to California law, we just can't grab anyone...
    John3:16, Barnstable and Kingsama like this.
  15. Kingsama

    Kingsama - Rookie -

    Oct 10, 2014
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    Lost in thought...
    And living in that reality is not a "luxury" that most Monday morning quarterbacks have ever had...
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2016
    Barnstable likes this.
  16. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    I know that's a reality of being a cop. Thanks for sharing
  17. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    This is ridiculous

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  18. gcclaker

    gcclaker Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Agree and +1...being in law enforcement is a difficult profession. That story on the Florida teen? That is some crazy s**t. What the hell?
    Barnstable likes this.
  19. davriver209

    davriver209 - Rookie -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Jesus.... how are they gonna explain this one? These are one of the instances that I can say that they screwed up big time. What was the want? Did it need a felony stop? I saw them punch him, but what for? These East Coast departments seriously need to come to the westcoast and see how policing is done....
    revgen and Barnstable like this.
  20. gcclaker

    gcclaker Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Barns & either one of you down the line have some aspiration to be a detective?

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