Star Wars Thread (a Galaxy Far Far Away) Obi-Wan Movie In The Works! (36)

Discussion in 'Open Discussion' started by DarthRekal, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. Helljumper

    Helljumper - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Spent all week re-watching episode 1-8 (and Rogue One) in chronological order instead of release order for the first time. Finally got around to Episode 9 now.

    Overall, I enjoyed each movie of the sequel trilogy individually. RoSW was entertaining and had some badass moments. I left the theater happy.

    But the problem is that this movie solidified the fact that the sequel trilogy was an unplanned mess that really had no point. It was not necessary and doesn’t add anything to the overarching plot of the saga. It throws out the world building of the prequels and then tries to redo the character arcs of the originals with new characters. I’m not sure if I’ll ever have the desire to revisit this trilogy.

    Palpatine coming back and being Rey’s grandfather in itself is fine. Just lay the groundwork for it in episode 7 and 8. As powerful as Palpatine demonstrated himself to be, and all the other stuff people in Star Wars have survived, it really isn’t that outlandish that he survived RotJ. I actually like the idea of him being the main villain who was pulling the strings for all 9 movies. But again, with no groundwork it comes across as a desperate attempt to retcon episode 8.

    I still really dig everything about Kylo and Rey’s connection. When Rey puts the lightsaber behind her back and Kylo is able to get it was just a really cool moment that I couldn’t help get excited about.

    The lack of world building was my biggest disappointment. How did the First Order rise to power after Episode 6? How did the Resistance recover so strongly after being decimated in Episode 8? What’s to stop Disney from making another 3 sequels that ignores all this and puts the galaxy back at square one with another generic good vs evil plot template with some new iteration of rebels vs Death Star?

    Leia’s death was week and I didn’t feel anything. They really should have killed her off in Episode 8 instead of the cheesy force travel through space.

    Would have been so powerful if they actually did have Rey accidentally kill Chewbacca.

    Again though, I still kinda enjoyed the movie. So I’m going to stop thinking about it or reading about it online because I know that objectively the more I dig into the flaws of this movie and the sequel trilogy, my contentment could soon become extreme disappointment.

    Now to start with Jedi Fallen Order
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  2. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Yeah, definitely can’t dwell on this movie or think about it too hard or it completely falls apart. Another funny video ripping it apart.

    Also my sister saw it this weekend, she’s a more casual fan, but she liked TFA and really liked TLJ, so I was interested to get her take. She had no idea what was going on in TROS and was bored, said she felt very little and didn’t care ultimately what happened to the new characters. Didn’t hate it, but didn’t really like it either.
  3. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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  4. TIME

    TIME Administrator Staff Member

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    Just saw it. I have lots of disagreements with decisions they made with this movie, but I enjoyed it more than 7 and waaay more than 8.

    As of now I would rank them:

  5. Helljumper

    Helljumper - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    My order right now is:


    I really liked 7. Just the nostalgia and having SW back was very exciting so I could overlook the basic rehashed plot. I also thought that they planted some interesting seeds, that unfortunately never developed into anything cool. As time goes on, it’ll probably drop in my rankings just due to how inconsequential the sequel trilogy ended up being.

    And although 1 and 2 are at the bottom of my list ... I think I might put the prequel trilogy as my favorite. I was born in the 90’s so I don’t have the same level of attachment to the originals. The issue is that if you wrote out a summary of each trilogy, the prequels are the most captivating. The plot has more nuance and detail, the world is more filled out, the conclusion carries more emotional weight. Now of course, the first 2 episodes in execution were quite bad. The dialogue was so cringeworthy, the CGI has not aged well. Palpatine was not sly, AT ALL. But for whatever reason I’m able to overlook that. The idea of Anakin’s love for Padme leading to his corruption, while Palpatine plays puppet master and establishes the Empire, is just too cool. Enough to overlook “I hate sand, it’s coarse and rough”.
  6. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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  7. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    If we're being honest, it cheapened BOTH of Anakin/Vader's conversions.

    It cheapens his heel turn since saving people from dying (Padme) is evidently pretty easy and isn't even a Dark Side power? And of course it cheapens his turn to good due to his sacrifice meaning absolutely nothing since Palpy doesn't die.
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  8. Kingsama

    Kingsama - Rookie -

    Oct 10, 2014
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    Lost in thought...
    From the depths I rise like Palps....

    I hated episode 9, not necessarily just due to the story, as i think its villain completely undermines the narrative of all previous 8 films, but because it was just a poorly executed film. Too much crammed in, to many fake losses, too many risks that have zero consequence, too many things that just don't make sense(elite droid hackers apparently don't have spare hard drives), too many mcguffens mcguffening, a rip off of end game, and a lot more. Its just not a good movie. It had some high points though and was shiny so there is that.

    My ranking:

    Last edited: Jan 3, 2020
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  9. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I hate 9, I genuinely hate it. It’s so bad it makes me not want to watch 7 and 8 again. It’s so bad it makes me want to just ignore the sequel trilogy and go back pretending the first 6 and Rogue One are all that exist. At least for me 8, even if you don’t like the story is a technically good film (aside from Canto Bight) and has SCENES that sit and take their time and let you watch and digest a movie. 9 is nonsense, crap thrown at the wall seeing what sticks, like I said my sister is a fan and had no clue what was going on because nothing is explained and yet everything is explained at the same time. Worst of all it disrespects the very lore of Star Wars, it does damage to the movies before it and characters we have loved and their legacy, it’s bad fan fiction that should never have been allowed to make it to the screen. Clearly they don’t consult anyone like Filoni on this stuff because he’d have stopped them doing some stuff if they cared what fans truly care beyond the surface level, and they SURELY don’t contact Lucas.

    The final battle and the final scene of 9 still make me angry dwelling on them, I don’t care about Rey. Tatooine means nothing to her. She knew Luke for like a day, and Leia for maybe a year. She’s not a Skywalker, that twin suns thing doesn’t even have meaning for her, it’s just lazy. Give her her own ending. Show her on Jakku looking at something significant, or on some beautiful green planet since she loves that having been trapped on a sand planet most of her life.

    The final space battle feels hollow and pointless, the ones in RoTJ and Rogue One blow it away, again, bigger does not always equal better. The final battle with Palpatine is just ridiculous. He wanted Kylo to kill Rey, but not really, because he wanted Rey to come kill him, but not really, because he wanted to suck the life force of Rey and Kylo, but then Rey does kill Palpatine, but his spirit didn’t jump into her because the Sith following weren’t chanting at the time, I guess?

    Like has been said, we end trilogy at the SAME exact place we did at the end of 6. The emperor was defeated and the galaxy is saved, I guess, because the first order still has ships out there, so I guess they’ll just build up again..? Oh and Luke, Leia, and Han are all dead because Ben grew up a brat, so yay, happy ending! Palpatine being the big bad in this still makes me angry. All they had to do was leave Kylo the villain and let this be Rey and his story and we could have really had something. I did actually care about Rey and Finn and Kylo in 7, and I thought Kylo and Rey’s scenes were the best part of 8, but 8 went away from Finn clearly intended to be a force sensitive character from the start, and 9 destroys Rey’s character making her a Palpatine and giving her Jesus powers, and the Kylo stuff is handled badly as well. Luke never appears to him, Anakin never appears to him, Leia turns him I guess by sending him force love and then he talks to a memory. Why doesn’t Anakin appear to him? He literally thought he was speaking to Vader through the force and it was really Palpatine, and we can’t get one scene of Anakin/Hayden back showing up to Kylo right as he’s trying turning to the light again telling him that wasn’t him, and he shouldn’t follow his path anymore, god that would have had so much weight to it, connect all 9 movies. And I didn’t even realize Kylo didn’t speak a single line of dialogue after his turn back to the light, that’s HORRIBLE writing. The MAIN Skywalker left, probably the best and most interesting character and he doesn’t even get a line to close out the Skywalker family. And Poe, they just wanted to make him Han Solo, he’s a jerk to 3PO constantly, impatient, he has a shady past (ooooh), but he’s not Han, he’s just not.

    If we’re doing rankings now, these are main based on just how often I personally watch and enjoy them, not necessarily how technically good they are. 9 being so bad actually knocked 8 down a peg.

    Rogue One
    Last edited: Dec 31, 2019
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  10. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Now you know why so many people HATED Episode 8. We felt it s*** on the lore by making these new heroes instantly powerful (which it appears you have come around on with Rey), ruining Luke (which I still think we disagree on), and hurting the future of space battles by breaking hyperspace with the IMMEDIATELY retconed Holdo Maneuver. But many people think Force Awakens destroyed the lore by making Rey a Mary Sue out of the gate and having Han start the movie as the same a-hole he was at the beginning of A New Hope. I think the point is we all eventually got there. We all realized that Disney didn't know how to handle this and none of the directors or people working in Kathleen Kennedy's s***bag story group cared about what made Star Wars special to so many people. They just saw it as a popular IP and decided to tell their stories.

    F*** everyone involved with this Disney Trilogy (Remember not to call it the sequel trilogy since it has nothing to do with Star Wars)

    Here's my list in terms of favorite movies:

    Empire Strikes Back
    A New Hope
    Return of the Jedi
    Revenge of the Sith
    Rogue One
    Phantom Menace
    Attack of the Clones
    The Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO trailers and cutscenes all strung together
    The Clone Wars Animated Movie
    The Star Wars Christmas Special
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  11. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    We definitely still disagree on Luke. But that’s ok. I really did like that movie a lot, but 9 undoes it, just because, not even for story purposes. I still see Luke as having the weight of being a legend and the last Jedi and failing leading to his exile, and his growth and ultimate triumph over that, becoming a legend and true hero again at the end to people all over the galaxy as a positive message and a furthering of his character (the scene with he and Yoda is one of my favorites ever put in Star Wars).

    I find his lack of screen time in TROS insulting and a missed opportunity, and more of a slap in the face to the character than anything in TLJ, especially after the “see you around kid” line he said to Kylo. He doesn’t, he’s not involved, he doesn’t even appear to Rey and help her until a year later, and his appearance is no bigger than Obi-Wan’s in ROTJ, if that. Why? Because, apparently. He doesn’t help train Rey as a force ghost, he doesn’t appear to Kylo to offer any more to him, their relationship isn’t even brought up. At most, what did he get to do, give Rey some encouragement and say a nice line to her in her final battle? Wow, amazing.

    I can understand why people don’t like Luke in 8, but I still didn’t see it as pissing on the lore of Star Wars. 9 burned down Star Wars house and pissed on the ashes for me, all because they were lazy. I kept wondering why it didn’t FEEL like Star Wars, but like a bad DC universe movie, and then I saw Terrio was co-writer and it made sense.

    If they really wanted to fix things they should have made Lucas or a Filoni co-writers. But in reality JJ should have just done all 3 movies, that way if it sucked it still would have been one cohesive story. If it really was too big of a workload for one person like Kennedy said, then they should have released the saga films 3 years apart instead of 2, quality and legacy over quick money. Instead they had no plan from the start and it shows and it bit them in the a** in the end. But again, oh well I guess, what might have been had they just used Lucas’ scripts, or given us the big 3 together again in a grand adventure, full Jedi master Luke for example, instead of using them to prop up the new characters. I still have 1-6, rogue one, the Clone Wars series and Rebels to enjoy.
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  12. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I think they did attempt that. That's why I started that conversation with you about the SoM story that makes way, way too much sense the more I ponder it. But if that's the case, in the end, they didn't trust the audience to keep up with a story that, let's be honest, wouldn't have been that difficult and might have been very cool.
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  13. Helljumper

    Helljumper - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    If the series was released chronologically, would fans have been up in arms about Yoda going from a badass in Episode 1-3 to suddenly becoming a weird hermit in Episode 5? Would people complain about Episode 5 devoting an entire sub plot to Luke training, or critique the fact that we really didn’t see enough training to realistically develop him into such a powerful Jedi?

    A Skywalker misinterpreting a force vision and taking drastic action which is actually what triggers the vision into coming true. Is that something out of character that we’ve never seen before?

    I have the opposite stance, that I didn’t like TLJ as much as a movie, but I absolutely think it was the right direction to take the franchise, and Abrams spitting on that is one of the worst sins of Episode 9. Still don’t agree with the idea that it ruined Luke or the original trilogy. It all made sense to me, and I think people might have built up Luke more as this infallible figure in their minds over 40+ years of nostalgia rather than what was actually presented to us on screen in the originals.

    Specifically, I really liked the idea of killing off the Jedi and the Sith. The Force is a universal concept, not magic that needs to follow the dogmatic beliefs of two archaic religions. Anyone can tap into it with different levels of sensitivity. “Dark” and “Light” does not need to represent bad and good. They are different sides of the same coin. A good Jedi could utilize “dark” powers for good, and a Sith could utilize “light” powers for bad. I actually think that was a cool aspect of Episode 9 that apparently the light side has the resurrection powers that Palpatine used as leverage to get Anakin on the dark side.

    True balance to the force would be teaching force sensitive people to use both sides for justice, without dumb restrictions like saying they could never be in a relationship. I thought that’s where we were going in this trilogy. Liberating the Force from the Jedi/Sith’s control. I thought that was the “Awakening” and what the end of TLJ was going with the random kid using the Force to grab the broom.

    It’s also why I didn’t mind Rey’s “Mary-Sue” trajectory and liked the twist of her parents being nobody’s. The idea being that anyone can become a great Jedi, not just Skywalkers and Palpatine’s.

    But then of course Episode 9 throws that all away. I would rather have Rey’s accelerated development be unexplained than just chalking it up to her Force powers being genetically acquired from her gramps.
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  14. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
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    So much negativity in here


    i’m going in the LeBron thread where I can post lots of positive things without all of the haters

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  15. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    We, meaning none of us, may not agree on everything, but this is a damn good post and I respect your points. One thing you point out here about the Sith and Jedi and the really good ideas TLJ presented is covered in this video I watched yesterday, I thought it was really well done. I also loved this seemingly throw away like of Luke’s in the movie, when in reality it was huge for the lore. Rian may not have understood light speed, or portrayed Luke with how many agreed, but he got Lucas’ message in the prequels for sure and didn’t shy away from it.

    And just for fun here’s some more scathing reviews of TROS to kill time if you’re bored

    This one I find hilarious because of the guy’s costume, but he makes some good points

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  16. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    The moment that Palpatine died and all the sith in the shadows were destroyed, the Devil and all his demons were destroyed and God, Jesus, and all the angels won.

    So there’s that.
  17. trodgers

    trodgers Administrator Staff Member

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    I’m sure y’all don’t like Ewoks, but Vader’s redemption makes episode 6 my favorite.
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  18. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I love RoTJ. It only goes down to 4th on my list because imo ESB is a perfect SW film, ANH never gets old and is the original, and 3 really hits with me personally. I still remember seeing it at midnight on its release day in 2005 and being blown away how much better it was than 1 & 2 and how satisfying a conclusion it was leading into 4.

    I actually don’t mind Ewoks at all, I love all the entire opening scenes of that movie, the Jabba’s palace stuff, the Luke/Vader stuff going on along the way, but as soon as they get to the moon of Endor the movie lags a little, and Han Solo is kind of not himself in most of it, 2nd Death Star is lazy. Those are the only real reasons I put it at 4, but it’s extremely close for me between 4, 3 and 6 at the 2 spot, like splitting hairs.

    The end space battle is still probably the best of the entire series, the Vader/Luke/Emperor scenes are incredible, the Yoda/Obi-Wan/Luke scenes are great. The movie just FEELS like SW, like my childhood, like standing in line at Star Tours looking at tours to the moon of Endor. From the opening scene when Vader’s shuttle comes in, the music is amazing, all the Empire staff around and the set looks so polished, it feels like we’re stepping back into the world we know from 4 and 5 immediately, I feel like I’m in the 80’s again ha ha.
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  19. trodgers

    trodgers Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I'll rewatch 4 and 5 again here soon. The family watched episode VI last night. The battle between Luke and Vader is so awesome, and the shots of Vader's mask looking back and forth between Luke and Emperor...I think it's the single best scene in all of Star Wars.

    I'll have to look at episode 3, too. It's been a long time since I've seen it, and I may have seen it only once. Maybe twice.
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  20. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I have said many times that when Vader was looking back and forth between Luke writhing on the floor and Palpatine gleefully torturing him, it was the most powerful "acting" in the entire saga. Even though at that time we didn't know the prequel's story of his love for Padme, his belief his kids were dead, etc., you could somehow see the torture on his face beneath his mask. It was the perfect ending to the Skywalker Saga. It's why so many people fell in love with Star Wars and relate to it. His redemption was earned. You felt for him and the tug of war raging inside him. Juxtapose that with...
    Kylo getting ready to kill Rey and having his Mom say his name from across the galaxy to snap him out of it (Damn close to the "Martha" moment everyone makes fun of in Batman vs Superman) followed by a dream sequence with his dead father where Kylo completely makes up in his head (since it was HIS dream) that his father had forgiven him......There's an old saying in film making, "Show, don't tell." Vader didn't say a word. Richard Marquand masterfully allowed his looks back and forth to tell the story of what was going on in his head. It didn't spoon feed us the entire internal conversation Kylo was having in the form of a conversation with his dead father.

    This is crap movie making. From an objective standpoint, these three movies have been bad. They have enjoyable moments, and there's no shame in liking bad movies. I am staring at my movie collection and there are some DVDs on that shelf that are embarrassing. But this trilogy is bad movie making that breaks so many Film Making 101 rules it's insane they got it into the theaters.
    Kingsama and trodgers like this.

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