Star Wars Thread (a Galaxy Far Far Away) Obi-Wan Movie In The Works! (36)

Discussion in 'Open Discussion' started by DarthRekal, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I’m watching, the show almost lost me in episode 4, which was horrible, laughably, embarrassingly bad. But, being only 7 episodes I could stick it out. Glad I did

    Honestly the Mando stuff is so good I don’t even care what else we get, if this is it I’m good. But I know we are getting Ahsoka, so this connected story will go on and hopefully lead to looking for Ezra and give us Thrawn.

    As for this episode of “Boba Fett”, good lord r that was one of the greatest Star Wars anything, ever, 40 minutes of pure excellence. Luke looked FANTASTIC compared to his Mando appearance, that technology has come far fast. Grogu training, Luke carrying him like Yoda, hell yes give me the fan service. And that flashback of Grogu’s, seeing the purge through youngling eyes, gave me chills, that was brilliant, makes that part in episode 3 have even MORE impact now when rewatching. Also. Ahsoka and Luke together?! Yes please, I was giddy. Top it all off with Cad Bane’a silhouette coming out of the desert, I was like no way, no friggin way, and he also looked FANTASTIC. All I can say is thank you to Favreau and Filoni, just fantastic. My only negative is personal, seeing that Jedi temple reminds me of the sequels and where this/Luke’s story heads, and that brings me down, those movies are garbage.
    JSM and TIME like this.
  2. JSM

    JSM - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    It's sad that the best Boba Fett episodes have had virtually nothing to do with him. It's like, a reward/apology for sitting the first 4 episodes, which for the record are 4 of the worst hours of Star Wars on record. So much wrong with that show.

    As far as episode 6 goes...
    Olyphant (in shootouts!), Mando, R2, Luke, Grogu...Jesus H Christ! That was phenomenal. Can't wait to watch it again after the Lakers probably lose
    TIME and Weezy like this.
  3. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Spoiler poster for episode 7 of Boba Fett. I love this art so much, lame characters and all

  4. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I still have not watched a minute of Book of Boba Fett. All roads lead to Luke drinking green milk out of a sea cow's t**. Unless they retcon those despicable movies out of existence, Star Wars is dead to me and a fundamentally broken story.
  5. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I get that, I truly do. But at least we get to see the Luke a lot of us imagined growing up along the way. Trust me, episode 6 of Boba Fett would make you smile.
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  6. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I've listened to some podcasts that talked about it briefly. I feel like it would make me even more upset because now we know he's exactly what we imagined...and he STILL will end up like he did.
  7. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    That’s fair, entirely. What bugs me aside from the nuggets of awesome we have gotten on the Mandalorian and now Boba Fett, is where is the real meat? The prequels, say what you will about them as far as acting and dialogue and such, were all about the rigid nature of the Jedi causing their downfall as they clung to their dogma. The originals with the prequels in mind are about Luke going against that, having attachment to his father, rushing to save his friends, choosing to not give up on Vader when every other Jedi had.

    So why does he then go from there and start a new temple with the same old dogma? Why does it take for him to be an old man to see the failures of the Jedi? To me a very emotional and weighty story is there to be told, or I guess WAS there to be told about Luke forging a new way for Jedi. Sure that’s an EU plot line, but the EU had a lot of quality stuff. I feel like they at least sort of started that kind of thing in TLJ, which is one or the only good things I can say about it now, but they totally abandoned it for TROS and just said here’s some ‘splosions. That movie has no story, no point, no message that makes any sense.

    I’m rambling, but yeah, where are Obi-Wan and Yoda’s force ghosts to sit and help Luke with his new Jedi academy? Where are the deep conversations about the new way to go, where the Jedi went wrong, how they can fix things so Sidious doesn’t happen again? So much good stuff is just being left on the table, and if it’s happening in comics or books, forgive me, but I don’t follow that stuff.

    I still hold out a tiny bit of hope that this Favreau and Filoni universe is leading up to erasing the sequels, I still think that episode of Rebels leaves the door open for that. They want to bring the fans back, and as soon as these shows lead up to Kylo killing all Luke’s students, Snokes being cloned, etc, the fans that are loving these shows are out again, I know for sure I am if thats where it goes. They need to just keep going on fixing all this, and trust me, the technology for doing that now, is stunning. Luke on the Mando and Tarkin in Rogue One looks bad in comparison to what they’re working with now, it’s incredible.
  8. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I once had a little hope that they might retcon the sequels, but now? I don't for one second believe they are erasing the sequels anymore. Their Galactic Starcruiser hotel, Galaxy's Edge and all the rides are sequel based. They aren't going to redo all that.

    Star Wars is a dead franchise to me. I no longer really get mad about it. I'm apathetic at this point. In all honesty, if they retconned the sequels in a couple years, I still don't think I'd come back. I've moved on. It no longer takes up any part of my life. Lucasfilm told me loud and clear that they don't want "fans like me" anymore. They want fans who will sit there and consume whatever they give them; fans that will watch "content" that is just good enough for them not to cancel their Disney+ subs, but not any where close to be great or memorable. And that sort of is the answer to your question about "where is the meaty content?" They can't make the meaty content because they need this thing to last and last and draw out everything over years and years and hours and hours of "storytelling" to keep people hooked. You will get very little meat since it would force them in a direction.

    EDIT: I want to be clear I'm not calling you a mindless fan, Weezy. You asking the question is proof that you aren't. But there are many who will plop down and watch it and be like, "That was OK. Not sure where it's going, but who cares. It killed an hour of time." That is the fan they want.
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2022
  9. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Oh I get you man, I didn’t think you were saying that. I agree though, I see so many people on social media praising the Boba Fett finale, “it was fun!”, “I laughed and cried!”, and I’m sitting here like that was borderline garbage. There were like 3 cool things in the entire episode, and Robert Rodriguez is a horrible Star Wars director. Something felt off overall too, I can’t put my finger on it, like the battle and town felt very lifeless, maybe budget restrictions? This is one of the worst Star Wars things I’ve ever seen though

    JSM and Savory Griddles like this.
  10. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    First off, I'm convinced there are literal armies of social media employees for these companies used to get people saying positive things about their products. Once that hype train starts down hill, most people will just ride with it so they can "fit in" if you will and so not to get downvoted on social media.

    Then there is the much greater problem these days with our entertainment that people no longer try to make memorable stuff that really sticks in your brain. That's not the goal anymore. Everyone and their uncle has a streaming service, and they need content; hours and hours and hours of content. They can't do anything definitive that will force them down a path that will end the story. They can't do anything too radical that will force the story down a certain path for fear of cornering themselves later on. So they just do a bunch of open-ended stuff that can go a million different ways, but with zero stakes.

    I long for the days where someone has an idea for a story, that story will take 3 movies to tell it, and then after the three movies everything is completely sewn up. Great stories have a beginning and an end. With these large IP's, they can't afford to end any of them. I mean, take a look at Marvel. They had a movie named End Game that ended a long multi film story arc. Then it's over and they just kind of start again and have to cheapen the previous one along the way in Loki by making the infinity stones paper weights.

    Imagine if they tried to do a sequel to Lord of the Rings where the One Ring somehow survived Mt. Doom so they could continue. The art of storytelling is dying because stories have an end. But now if a story shows even the slightest inkling of being successful, they will drag it out and milk it for everything they can until it is a dried out husk.
    Weezy likes this.
  11. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    So, IMO, the Obi-Wan show is pretty terrible. That pretty much seals it for me, great Star Wars can’t be made without Lucas. Good, sure, great, no. It just doesn’t feel like Star Wars, it feels like fan films, and sometimes it’s embarrassingly bad, looks and feels like a different universe than movies 1-6, some of it feels like network TV modern Star Trek or something. I got some serious Boba Fett show vibes from this one, just super lame and cheesy stuff, and stuff that doesn’t belong in this world, too modern/contemporary feeling for Star Wars. Some very, very bad acting too, the third sister is awful, minor characters talk and act like they don’t know they’re in a Star Wars movie, it’s that goofy modern humor that doesn’t belong, marvel movie humor they used in the sequels. But above all else it’s continuity breaking, they’re simply ignoring things and lines from the originals that matter because they feel like it, and that pisses me off. What a shame, so much potential so far wasted, and the biggest crime may be that it’s just boring, an hour and half of boring tv series.
  12. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    With Star Wars, I don't even care anymore. I didn't watch Boba Fett. I'm not watching Obi-Wan. I'm past the point of being mad at what Disney did to Star Wars to just being completely apathetic. I have been binging Yellowstone and honestly forgot Obi-Wan was even coming out. If you haven't watched Yellowstone, I highly recommend it.
  13. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    It just makes me a little sad because episode 3 is my second or at worst 3rd favorite Star Wars movie, I love those characters. I thought for sure they would treat them with as much care as possible, but no, it’s an extremely mediocre show 2 episodes in.
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  14. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I heard the Third Sister's acting is brutally awful. Like she is overacting everything to the 10th degree. True?
  15. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    It’s horrible. Like there’s no way for me to explain clearly through just text, or without having people accuse me of racism, but she feels out of place. There’s just a certain way people act in Star Wars, it makes it feel like a different world than ours. She acts like a corrupt cop in some modern day detective show, like she speaks and gestures in a modern way, it’s hard to explain unless you watch it. All the other Inquisitors are like these aliens and they’re very over the top in a Star Wars way, they all look very unique and interesting, and they all have the like Sith yellow eyes. And here she is, just some random woman, regular eyes, it’s very odd. There’s a scene also where she’s chasing after Obi-Wan across rooftops, doing all these flips and animal like hand running and parkour and s***, it’s laughably bad. Whole time I was like who is this aimed at? Am I supposed to be impressed by this when I’ve seen so many Jedi do it in other media? They’re trying soooo hard to pump her up as this bada**, even tougher than a MAN! If you know what I mean.

    I almost wish you’d hate watch this so we could rip it together haha, I could crap on this show for paragraphs, this was just me talking about ONE character. What bugs me even more today is being told by the masses that it was soooo good and it made them cry, that I should just like it because it’s Star Wars, and it’s the best Star Wars since ROTJ, like what the hell show were you watching?
    Savory Griddles likes this.
  16. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Disney employees and bots. I don't know any real people that watched it that thought it was good.

    And dont worry about being called racist or sexist. They can't argue the show's merits so they try to discount any critiques by calling names. I've gotten used to it since The Last Jedi. :D
    Weezy likes this.
  17. JSM

    JSM - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    They didn't want to get a little more creative in Obi-Wan? It's Leia serving the role of Grogu.

    I like McGregor. But am watching solely hoping to see some Rogue One level Vader.
    Weezy likes this.
  18. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Seriously, their lack of creativity is astounding. I found the Leia plot line nonsensical, comical, honestly embarrassing. She’s Vader’s daughter and princess of Alderaan and she doesn’t have better security guards? Bail sends 1 guy after her, the one guy that’s supposed to be watching Luke? It makes no sense, it’s damaging the originals in my mind, I’ll have to treat it as non-canon as I do the sequels. To have Obi-Wan dragged around by a 10 year old, making him look pathetic and incompetent, it’s like they won’t be satisfied until they’ve knocked down all these OT characters a peg. Luke, Han, Obi-Wan, Vader, the Emperor, they’ve all been diminished. I’m not surprised Filoni had no role in this, you can feel his absence with the lack of care put into writing these legacy characters.
    Savory Griddles likes this.
  19. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    So I read that Obi goes after Leia and leaves Luke unprotected (his only job) while there are Inquisitors literally on the Tatooine? Is that what they're doing now? Pretending Luke doesn't matter and that Leia is "the little girl who is the key to everything" trope?
  20. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    And right on cue, Weezy.

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

    Just remember, you also hate Mace Windu, Lando, etc.

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