Star Wars Thread (a Galaxy Far Far Away) Obi-Wan Movie In The Works! (36)

Discussion in 'Open Discussion' started by DarthRekal, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    The problem with Rey becoming strong and being a Mary Sue was never that she was a nobody. Obi was a nobody. Qui-gon was a nobody. Mace Windu was a nobody. BUT...every Jedi/Sith in the lore up to that point had to train for years to accomplish the feats of strength she displayed. The reason some people were upset she wasn't a Skywalker (I wasn't one of those people) was because with the lore of all the movies and the Clone Wars, the ONLY explanation that would have made even an ounce of sense with her extreme power is she had some genetic predisposition to it. But if we're being honest, even if she was a Virgin Birth a la Anakin, it still was too fast.

    Her powers are sort of a microcosm of Disney Star Wars as a whole. Disney wanted their own Star Wars fast. They wanted the trilogy fast. They wanted a super Jedi fast. They didn't want to take the time to plan out the trilogy to make sure it made sense in the same way they didn't want to slowly develop a character and put her on a proper hero's journey. If you are going to make Star Wars movies, make Star Wars movies. Rey got bit by a proverbial Force Spider and had all her powers instantly. That is a Marvel movie. Bruce Banner gets hit with the radiation. Peter Parker gets bit by a Spider. Tony Stark decides to build a suit. One moment they are a normal person, the next they are not.

    It's insulting to be honest that Disney did it this way. It's insulting because they are telling all the fans that they don't think we can follow a person on a journey and watch them grow. We are too impatient and can't understand that hard work and years of effort are required to master a craft.

    As it pertains to Luke, it wasn't that he was infallible. I wouldn't have had a problem with Luke failing at his attempt to set up a Jedi order, but for him to give up? That wasn't something that Luke would do. They used Luke as a prop to get Rey over. They have admitted that they had no idea how to use Luke because he was too big of a character and would upstage everyone on screen. He was originally supposed to have a large role in The Force Awakens, but they essentially realized that having him be on screen upstaged everyone else.

    So it seems like the avenue they took instead was to neuter him and make him "Not Luke" anymore.
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  2. Helljumper

    Helljumper - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Good point on the Marvel comparison, I get why Rey’s skills would be frustrating when you look at it from that angle. Personally, I was still fine with it and didn’t mind the superhero like development if they had used the time they saved with that approach to flesh out a more interesting overall plot.

    About Luke ... honestly I think he SHOULD only be a prop to put over the new characters at this point. I know I’m in the minority with this but I wouldn’t have wanted Luke to have had much larger of a role. This is probably blasphemy, but I wouldn’t really have been able to take Mark Hamill at his current age seriously as the star Jedi of this trilogy.
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  3. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    That is correct. :D ;)
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  4. Kingsama

    Kingsama - Rookie -

    Oct 10, 2014
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    Spot on, and I would add that Luke's arch in 7-9 fit who he is portrayed as in 4-6. Luke is not a wise kid who makes really good decisions. He is an extremely overconfident and super talented kid, rushes to decisions, doesn't listen, and when all else fails starts trying to murder people. He regularly pushes aside the counsel of his uncle, Obi, and Yoda. Yoda says don't take weapons, he takes me, it goes south, Luke results in violence. Yoda says complete your training, Luke runs off anyways, attacks Vader, nearly dies. Luke goes to save Han and his plan involves somehow getting his lightsaber from R2 and you guessed it, murder rampaging his way through Jabba's folks, including blowing up a ship that had not just his droids on it, but other forced servants. This all comes to a head where he plans to confront Vader is to arrogantly just turn himself in and confront his dad. Where he eventually loses it and cuts off Vader's hand out of anger. He would have died if his dad did not save him.

    Because of this, I have zero problems believing Luke would rush headlong into becoming a Jedi Master and starting a school, where when he got a force vision about his nephew falling and decided to kill him. That is who Luke is for the good and the bad.

    In other news I finally rewatched 1-3 with my kids and will admit 3 is much better than I remember, all three are far to CGI and have some head-scratching writing and dialogue, but 3 stands out in the crowd and dare I say 1 and 2 and better executed movies than 9.
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  5. trodgers

    trodgers Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    If this is the lesson we're to take from Episode VI, the whole series is a failure.

    I need to rewatch episode III! It's getting a lot of love.
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  6. Kingsama

    Kingsama - Rookie -

    Oct 10, 2014
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    The lesson from episode 6 is that redemption is possible and that a father, no matter how far they may have strayed, can at some point do the right thing and save his kids. If you think Luke is who episodes 4-6 are about sure its not a great message, but if it's about Vader and what he has done to his world and his family and how he ultimately does what needs to be done, then there is a powerful message.

    Besides this is not to say that Luke is the worst, he is devoutly loyal to a good cause and his father even when he learns his father is, in fact, the worst. Luke too is motivated by his love for his father and willing to risk everything to see his father saved. Both of these characters and their decisions fly in the face of the Jedi code and their call to be unattached, which is a major theme of the prequel trilogy. Instead of lacking attachment as Mace, Yoda, and the rest push for both Anikin and Luke act out of their love of family and though some dicey stuff happens along the way, the force is balanced by Anikin as he is ultimately redeemed, even becoming one with the force, because of his love for his lost wife and his children. Which is him no longer thinking pragmatically like in episode 3 where he embraces utilitarian ethics to become evil to save his wife. Instead self-sacrificing out of love to save his son and in the long run his daughter.

    That is a very powerful message.

    As for 3, it definitely has some cringe to it, especially Padme dying cause of you know heartbreak, and WAY too much CGI when practical effects would have shined. But there is a lot that they get right in that film. To me its on par with 7, which is mostly just recycled/regurgitated episode 4, and 8 which has parts I absolutely adore but also has some parts that are flat terrible storytelling and film making.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2020
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  7. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Like I said earlier, I had no problem with Luke failing at setting up a Jedi Academy. The problem lies in him saying, "F--- it." and not trying to help his friends. In your explanation as to why he would conceivably fail (which I agree is fine) you hit on the main problem so many people had with this portrayal of Luke. He was always trying to save the ones he loved. He rushed off to face Vader to save his friends. He went into the Death Star unarmed to save his Father. Despite his stupidity, he always, ALWAYS would do anything and everything to save his friends. Yet when his own nephew, the son of his sister and best friend, fell to the dark side (a fall he helped expedite) we are to believe that Luke would just say, "F--- it. You guys deal with this." He didn't know MaRey Sue was going to show up and save the day, so to the best of his knowledge, he was leaving his friends and family to fight a fight against two ultra-powerful force users (Kylo and Snoke) that NO ONE could defeat but him. Luke fails and makes rash decisions. But he wouldn't create a problem and then let that problem systematically kill everyone he loved.

    The other issue is it doesn't really fit with the "canon" Disney created with the books. The book Bloodline takes place 3-4 years before the Force Awakens. At that point, Kylo hadn't fallen yet. That means Luke had a great deal of success and hadn't really had several setbacks when Kylo turned. I could MAYBE understand his portrayal in the Last Jedi had this been like the 5th time his best student fell to the Dark Side, and he kept having to kill his best students over and over again. But this is made out to be the first setback he's had in almost 25 years since the end of Return of the Jedi.
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  8. Kingsama

    Kingsama - Rookie -

    Oct 10, 2014
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    Two thoughts and I don't know who you guys are lol. Outside of this forum and in person I don't read about or discuss SW much lol.

    If nearly murdering your nephew in his sleep does not lead one to think poorly of themselves and enter into hermitage like your masters, I am not sure what will. I think there is a sizable difference psychologically between violence pointed at "bad guys" and violence pointed at your family. Even given success for years, the idea that you just about murdered your nephew in his bed which was the final push to him going to the dark side and then murdering all your other students that's a heck of a needle to break the camels back. As Luke wrestles with his tendency to give in to fear and hate, as his father did, at some point he just might embrace the idea that if he keeps at it he will become his pops. That would further push him away as not being there to help could be seen as the lesser evil to turning dark for good or failing to save his nephew. The last time he confronted sith Lords he lost and nearly died/fell to the dark side and killed his dad. This time with no father to save him perhaps he ultimately feared he would fail again when confronting Snoke and either die or worse yet replace him as the dictator. Luke's isolation is about doing the opposite of what he always does out of fear, which is a very normal reaction. Remember in episode 9 he admits he was wrong and was in isolation out of fear. I think that is a very fitting answer from Luke that does not erase ep 8 but adequately explains his action. Luke has a lot of trauma rolling around in that head of his and much like Thor finally breaks in End Game, I see a broken Luke who has some legit concerns with Jedi philosophy but is just a scared broken man. He even reveals his hand when Yoda burns the tree. No matter how much he wanted to burn the tree he couldn't do it as he still loved the teachings of the Jedi and ultimately could not bring himself to abandon it.

    In regards to the book or canon issue, I honestly think this is one of the major reasons that episodes 7-9 struggle. It is clear that unlike the other tv/movie projects that exist in the SW universe that those who controlled the movies paid little attention to the lore of the universe, canon or old EU, and that they had no game plan for how the overall story would go. In Rebels, Mando, and even R1 and Solo, you could see that they at least cared about the rest of the story and wove in characters and themes that exist across the universe. In 7-9 it really feels like they were just winging it and were completely unaware of the greater themes and characters. All of the films contain regurgitated elements of 4-6 and you can feel the disconnect between all of them in tone, story, pacing, etc. I am more than sure no one writing or planning the movies read or watched any of the rest of the star wars universe besides 4-6.
    Savory Griddles and trodgers like this.
  9. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    3 is still rough, but far and above the best of the prequels. The story is there, the action is there, and in large part the acting is improved. The Anakin/Palme scenes are still bad though, bad dialogue, no chemistry, she can’t even pull off the lines and she’s great in everything else she in. But the story I love, the opening scene is great action and fun before the movie gets very dark, Anakin’s fall I buy, and it closes out that trilogy and ties to 4 really well. At the time of 3’s release I remember hearing Lucas brought in a dialogue writer (or whatever it was called) to help with the script, and that some top directors helped on the movie, like Spielberg directed a couple of scenes and others helped him out a lot to ensure this would be the best of the new movies after 2 was the worst. I think it shows, like I said, still rough, but a lot better, and just generally more fun. 3 just hits right with me, I know people don’t like Hayden, but I really do think he was playing Anakin as directed, and his weird speech is meant to mimic how Vader speaks later under the mask. I buy his physical performance though, and it’s a big reason I never had an issue with him being changed to the force ghost at the end of 6 in the Blu-ray special editions.
    TIME, Savory Griddles and trodgers like this.
  10. Kingsama

    Kingsama - Rookie -

    Oct 10, 2014
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    I think what hurts 3 the most is it is having to build off the foundation built by 1 and 2. Unlike RotJ which ends the trilogy with some of the best SW ever as set up by 4/5, 3 really has to work hard at overcoming 1/2. As you said a lot of those helps really shine through and there are times where even Hayden is doing a much better job than previous, but you are right the cringe is not completely gone. It is much more fun than 1/2, it has good action, and even manages to do some things well, only to get Padme died of a broken heart and the NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! at the end. I will say viewing it again many years later that I like it a lot more that I used to, its not ESB, but its at least fun.
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  11. trodgers

    trodgers Administrator Staff Member

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    Luke can falter - all over the place. And he can make missteps - he did it often. He just can't give up though. And not so easily. That's the kind of thing that can't happen offscreen.
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  12. Kingsama

    Kingsama - Rookie -

    Oct 10, 2014
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    Please don't hear that I think Luke being off-panel broken is a good bit of storytelling. They filmed a flashback of the sequence and I believe that instead of more slow chase through space and canto bite we should have had more of the Jedi academy story covered to better develop both Ben and Luke, as well as better flesh out other plot points like who the knights of ren are. I feel like that would have made the climax of the film so much more impactful. Instead hear me saying as a man living life I appreciate the storytelling that goes on with both Luke and Thor in regards to them running aground so to speak. I appreciate the boyhood hero having to wrestle with failure and fear. I liked the end of 8, but would of appreciated more so Luke to be provided with the opportunity to further conquer fear and failure alive or as a force ghost. was personally hoping for a much bigger role for both Anikin and Luke in episode 9 that would allow for more redemption for the family, but that was not the case.
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  13. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Pretty much my exact thoughts on Episode 3. The story of the prequels would have been better served picking up in the last 1/3 of Attack of the Clones with Anakin meeting Padme at that point. End it in the middle of the Clone Wars. Part two could have been set entirely within the Clone Wars with Ventress maybe being the main villain. And then Part 3 being sort of what we got. The prequels as currently constructed could have easily been one 3 hour movie. Almost the entire meat of the story takes place in Episode III. Where seeing Luke fail at the end of Empire was good, and helped develop his character, I think maybe an opposite approach to Anakin would have worked where at the end of two he triumphs over Ventress. That would actually make his fall at the end of Episode III a bit more tragic and understandable as he hadn't really experienced failure.

    But if we get those movies, we may not have gotten The Clone Wars cartoon; definitely not in the same form we got it. And that is some of the best Star Wars storytelling ever.
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  14. Kingsama

    Kingsama - Rookie -

    Oct 10, 2014
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    I like the idea of meeting Anikin as a young man who is displaying all his talents at the beginning of ep 1 and having him fall at the end of ep 2. Then 3 really is about the rise of Vader and his Jedi hunting while you see obi and others scramble.

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    Last edited: Jan 5, 2020
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  15. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

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  16. TIME

    TIME Administrator Staff Member

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    I re-watched 7 and 8 for the first time since the theater after seeing 9. 7 was better than I remembered it. I still have issues with Rey's insta-jedi development, but the movie was a good set up for what 8 and 9 should have been. 8 was still a head scratcher for me.
    Savory Griddles and trodgers like this.
  17. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Except he did almost kill his father, he was beating the s*** out of him and chopped his hand off, as usual with his character his jumping into things and anger got the better of him...for a second. But then, he came back to his true self, and stopped, threw his saber away and refused violence. I still saw the exact same thing in 8, Luke saw all that Ben would do in the future, killing Han, murdering millions, and on instant for a split second, while from how I read his performance, not even really thinking, he ignited his saber. But, he stopped right away and felt ashamed and had tears, he’d have tried to make it right immediately, but it was too late, Ben saw him, and he knew Luke was on to him and his Snoke stuff. How is Luke the a-hole in this situation? And again, I’m thinking out loud here, because I know there will never be an agreement here, but this is still how I saw it. I still think even though Rian went places JJ wouldn’t have, he wasn’t painted into the crazy corner he’s being made out to have been in. There was no need for the Palpatine break glass in case of emergency strategy. Kylo and the first order could have remained the villain, it would have made for more of a character driven story, but that’s not what JJ does, he needs his big spectacle, style over substance.

    I don’t dislike 7, it does have some good setup, but it’s still very bland and too much of a retread to me. I don’t like how they tried to force a new Luke, Leia and Han with the new 3, tried to make them have this instant “hey I like you, we’re friends now!” thing going on. My favorite stuff is Han and Chewie, Kylo, and the lightsaber fight in the snow. I still think the visuals of that are amazing. How the snow reacts hitting the blades, how the blades glow on their faces, all the trees being cut up and snow sizzling into steam in their wake, it’s great. I thought that fight was better than any in 9, where it feels like they’re just banging medieval swords against eachother over and over. I still much prefer 8 over 7 though, it feels so new and different, the movie for me is gorgeous to look at, and I really liked how they advanced the lore, as well as the answers we got as opposed to the million questions 7 raised because of JJ’s mystery box. Who did he intend for Rey’s parents to originally be? I’m not even sure he knows.
    Kingsama likes this.
  18. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    It was just a meme. :D
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  19. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I know, I laughed. :D I’m tired of that narrative though, I blame JJ and Kennedy for the disaster that is the sequel trilogy, not Rian. I still think he made a mostly good film, where 9 is unwatchable garbage and 7 is safe and boring. (It’s also still his fault we never got Luke, Leia, and Han together again as HE stuck Luke on that island. Screw thar writer who said they couldn’t use Luke because he took over every scene he was in. SO?!?!)
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  20. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I think when it comes to Luke and almost killing people, everyone has a line in the sand in their heads as to what is too far. The entire movie and whether someone dislikes it or not probably hinges a great deal on where that line is for them personally. Whether or not either is too much, or as long as they stop at any point it's then OK is a personal opinion. I personally think there is a big difference between almost killing his Father while in the middle of an intense lightsaber duel as his friends are being murdered outside the Deathstar's Penthouse Window...and almost killing a teen while he lays helpless and asleep.
    Weezy likes this.

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