Star Wars Thread (a Galaxy Far Far Away) Obi-Wan Movie In The Works! (36)

Discussion in 'Open Discussion' started by DarthRekal, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Lol, that was a fun read, I wish it were true, but Lucas is not that clever. Jar Jar is in the movie for comic relief, he was inspired by Goofy, and Lucas finds him to be the funniest character in all 6 of the movies. That should tell you all you need to know about Lucas' cluelessness.
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  2. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Explain to me then how the CGI is made the way it is? Have you seen the videos? The droids track his movements across that bridge. That's not so simple as an actor making a mistake in the middle of a scene. Those CGI actions are done meticulously and approved over several levels of people. There had to be dozens of people including Lucas himself approve those movements.

    The scenes where Jar Jar is mimicking the other characters' words and actions?

    That isn't an accident...
  3. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Animators that worked on Jar Jar throwing fun stuff in there to see if anyone catches it I assume, or maybe even bored as its a loooong job to animate that joke of a character. They could have been sick to death of hearing Jar Jar's voice in order to animate what he was saying, or wanted to mess with Lucas and see if he'd even notice.

    Lucas is just not that clever, and if he were he'd have pointed this out to us by now and tooted his own horn about it, big time. I see him half mouthing some of what was said there, but I also see him simply making goofy faces like he does. Besides, what's the evil benefit of him making Padme say she doesn't approve? Jar Jar is a horrible character, he was put in because Lucas has a juvenile sense of humor and he wanted to amuse himself, and this time around he had FULL control of these movies and no one to tell him no on anything.

    The theory is funny and wel thought out, but it reaches. "Jar Jar centering himself in preparation for a force jump". Lol, he's making goofy hand motions imitating someone who is about to go off s diving board, it's supposed to look funny. In fact when I say goofy, I mean Goofy, who he was based on, as I believe I remember that character doing that type of motion in one of his sports cartoons I watched as a kid. He's also reaching BIG TIME with the hand waves. The prequels are simple, basic, in your face, and a lot of times stupid, this guy gives way too much credit. Lucas slap us in the face with who the villain is when the Jedi ask which sith is still alive near the end and the camera pans to Palpatine and dark music plays.

    The writer of that theory is right about one thing though, the movies would have lost any credibility they had left if Jar Jar was revealed to be a major villain in episode 3. That movie had a dark and serious tone, and had Jar Jar busted out a lightsaber and started speaking in a lower tone voice or something, threatening to fight Yoda, the audience busts into laughter, some probably walk out, and the movie gets talked about as one of the biggest blunders of all time. Jar Jar was comic relief for children, nothing more. Ha ha he stepped in poo-doo, hilarious.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2015
  4. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    No way that something goes by Lucas without approval on those animations. They don't just do things like that for fun. If you want to say that Jar Jar falling in a different place was a continuity error, that's fine. But the droids shifting their eyes to follow him on the bridge mean the animators knew Jar Jar was on the wrong side and instead of fixing it, they embraced it. Add that to the scenes of him mouthing along with characters and mimicking their motions and I think it's absolutely clear that especially in Episode I, Jar Jar was meant to be something else.

    Now I agree the author is reaching with some of the things he says. The force jump? I don't know. But think about this: there's 1000s of other Gungans fighting the droids at the end. Why is there literally no other instances of a Gungan flipping like that? They're at war and they all look fairly UNcoordinated. It was completely uncharacteristic of not just Jar Jar but the entire race. It's definitely out of place.

    Have you read Jar Jar's bio from the official Star Wars page? It describes an absolutely terrible childhood actually. His father is a whaler and is desperate for a son who he can raise as a whaler too. He marries his first love, but they can't produce a son, so he leaves her for another woman. The other woman gives him a son who is completely incapable of being a whaler. On one mission, Jar Jar screws up and sinks the boat leaving he and his parents stranded on a desert island. His father goes into a depression and attempts suicide. Jar Jar volunteers to swim for help. The father knows it would never work so he encourages his son to try it which is essentially a death sentence. His mother saves him from the attempt. Jar Jar returned mysteriously without his parents. This was from a Dark Horse comic back in 2004 before the Disney purchase so while it's not canon NOW it was canon THEN when the movie was made.

    I don't agree with the author's final claim. I don't think Jar Jar is coming back into the series. HOWEVER, I think it's absolutely 100% clear that Jar Jar was meant to be either a Sith sympathizer or at least a vassal for Palpatine. There's too much evidence showing what he was SUPPOSED to be. However, Lucas went waaaaay overboard with making Jar Jar a bumbling fool and the backlash would have been too great so he backed out.

    Think about it this way: Lucas was adamant that the prequels would be a dark mirror for the original trilogy. Yoda was presented to us as a silly old muppet in the original trilogy before it was revealed that he was actually maybe the most powerful Jedi in existence. Jar Jar was presented as a bumbling fool in the new trilogy and there's extensive evidence showing he wouldn't always be that way. Lucas was a terrible screenwriter, but he had a story there that I think he genuinely chickened out of.

    Don't you find it weird how Dooku is written into the story? He's kind of a throwaway bad guy that just happens to show up? In Phantom Menace Qui-Gon implies he was Yoda's apprentice but in Clone Wars we find out Qui-Gon was Dooku's apprentice instead. I think it was a plot device to cover up what should have been Jar Jar's big reveal. If we're sticking to the mirror idea by the way, chronologically speaking the duel with Dooku lines up with the first fight between Luke and Vader (the infamous father reveal). So THAT was the time when we were supposed to see the reveal that shook up the trilogy. Instead we got a lightshow rave in what was clearly a rushed and muddled scene.

    Look I agree that Jar Jar would have been too much of a reach at the time, but that's because they allowed him to be too cartoonish for too long. Yoda was only like that for a short while, but we got a full movie of cartoonishness from Jar Jar that just blew away our ability reconcile his "evilness". They tried too hard to hide him and it killed the character.

    There's multiple quotes though from the guy who acted as Jar Jar (including this tweet backing up the theory) that states the character was completely re-written after the first movie. Lucas himself at one point stated "Jar Jar is the key to all of this" in a featurette on one of the Blu-Ray releases I believe. He quickly says because Jar Jar is the funniest character we've ever had, but even then what does that make him the key of? That line doesn't even make sense.

    Re: we would have heard about it: I have a feeling this guy knows someone inside or IS someone inside. Lucas is actually fantastic at keeping things under wraps. The "father" scene was kept secret from most of the crew actually. He had a small group of the actors and crew come back and film that scene very late in the process so that it wouldn't get revealed. I have a feeling this was an idea he cast aside after the avalanche of negativity surrounding Jar Jar.
  5. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I can't reply to all of that, lol. All I can say is I don't agree with a lot of it. Could Jar Jar have been meant for more initially? Absolutely, but yes he was so awful audiences wouldn't stand for more of him. Was he used by Palpatine? Absolutely again, they made that clear when he influenced him to give him emergency powers, because he was a weak minded fool. I've heard the Jar Jar is key in all this, but I always assumed it meant he was some tool of the force that was used to move the plot along, nothing deeper. Regarding Qui-gon and Dooku and Yoda (and Obi-Wan/Yoda in Empire), Yoda was everyone's master/teacher, they explained that problem away with having him teach younglings and being the Jedi everyone goes to talk to about their problems.

    It's a fun theory, just because I don't buy it doesn't mean it can't be true, but man am I glad they decided not to go with it. I still love Episode 3, and damn would they have ruined it with some sort of ridiculous Jar Jar villain reveal. "Meesa da true lord of da sith!", hoo boy.
  6. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I agree they made the right call, I just think it's incredible the opportunity wasted. I firmly believe Lucas had that plan in place, but once he was called a racist he backed off. They made him TOO clown-y and it would have been a colossal mistake to go through with Evil-Binks. If they'd just toned him down in the first movie... If Lucas wasn't so intent on being in control, I think they could have made this work and it would have been an awesome bombshell. As it was, they went too far with the doofy idiot and had to rewrite much of the plot which made the stories sooooo much weaker.

    As I prep for Episode 7 by rewatching all 6 movies, I'll watch the first two movies with Darth Darth Binks in mind. I think it'll make those movies way way way way more enjoyable.
  7. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Yeah, try anything you can to make those movies more enjoyable. I watched all 3 not too long ago because of the blu-rays and 1 and 2 were almost unbearable, very hard to get through.
  8. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I challenge you to watch it with Jar Jar as the sinister villain and see if it makes it easier. Two for me was easily easily the worst film and maybe one of the worst big budget films EVER. In fact there's a separate theory for that one :D

    Someone hypothesized that Padme never really loved Anakin, but recognized him as a dangerous sociopath so she used him to her advantage when she needed to. That's why their love scenes are awful, make no sense, and the dialogue is garbage: she never really loved him and that's not how people normally act.
  9. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Lol, their scenes were terrible and the dialogue was garbage, because Lucas can't write that stuff. How then even acted that stuff out with a straight face is beyond me. Nobody could make those lines sound convincing. Episode 3 got a little better in that department because Lucas got help with the script and dialogue from better writers. That theory sounds like a hardcore SW fan trying to excuse god-awful dialogue. There was also a scene or 2 cut from episode 2 of more Padme/Anakin development. Padme talking to her family about Anakin, her feelings starting to come out and be more apparent. Those scenes don't save the film, but they definitely hurt their story, as they seem to fall in love out of nowhere, there's no build-up or development like with Han and Leia.

    Speaking of Han and Leia, they might have had some bad dialogue too, but Ford was so awesome he made that stuff work. It's memorable for lines like "I love you", "I know", and that's not what Lucas wrote, that was all Ford. Fisher also played her dislike with a hint of holding back attraction to Ford well. The scruffy-looking nerf herder thing must look ridiculous on paper, but she also made that work.

    As for your challenge, I just can't man, it's too soon. Maybe in a year or 2, but I watched them literally a few months ago and I can't for some time. While watching them it took me like 3 days to watch 1&2, I had to keep stopping and taking breaks to rest my brain. Then I flew through 3-5, and only had to take a break in the middle of Jedi, because again, it hits a lull on Endor and I get bored.
  10. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Yeah the Padme one is a huge stretch to make up for just pure bad dialogue. It's like Lucas never saw a person in love before. It was painfully awkward from both actors and it nearly sunk Natalie Portman's career.

    The other one though I'm totally convinced. As I prep for the new movie by watching all the other movies, I'm going to keep a very close eye on Darth Darth Binks.
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  11. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Is Star Wars: Clone Wars the movie worth watching? It's one of the last parts of Star Wars I haven't actually looked into yet.
  12. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    I didn't even know a movie existed, but the cartoon was fantastic once it got going.
  13. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Finished the movie... it wasn't good.

    I hear good things about both Clone Wars shows I just haven't tried either.
  14. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    The latest Clone Wars series was pretty good. The movie from that was not a good representation of the whole series. The best Clone Wars cartoon was the Genndy Tartakovsky one though. That one picks up right after Episode 2 and leads directly into the beginning of 3. The latest CW was way longer and could obviously expand on a lot, but the first one was short and sweet. If you haven't seen it, you should.

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  15. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    The runtime for Episode 7 has been revealed, 2 hours 15 minutes. I think that's pretty much the sweet spot for a movie like this. 2 hours and I want more, 2 1/2 hours probably a little long. Also, this new tv spot/trailer is sweet, shows a little new footage

  16. Helljumper

    Helljumper - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Haven't really watched any of the Star Wars movies since I was a kid. I was way too young to really understand any of the plot. If I wanted to rewatch the first 6 movies to prep for Episode 7, in what order should I watch them in?
  17. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    There's a lot of debate about this because of the quality of the movies. There's three major thoughts:

    Chronological Order: 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3
    Episode Order: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
    Machete Order: 4, 5, 2, 3, 6

    Personally I go with Episode Order because it gets progressively better if you sit through the first two. The first one is bad. The second one is REALLY bad. I'd say the rest are good with 5 being the best and maybe 3 and 6 tied for most okay. If you're really up for it, I'd go Episode Order. If you aren't feeling up to watching the low points, then go with Machete.
  18. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    I just started showing the movies to my kids for the first time. I started with episode 4 because I feel the old ones will look out of place and boring to kids once they see all the shiny and (crap) CGI of the first 3 movies. I'll go back and show 1-3 once I'm done with showing them 4-6.

    And for acting and writing quality, I'd still go Chronological order. You don't care that the first 3 are crap (my opinion) if you're more invested in the story.
  19. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    If you're watching these for the first time, or introducing someone to them, I always go Originals, then prequels. You don't want someone's first impression of SW to be that's it's garbage. 4, 5, 6, then 1-3. 4-6 preserves the Vader/Luke reveal, leaves all the mystery the prequels took away (midichlorians), and won't make anyone ask why the technology got worse as time went on, or like Barns said, make kids ask why the old movies look so crappy because they don't get practical effects. You can watch 1-3 after the originals, take them for what they are, and pick and choose what you like. You can also be entertained first and bored later, rather than forcing yourself to get through 1&2 to get to the better movies.

    For example, only the pod-race and Maul vs the Jedi hold my attention in 1. Only from the arena battle (Anakin/Obi-Wan, Padme vs the creatures, Jedi vs droids, start of the clone wars) on keeps my attention in 2. I love almost all of 3, but I know that isn't that common. Only thing I take away from the prequels is a few "oh so that's how that happened moments", McGregor as Obi-Wan being pretty consistently good, and of course a lot of good stuff from 3. Aside from that a lot is stupid, like midichlorians again, and Anakin being c-3PO's creator, that's lazy.
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  20. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    This cracked me up. Sorry if it's blurry, I was doing everything I could to upload it high quality so you cab read the dialogue, and I edited the swearing.

    Attached Files:

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