There’s 10 Best Ever… There’s 10 Short unfortunate careers… Then there’s: My Top 10 players who never won a championship: 1. Elgin Baylor 2. Patrick Ewing 3. Karl Malone 4. Charles Barkley 5. Bernard King 6. Buck Williams 7. Sidney Moncrief 8. Dominique Wilkins 9. John Stockton 10. Reggie Miller No particular order...not by skill or popularity. Yours?
I know Baylor retired 5 games into the season, but doesn't he technically get a ring? I know he's viewed as having never won one. Dominique, King, English, Malone, Stockton, Barkley off the top of my head.
I think Elgin said he didn't deserve it so he's viewed as never having one. I've got Dominique, Webber, Elgin, Malone, Stockton, Nash, Barkley, Ewing, King, and I guess Maravich would be my last one.
Doesn't count. Haha, joking...completely spaced on that. shows how quickly a deleted that from my memory bank.