Star Wars Thread (a Galaxy Far Far Away) Obi-Wan Movie In The Works! (36)

Discussion in 'Open Discussion' started by DarthRekal, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. trodgers

    trodgers Administrator Staff Member

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  2. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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  3. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    True. But those shows typically had to come up with 20 episodes or so a season. This is only 8. Episode 2 was sort of filler as well. I have enjoyed the show quite a bit, but out of six episodes, four have pretty much been filler/adventure of the week type episodes.
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  4. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Critics have it at 55% right now on Rotten Tomatoes. :cry:
  5. TIME

    TIME Administrator Staff Member

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    The first review I read criticized Abrams for trying to retcon all of RJ's decisions in the Last Jedi. I did not really like what he did with Last Jedi, so if Abrams tried to fix stuff, I'll probably like it.
  6. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    My expectations for the film have plummeted after all the reviews from YouTube reviewers I trust. Even extremely positive ones like Emma Fyffe and Perri Nemiroff were it’s ok, and gave it 6-6.5 out of 10. Descriptions I’ve seen a lot are convoluted, boring, video game plot, overly fan servicy, etc. People describe feeling very little to nothing when they should be feeling a lot. I’m going to continue to try to avoid spoilers and just go in and have fun, but man this sounds disappointing, so much wasted opportunity, critics loved the Force Awakens and even TLJ. It sounds like J.J. and Disney played it very safe here to try to “win fans back” but in doing so showed they for sure had no plan from the start for this trilogy and it just doesn’t work. This review is particularly strong in just how messy the movie seems to be and they really go in depth while still putting out zero spoilers.

  7. trodgers

    trodgers Administrator Staff Member

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  8. trodgers

    trodgers Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Yo, episode 7 of The Mandalorian was my favorite yet. That was awesome.
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  9. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I can't say I blame JJ for this though. He was asked to finish out a trilogy that had no big bad. Even though I HATE bringing back Sheev (because it means Anakin is not the Chosen One like George Lucas has always said), what choice did he have? Hux is certainly not big bad material. If you make Kylo the big bad, you will not only piss off the way larger than it should be contingent of Reylo people, you also would essentially turn the Skywalker saga into the story of a family that brutalized the galaxy for the better part of a century. JJ almost had to bring back Sheev because he didn't have time to bring in someone new in the very last movie of a nine part series. He can't very well be like, "Lurking in the shadows this whole time...pulling all the the dastardly Darth Cricket!" or whatever. This movie is convoluted because The Last Jedi really left them nowhere to go, and any place they might have been able to take a story that made a modicum of sense would have taken longer than the one movie JJ had left.

    Rian killed Luke and his big bad. Drugs killed Leia. Finn spent the entire second movie on a pointless side quest that didn't develop his character whatsoever. JJ went into this with both hands tied behind his back.
    alam1108 likes this.
  10. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Ehh, I’m not a big Force Awakens fan. It’s incredibly safe, I never find myself putting it on to watch, it’s J.J. playing at trying to make a Star Wars people would like that hated the prequels, a lot of it is cringey to me. He also started a lot of the issues people have with these movies, made Luke a Mcguffin, killed Han so the big 3 never got to be reunited, made Rey a “Mary Sue”, waved off important plot points with lines like “a good story for another time” because hey, “mystery box”, and he changed how light speed travel works apparently, which irks me.

    So I do blame J.J., I blame Kennedy, I blame Iger, they had no plan, they wanted to make money and they Disney-fied Star Wars and for the most part it hasn’t worked, it doesn’t have that George Lucas magic that even the prequels as technically bad as they are, have. J.J. should have just done his vision, they offered him all 3 and he said no, he just wanted to get it started and not have to worry about any answers he set up because that’s what he does. If he’d taken all 3 his vision could have played out and we could have gotten cohesion. As it stands most reviews are saying the first 20-40 mins of this movie are like a new episode 8 and then episode 9 kicks in, essentially undoing most of TLJ. Which is fine, I get they want to bring angry fans back, but it’s also lazy and lame. So yes I do blame J.J. and Kennedy most, I like TLJ more than TFA, but I get a lot don’t, and it’s Kennedy’s fault for letting Rian do whatever he wanted and J.J’s for not wanting to stick out 3 movies, or at LEAST be the writer for all 3. When you have had an issue with every single director on your movies outside of J.J. and Rian (for all we know at this moment anyway), the problem has to be you (Kennedy/Iger). Trank was fired before he got started, Tony Gilroy had to be brought in to save Rogue One, Lord and Miller were fired, Trevorrow was fired, Benioff and Weiss walked away. There can’t be this insane company line that needs to be toed to such a degree that directors get moved out like that or no good directors are even going to want to touch a Star Wars movie in the future.

    oh and your image isn’t showing up so I’m sorry I’m not sure if it had relevance to the discussion, I assume it did. In the end I’m just disappointed for Star Wars, for the fandom, Disney handled this so bad. My only hope is that TV continues to be as good as it’s been with the Mandalorian, that Kenobi and the Cassian shows are awesome too. Oh and that Kennedy gets TFO and someone who actually loves Star Wars is put in charge sort of like Feige is with marvel, maybe Filoni and Favreau are that, we will see.
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  11. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I agree with a lot of that. The complete lack of plan is insane to me. Feige had a rough outline of a plan to start. Once it was clear it was working, the plan got a bit more solidified. Feige wasn't afraid to pull from all the existing story lines in the Marvel comic books. Kennedy said in a recent interview they didn't have material to pull from when making this trilogy. WTF? THere are decades of stories they could have pulled from. This is an extremely important IP for Disney. They just spent countless millions on lands at their theme parks. How could you not have a plan for the initial trilogy? JJ sets some stuff up, Rian does a 180 on a lot of it, JJ 180s it back. JJ didn't need to have answers for the questions he set up. He was done. Rian didn't need to worry about how the next person was going to deal with all his "subversion." That wasn't going to be his problem. I can only imagine how frustrating it must have been for Colin Trevorrow to watch JJ and Rian swing things back and forth and then need to pick up the pieces. I'm sure there were creative differences and that's why he left. Why would anyone want to work in that type of environment?

    The image was just a gif of Obi saying he has a bad feeling about this.
    TIME, alam1108 and Weezy like this.
  12. trodgers

    trodgers Administrator Staff Member

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    Seeing it tonight - 8:00ish.
  13. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
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    Chapter 7.

    They took it!!!!

  14. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    It's a Deborah Chow episode. She's going to be the showrunner for the Obi series. That's a good sign.
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  15. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I saw it. It wasn't terrible. It was mildly entertaining, but not from a strong, tight narrative perspective. The entertainment came from JJ just going all in on nostalgia. This movie probably has more nostalgia and Easter eggs than any movie I have ever seen. No exaggeration. He walked a couple things back from the Last Jedi. He addresses the Holdo Maneuver. But he certainly didn't change Rey being a total Mary Sue. (I realize some people want to attach sexist connotations with that term, but I am using it in accordance with it's actual definition.) JJ tripled down on her learning things on the fly with zippo training. But at least she did train some since we last saw her.

    Disney is like a child with their handling Force. They don't understand it and are using it to advance the plot with our characters having god-like moments. The Force was never supposed to be something that turned Jedi/Sith into OP superheroes. The Jedi were supposed to be vulnerable. Rey, Kylo and Palpatine exhibit LUDICROUS powers. Ones that we've never seen before. A couple were in some of the crazier EU stories from the past, but never on screen.

    Unfortunately some of these things kind of make you scratch your head as to why none of these were discovered before.....cause a lot of bad s*** could have been prevented with a couple of these.

    The movie indeed feels like JJ did his Episode 8 in the first 30-40 minutes, then did Episode 9. The first 1 1/2 or so is ALL over the place. You could tell there were a lot of scenes that probably had 3-4 more minutes left in them that they just abruptly cut off when they felt the main point was made clear, and on to the next place.

    I'd give it a 4 out of 10. It's extremely messy, but has some entertainment.
  16. trodgers

    trodgers Administrator Staff Member

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    We get the explanation, though, of her skills. I’m not sure we’ve seen anything in this series that is to the level of her, but we’ve also not seen any (or maybe one other) character with her pedigree.

    I was entertained. And I don’t think I’ll watch it again. I felt the same way about Rogue One, by the way, but I’ve really come to appreciate that one.
  17. trodgers

    trodgers Administrator Staff Member

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    I do agree that the power level has been cranked up. To almost DBZ like levels. That’s over the top.
  18. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Well, Savory, I believe I finally understand how you felt after TLJ. I loved that movie, I wanted to love this one, I went in as open minded as possible, but god damn, I think I hate this movie. I’m a little shaken to be honest, I’ve never, NEVER walked out of a Star Wars with anything less than joy, exhilaration, or anticipation for what was next. Right now I feel hollow. Holy exposition, Batman! Want some fan service, here take it up the a**! What a convoluted mess, a grand spectacle of entirely flash over substance, making Scorsese sound absolutely right. I feel like tossing this whole trilogy in the trash now, because it even undoes what I loved from TLJ. I shed tears ONCE during this, just once, for a sequence involving some originals I think you know I’m referring to. In the end I didn’t give a crap about Rey, or Kylo, or Finn, it was all just noise. I mean 5-10 mins in I was already annoyed to be honest, but it just gets worse, this isn’t Star Wars, I’ve read better fan fiction, this feels like BAD fan fiction. This movie IMO s***s on the legacy of Star Wars, the force as we knew it, the lore, ugh I feel gross. Maybe I need more viewings, but I have no desire to ever watch this again if I’m being honest, I think I enjoyed friggin Solo more.

    I could go on for HOURS about what I didn’t like about this movie, but just a few things. You get an actor like Domhnall Gleason and this is what you do with him? You thought Hux was bad in TLJ, good lord this is another level. And I actually read a “leak” because I thought it was a joke like over a YEAR ago that he turned spy for the resistance, could not believe it was real. Either they got the plot for this from reddit, or at the very least cherry-picked. I’m just at a loss, if you’re gonna go out big at least go out bold, you could see every story point coming here all the way down to Kylo turning good, saving Rey, and sacrificing himself. We’ve seen this movie before, it was called Return of the Jedi, only it was good. Bigger doesn’t equal better. Rey Skywalker, pff, Rey Palpatine, ha, what a joke, good lord how did anyone of the higher ups ok this? The ONLY time I felt in this movie was when Leia was around and when Han showed up, even Luke’s performance felt contractually obligated it was so saccharin and wink wink to the audience. Good points..uh, Lando, 3-P0 finally got to be his hilarious self and not furniture, we heard Hayden speak (I think?), though I’m pissed he wasn’t a force ghost, uhhh... Chewie got his medal, I’m blanking. And really JJ that’s your final shot, AGAIN? You can’t come up with anything better? It worked in 3, it doesn’t work here. There’s also no WHY in this movie anywhere, no real threat of danger. Hell, if you f****** DIE, Rey can just resurrect you. W.T.F. Why is Lando there? Because. Why do they get through every obstacle so easy? Because. Why is Rey the greatest Jedi of all time and stronger than Thor? Because. Remember when our heroes ran from stormtroopers? Now they blast through them like they’re cardboard cutouts. Why? Because.

    This movie pandered, it tried to make fan service a film, but above all else NONE OF IT MAKES ANY SENSE. Right now this sits at around last for me with Solo, I’d rather watch the duel of the fates and pod racing in 1 or the start of the clone wars in 2 over this. It’s probably a better film than those on a technical and acting level, but even then I’m not SURE it is. At least those don’t move at 1,000 miles a second and give you time to breathe, even if you cringe while doing it. This movie has more wipes than a KFC manufacturing plant. Ugh I’m done, if I go on I’ll never stop, good god what a disappointment.
  19. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    This review eases my pain with comedy, I don’t even care about hating on TLJ anymore

    Stuckmann’s review is also excellent

  20. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Like I said, I'm not sure where JJ could have gone with what was left for him.

    Here's the thing that's crazy...

    What was the point of this whole trilogy? We end in pretty much the exact same place we ended at in Return of the Jedi. The Rebellion/Resistance beat the Empire/First Order led by Palpatine when a Skywalker dressed in black turned good and helped the protagonist save the galaxy. Last Jedi was the only thing different, and it was different in all the wrong ways because it cranked up MaRey Sue and made sure to destroy the works of the original cast. The only point to this trilogy was evidently to alienate a fanbase and squeeze every last dime out of Star Wars for Disney before they buried it in a shallow grave.
    trodgers likes this.

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