zzzzzzzzzzz Not a great episode. The Finale looks fun, but after the hot start the last few episodes haven't been as exciting.
after the first few episodes this season has really not been great. this storyline with the hospital has been really boring imo, i just don't care about it
Rick goes into the city for 5 minutes in season 1 - Completely surrounded This season comes around and everyone is just going to move in and out no problem in vehicles? This part of the season is so bad for a few reasons.... 1.) Beth is the main character 2.) Who cares about these bad guys? 3.) Atlanta went from being overrun, to housing these people that can move in and out freely without problems 4.) The group leaves Atlanta to only return to Atlanta a year or so later - Same setting = Boring 5.) The splitting into groups leaves no room for character development for the new "bad guys", going back to point 2. It was ok splitting the groups after the prison because that made sense. Within 5 minutes, the group said no splitting up after the Terminus exit, to being split in 3 groups. 6.) How long have they been out surviving and they are still falling for the compassionate unknown turned bad. Sasha and that whole group would be on high alert in enemy territory for something as simple as that escape to happen. They have this whole free world to work with and they are stuck with a season 1 story line? (Glenn taken by the Latino/Mexicans, exchange for hostage) Season started off with a bang, now it's a complete lack of creativity.
Spoiler i think that was the first time i actually felt a sense of loss from someone being killed off
Well that sucks... Spoiler Rick should have just shot Lerner in the head, as soon as she made a demand for Noah: Lerner: Now I just need Noah. *Rick stops walking, takes a pause, turns around and shoots her in the head* Rick: Anyone else have any demands?
Spoiler not the best mid season finale TWD has had but man it made you feel the feels. Looks like morgan is catching up to the group and they might be in Alexandria when the show returns.
Wow what the hell, man? The entire season so far built towards getting Beth out and she dies. Great... Time to move on from the Atlanta area and move on. Put this place behind them.
Honestly...... am I the only one who didnt feel much about Beth dieing? I mean I know he was one of the oldest/still around characters from the beginning but jeez is like a funeral in social media right now. I liked here too but can't say I was that surprised. Spoiler: Spoiler (WHY) What I dont understand is why Rick and the group was so attached to protecting and keeping Noah. I mean is that really such a bad deal that the cop lady also gets Noah?? I know Rick said that Noah should be able to stay and go home if he wants but to make it cost you Beth, crazy.
I was angry. I don't know what's going on with social media, but my wife and I were just angry because they'd been working towards the end of getting her out the whole damn season. Now that's all for nothing. The whole hospital story turned out to be relatively useless except we add Noah and lose Beth. As for keeping Noah: I thought it was just the principle of the matter. They had a deal, deals don't just change because you want them to at the last second. That's a bunch of crap. That's not how it works. If I were Rick I'd have said "if you want Noah you can come get him." The group has shown they're ready to defend themselves. Of course, once Noah said he'd go back, I'd say fine as long as he wants to stay that's on him.
Honestly felt like Beth was ready to die, she had the intention of killing Dawn or whatever that chick cop's name is. Gonna rewatch it later and actually pay attention to their dialogue part. As for not giving up Noah, even though he was ready to go back, he wasn't part of the deal and shouldn't have to, he wanted out and Rick was willing to give him that.
i haven't watched my talking dead recording yet, but i heard emily kinney cries a whole bunch of times. how sad. r.i.p. beth...you deserved a better sendoff.
She does and honestly I found that much sadder than the show. It's easy to forget that she's basically fired. She had a life with a group of friends, an apartment, a home and all of that now is gone. It's sad in an absolutely realistic way. They show a lot of the cast genuinely upset that she's going to leave the show and it makes the emotion in the scene that much more real.
I was so sad. I teared up actually. I thought they made that scene perfectly for emotional effect. And I understand being mad that Beth died, but I loved that this show would do that. Anyone can die in a Zombie Apocalypse. No one should be exempt. Things shouldn't be so neat and tidy IMO, and if they followed the comic book more closely, nearly everyone would die anyway, so this is light in comparison. If every season the group just moved along towards a solution with everyone living, this show would suck. Killing off only minor characters alone would also suck, so killing off a major character every now and again is necessary to keep the tension up.
Oh I get that completely, I just hate that we built up six episodes or something and the end goal is ruined in the last 10 minutes of the Mid-Season Finale... Kind of makes the first half feel like it didn't matter. It's powerful in a way because we end up feeling the same frustration and as the cast, but at the same time I just feel like the whole season so far was working towards that goal and now that it's gone it's been a wasted season.