It was a bit slow, but I like Beth too, and I liked the episode. I especially like how cut throat Beth is becoming, looking all sweet and innocent, but she was about to shank a motha***** at the end there
Slow episode, but we always get a couple of these every season. I was okay with the previous episode with Beth. Rapey cop was real uncomfortable though.
Spoiler: Spoils Noah runs into Daryl and Carol who were following the car. Noah gives them the low down on what's going on in the hospital. Daryl takes Noah back to the church since Daryl is probably more apt at getting them back to safety on account of Noah being injured. Carol goes in as a decoy. I like the different storylines and how they all play into one another, but sometimes it's frustrating having to wait 2 or 3 weeks to get an update on the whole group. Preview for next week makes it look like we'll get the story of the guys on their way to Washington.
Great episode tonight! I knew what was eventually coming from Eugene, but they still did a great job of setting it all up.
Reading he comics I already knew the deal with Eugene, did like how the show played it out though. Good episode. Quick question though, how many days passed on their journey?
Who didn't see that coming from Eugene? Still though made me feel really bad for Abraham. That was his whole purpose for living. I'm not sure what to feel about his character. They did a good job of keeping my attention though for the episode considering I didn't give a crap about any of them besides Glenn and Maggie.
They are really killing it this year with awkward sex scenes this season. 1st an attempted rape and the 2nd a creepy peeping Tom.
I mean the guy is clearly intelligent. If Abraham didn't kill him with those blows to the head, it's entirely possible Eugene could become a valuable member to the group.
I don't think he's dead, he's just gonna have a very painful headache for the next week. Did feel sorry for Abraham though, the only thing keeping him alive turned out to be a huge lie. That giant congregation of walkers is interesting though, wonder if this is when they turn back and meet up with the group again.
This isn't a spoiler because the show is diverging so much from the comic, but he does end up having a role in the comic because of his intelligence.
I'm not sure how long it's been since they started the mission to get Eugene to DC but it's only been about 10 days since they met Glenn and Tara after the prison fell
It's only been ten days between when the prison fell, they dealt with the cannibals, and now they're split up? Damn that was fast.
Wait a minute! Leaving the prison, walking to Terminus, escaping from the cannibals, ending up at the church, and then leaving on the bus is all in 10 days?!?!?!
Thanks for the link, interesting read and puts the whole story in prospective. It feels like only weeks have passed but it's actually been days. Tough for them to be in s*** storm after s*** storm.