Yup, the revolving door scene was amazing. I definitely wanted Glen to kill the coward, but I'm not sure how smart that would've been. Last time they went on a run, they came back and had a fight. It would look fishy if the very next run they went on resulted in the Alexandrites getting killed. At least now they have the coward guy who can explain what happened to the governor lady's son ... unless he doesn't. I could also see him lying and getting Glen and them in trouble anyways. Overall, I think this has probably been the best season so far. I wasn't a fan of the stuff with Beth in the hospital, and as a result, I thought the mid-season finale was kind of anticlimactic. And I wasn't a fan of the way they killed Tyrese. But overall it's been great. The stuff with the cannibals, especially when Rick's group takes them out, was some of the best stuff in the entire series. And everything since they've got to Alexandria has been consistently great and a refreshing change of pace for the show.
I hear ya, but im bored. Its a bit too predictable. I do find it interesting that the group is turning into the "bad guys" every so slowly this season, but compared to the action of the past, the show has let me down a bit.
I'm with lakerfan2 then my friend. In this season we've run into cannibals, found out there's no cure, discovered an untouched society, and lost Beth, Sam, Tyrese, and now Noah. I've found this season to be completely unpredictable. Unless you mean the predictability of running into zombies and dying but... if you're making a zombie show isn't that kind of the point?
I'm gonna half agree and half disagree. This season started off great with the cannibals story. It was short but it led to a pretty gruesome human/human kill scene. After that we got the whole Eugene/cure thing that was decent but was a little bland. I hated the Beth and hospital storyline, honestly felt like a waste because I don't remember anyone from that hospital. And then now we have the whole Alexandria thing and that has been really fun, seeing the different dynamics of living in a safe environment vs surviving on the outside.
I should be more specific. Im referring mostly to the 2nd half of this season. The first half I enjoyed.
Second half has been amazing. I dont find "slow" scenes were no one dies, no explosions boring if there's great dialog, character development, and engaging story line.
Deanna has either A.) Spent an absurd amount of time in the sun or B.) Smoked 2 packs per day for the last 30 years. I can't look at her face without thinking her skin is leather. Her hair is really thin as well. If she has a medical condition then apologies.
I was on the edge of my seat the entire time and after the episode ended, I felt satisfied. But looking back on it, the finale didn't meet my expectations. I loved the set-up at the end of the last episode where it truly looked like it was going to be Rick vs. the Alexandrites. We got some hints at that again in the finale, with Rick talking about how he might have to take some of them hostage. And then it all went away with Rick making his point by showing them a walker that was let in because Gabriel forgot to close the gate all the way. It seemed too simple. And while I've wanted Morgan to join the group for a long time, I don't like what the final scene insinuated. It seems like him and Rick are going to have some drama because Morgan is all about peace and "every life has value" while his first sight of Rick is Rick drenched in blood killing a man. It's an interesting idea, but I hope it doesn't take up too much time next season. I hope it's fairly easy for the group to explain to Morgan why Rick had to kill Pete. I'm also annoyed that Glen didn't kill Nicholas. I also don't get how Glen survived when he had a bunch of walkers piling up on him. About the Wolves, their trap with the walkers in the trailers was cool. But the two actual Wolves that we saw didn't impress me. They came off as generic crazy killers. I feel like we've seen enough of that already. I'm being too picky though. Overall, I liked it and I think I can safely say this was my favorite season.
I just felt like after the episode someone important should have died. It felt a little fluffy that everyone survived. 1. Glenn should have died. I love him but c'mon... and while just about anyone else would have pulled the trigger, it's important to Glenn's character not to do it. I hope some time next season he does. Also we don't know if he was bit or not. 2. The Daryl thing was perfectly played. They had him on Talking Dead after so people would assume the worst. Morgan was fantastic in the episode. Rick's speech was great but I thought again it wasn't as impactful as it should have been. I think they've set up a solid season for season 6, but I'd have liked more drama in the finale.
I'm always of the opinion that a show isn't suspenseful if you know what's going to happen. I like that no one died this time and they faked us all out by having Redus on talking dead afterward. As to the content of the episode, I loved every minute of it. I hope Morgan ends up playing the Ninja Jesus character from the comics. Morgan's getting pretty bad**s with that staff.
Awesome finale, I kept checking the time cause I though someone was going to die. Honestly thought it was going to be Glen. Did anyone else feel like the pacing was off?
No I thought pacing was solid. Don't get me wrong, I loved the episode I just felt like really someone SHOULD have died, right? That many people in life-and-death situations and everyone pulled through pretty much? They've already had that one scene where the storm kills the zombies, but leaves the barn upright. How many saves do ya get? Still though, good set up. I wanted a few more minutes to resolve the conflicts a little more though. I'm really excited about seeing how Morgan made it there and what he now brings to the group.
Perhaps too many group characters having died this season, I think someone dying would've really been too much, although, that would probably go along with what Walking Dead HAS been about. This season also seemed incomplete, in terms of a story, so they'll probably leave a lot of that next season. There's so many things to know for next season now, including the "W"olves group who seem really, really smart. Probably the people that Alexandria had to exile.
Yeah, I liked that they zagged when everyone was expecting zigging. Morgan reminded me of Denzel from Book of Eli. Great change for his character. Loved the scenes with Sasha & Gabriel, and Abraham & Eugene.
I don't think anyone from Rick's group killed anybody because the message that was being sent was that Rick's group kills bad people and is able to kill them without hesitation. The people of Alexandria are children as Carol would say. They've never been put in a scenario where they need to kill and if they have, they run and hide. The message that Rick has been trying to send to them the last two episodes is that you can still be human/civilized, but you need to be able kill when needed. Sasha could have killed the Priest (Who is a giant douche by the way), but she doesn't partly because he's weak, partly because she's still human and because Maggie stopped her. Glenn doesn't kill Nicholas, because he knows he's weak, doesn't belong outside the walls and needs to go back in his play pen with all the other Alexandria children. Deanna pre-husband throat slash wants to be civil and work things out peacefully and looks down on Rick and his group for being ruthless when it comes to killing people. As I said above, Rick for the last two episodes tries to explain to her that killing is necessary in this world and that she hasn't been forced or been in a situation that requires a snap decision of killing someone. Fast forward to post-husband throat slash and the s*** that Rick has seen that Abraham refers to finally comes inside the walls. Rick told her what could happen if they don't take care of threats, Deanna didn't listen. Now when it hits homes for her, at a point where Rick's group isn't killing and sparing life, she becomes what Rick needs her and everyone there to be. No more being civilized humans in this world, you can be civilized, but you need to be able to kill to survive. Rick's group has shown that over the last 5 seasons, the last two episodes was about showing Alexandria the mentality needed in order to survive. Other thoughts.... Daryl and Aaron - Awesome story in the finale. The chain kills were so sweet. Morgan - What a return. And nice way to see your old friend right? The priest - I can't stand him. He's done far worse than Rick's group, leaving everyone locked out of the church and purposely leaving the door open. He needs to die. I don't get how he can look down at Rick's group. Carol - One of my favorite characters. She will bake you a tuna casserole and slit your throat all during lunch. The Wolves, I agree with Lakerfan, I think they are the banished people from Alexandria. No guns (with ammo at least), just knives. The story the Wolves member told at the beginning and the story Aaron told make it seem like it could very well be right.