I love Morgan's character. Really enjoyed the episode...well crafted and well acted. I hope he comes to his senses and finds a balance between kill everything and kill nothing though, if not then I don't think he'll last the season. Why do As keep showing up? There was one behind the tree Morgan was writing CLEAR on. Also, that was Rick yelling for them to open the gate. Guess he got away, but they're right behind him.
At first I thought taking a break from the rest of the story was going to ruin any momentum this season has created, the whole season has been in the span of a couple hours. But man that was a great episode. Great acting and great story telling, really caught Morgan up with the character development. My only complaint is that it was a little too long. Would have been okay with a normal episode time.
I was hoping to see the events of his son being eaten by his mom and the reaction immediately after. This episode although good, was drawn out and I felt like they could have added more into it and still relayed the same impact to viewers.
Yeah I agree on the length. It was like watching a short movie which is great but ultimately unnecessary. Felt like one of my favorite episodes to watch one time. If I ever go back and binge watch this season, I'll be a little frustrated with the length of that episode I think.
Looked like they were so soft Maggie could have just grabbed his head and smushed it to kill the thing.
This last episode was kind of meh for me. But since every episode this season has been excellent, I'm fine with giving them a pass on one.
I mean it wasn't all the exciting but you get the somewhat anticlimactic reveal of pregnant Maggie. I mean we haven't seen much of her so far and we're all now two and half hours removed from the only question anyone cares about: where's Glenn? So the announcement had a big impact, but at the same time... I find myself still just wondering where the f*** Glenn is why they haven't announced him dead.
Definitely my least favorite episode this season. Nothing happened we didn't already know except the lesbian twist (they'd already hinted at Maggie being with child and we knew it was just a matter of time before Rick got the girl). The sewer zombies were cool and I'm curious as to why the walls were bleeding. Definitely looking forward to a Daryl heavy episode next week and I've just come to accept we'll have to wait for the mid season finale to find out about Glenn.
JDM is a damn good add. Not as cool as the rumor from a couple months back that it might be Hamm, but I like JDM better than the Garret Dillahunt rumors that hit the Web during the weekend (although he's great in certain roles).
JDM I think is perfect though. Hamm obviously comes with more attached, but I think JDM fits it beautifully. Negan is even kind of Comedian-esque from Watchmen. Sees the violence in a chillingly different light. I love it.
I didn't realize that Maggie being pregnant was a big reveal this episode, I thought it was already known... must have been heavily hinted at in previous episodes. Didn't really like it compared to the rest of the episodes but it fit the usual TWD character development filler episode.
No, it came before. If I remember correctly it came after she yelled at him to stop opening the gate. I can be totally wrong though.
I've enjoyed the whole season so far. While this episode was a bit slower, I still liked it. I kinda hope the show has the balls to just never bring up Glen again. It would be an interesting parallel with the characters on the show. They have evidence that he's most likely dead and have to move on, but they'll never get closure due to the nature of the situation. Like if Glen really did get killed, he would've ended up turning while in a giant zombie horde so it's really improbable that they'd eventually find him as a walker.