Star Wars Thread (a Galaxy Far Far Away) Obi-Wan Movie In The Works! (36)

Discussion in 'Open Discussion' started by DarthRekal, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I watched it. That break was way too long, even though this season hasn’t been great IMO. Way too much time in one location. “Jedi Knight” was one of my favorite episodes of the series though, I honestly choked up when Kanan died. They were leading us to it the entire episode, you could feel it coming, Kanan kept trying to tell Hera something and didn’t get to, he kept giving Ezra lessons that seemed like vital final information to leave him with, and then when Hera told him she loved him I knew he was gone.

    “Dume” was a much weirder episode, I know Rebels has always gone weird with the wolf stuff and such, but this was extra weird. Not in a bad way, I like that they aren’t afraid to go there, it’s in line with some of the Clone Wars series, the new movies, and opens it up even more for future movies. Very much looking forward to the conclusion of the series, the return of the Emperor, seeing Ezra’s fate, what happens to Sabine. As mentioned on Jedi Council last week, if handled in a certain way, those characters can possibly be used in other stuff in the future.
    Savory Griddles and therealdeal like this.
  2. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Yeah that first episode was brutal. They lead you there, lead you there, lead you there and then played it perfectly. When the ship lands you're given a split second of hope. Will they actually make it?? And then of course the reality sets in and everything lands so beautifully. A wonderful episode and a great piece of classic storytelling in Star wars.

    The second episode I liked a lot less. It made less sense even in a regular, practical way: why let that guy go? Even if you don't brutally murder him with your bare hands, you could at least kill him so he's no longer a problem. I love what they're doing with Ezra though. All that wolf stuff is fascinating and I'm very curious where they go with the Kanan/Wolf connection (same name, same markings).
    Savory Griddles and Weezy like this.
  3. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    That was maybe the trippiest Star Wars story I've ever heard. And I've read/watched/played 100s of Star Wars stories...

    I'm honestly still not sure how I feel about it and what it means to Star Wars as a whole. The new canon is going in directions I just never really thought of as Star Wars.
  4. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    "The new canon is going in directions I just never really thought of as Star Wars."

    Yeah. So now there is some sort of Nexus (Star Trek: Generations reference!) type reality outside time and space that has convenient little doors to key moments in your life? Why wasn't the Emperor able to walk through his doorway? He reached through at one point. I started to get real excited when I saw the Mortis trio as that was a fantastic arc in Clone Wars, but then this? It's almost like Disney is having problems stretching the established Star Wars lore into enough product (games, shows, books, movies, etc) so they are adding weird stuff that can hopefully add more story possibilities.

    I did LOVE the episode when Kanan died. My wife teared up.
  5. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    No I think the answer is way more simple than that: George and his good friend Dave Filoni always wanted these stories and now Dave has a chance to to tell them, so he's taking it. George had surrendered so much of the old EU to outside sources that took Star Wars their own way. I still love a lot of the old EU by the way. I spent forever reading those stories.

    This new direction is interesting though and I'm not going to throw it out just because it doesn't vibe with what I knew before. I'm open to it. It's just a shocking difference. I mean if you though TLJ went a different way, this is a completely new thing.

    As for the Emperor: I think this is classic Palpatine- he's 1 step ahead, but always underestimating his opponents. He knew Ezra and Kanan were on to this portal, but that they didn't know how to get in. He was baiting them with the hopes that he could take advantage of them when they figured it out. I'm assuming he can look into the doorway, but can't enter. He needed someone already in there that he could tether himself to and pull himself in. He would have been there on Lothal, but he wasn't expecting Kanan to die so he hesitated on the next move. Ezra sneaks in there and the Emperor isn't quite ready to force his way in which is how Ezra and Ahsoka are able to escape despite the Sith magic stuff he was working with.

    There are some things I love about this episode: Ezra having to face his Master's choice was beautifully done. I like that the mysterious Ahsoka stuff was solved. And how about Ahsoka: in the same day she fought three Inquisitors, Maul, Darth Vader, and the Emperor. :D She's crazy! I'm starting to hope the next story they tell is Luke learning from her between 4-5 or 5-6.
  6. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I felt a little different than you guys with these episodes. That was some of my favorite Star Wars stuff ever. Absolutely loved it. So much nostalgia feels, nerd chills throughout. Coming full circle from the start of this series AND the Clone Wars, just wow. I thought it was beautiful stuff, this is Filoni at his best, getting weird with it, and I’m all in.
  7. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I'm not out, it's just a shock to the system is all. This is the weirdest Star Wars stuff yet and I'm trying to wrap my head around it.

    It's one thing to sink into a Force vision and another to open a literal portal in the wall with paintings that are moving. It's just at a different point than any Star Wars stuff I've seen in my lifetime. I thought I was ready for weird, but apparently not because I'm still shocked. :D
    Weezy likes this.
  8. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    The original Mortis trilogy took away all concerns of weird for me. That was weird as hell and I loved it. Plus I’m still not sure I even fully understand it. :D But that’s cool, SW should be mysterious and ambiguous, I don’t need all the answers. When you ask for all the answers sometimes you get Midichlorians and the last season of LOST.

    I completely get what you’re saying though, I didn’t mean to imply that you were out, only that I am ALL in, not struggling with it, not on the fence, all in. As I was watching it I felt almost disappointed that they hadn’t gone this far in any SW film so far, and that they’re only leaving this stuff for the animation. I would have bought into some of this stuff in the prequels. I’m even more glad Rian Johnson went even somewhat weird in film now, and I like that they continue to open SW canon up for more of this. SW can’t stick strictly to what it’s been if they’re gonna make a movie a year, it has to go out there at some point and explore stuff that may not make all fans comfortable. I’m hoping stuff like this opens up that deeeeep weird Jedi lore to be seen in an old republic movie, series of movies, or tv show.

    Also little quotes from Filoni
  9. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I love that they go weird and this story is growing on me for sure.

    I don't think they can take this to the movies though. I'm not sure general audiences are going to respond as well to this sort of weirdness, but it's pretty perfect for the smaller mediums.
  10. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I think they have to take it to the films. The franchise can’t keep repeating the same formula over and over and expect people to keep showing up to 1 or even 2 SW films per year. Once this new trilogy is done, I think aside from the SW Story films like an Obi-Wan movie, they need to start getting a little more interesting. Probably not a great comparison, but people feared Guardians of the Galaxy would be too weird for the Marvel universe at the time, and they couldn’t have been more wrong, it was out there and awesome. I think the older fans clearly want to stick to the set ways of SW, the kids who grew up on the prequels are maybe a little more open and in the middle, but the kids growing up right now with Rebels and this new trilogy will embrace the weird and more out there stuff. The nostalgia factor doesn’t come into play for them, and they will get bored if the same story keeps repeating over each trilogy.
  11. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Yeah that's a good point. If they're going to make a movie a year, they'll have to start digging deeper. I don't see this level of weird in the movies for a long time though. I'm thinking more like earlier in the show with the Force visions being more encompassing. I'm thinking specifically of the "dojo" scene with Kanan fighting the Jedi palace guards. That I think fits into what they're doing right now with the saga films.

    Off topic: I'm very upset at the state of Star Wars gaming. I played both Battlefronts. The first was horrifically disappointing. The second was only slightly better with a decent, albeit short, campaign mode. And that's it! That's all they've got. I've considered buying Knights of the Old Republic again just to play a decent Star Wars game.
  12. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I was looking to the Amy Hennig directed, more single player focused game. But then EA cancelled it. I believe they did so because it was too single player and they couldn’t make enough money from micro-transactions on it, which they denied, but I think they’re lying, greedy pieces of crap.
    Savory Griddles likes this.
  13. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Agreed. I'd heard some rumors that Disney might be shopping their license. They've got a contract with EA, but there might just be a performance clause that could allow them to breach contract. Unfortunately they'd go to another big company like Ubisoft or something, but I don't understand how such a massive product gets 2 games in 3 years and the second one was just a sequel of an already crappy game.
    Savory Griddles and Weezy like this.
  14. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Star Wars gaming is in the toilet right now. I'd like to see them make something like Dragon Age Inquisition or Mass Effect 3 with Star Wars. A sprawling RPG with a great story, and a multiplayer that is smaller, but still gives them a chance to get some of those beloved microtransactions. Allow us to play our deep Star Wars story, and if you are the kind of person who obsesses over multiplayer and having cool stuff, then you're free to do that too.
    therealdeal likes this.
  15. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Rebels last night was great. The last 30 seconds left me with a couple HUGE questions though.
  16. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Yeah I loved that finale in terms of wrapping up this story although it at times seemed convenient (having all the characters return was a little fan pandering, but I was okay with it). I loved Bridger's part in the story. I loved what they did with the Emperor.

    1. So I guess Bridger still exists. I was kind of hoping they'd go all the way with the story and let him sacrifice himself appropriately for the story.

    2. I'm confused about the timeline a bit although I'm sure it can be cleared up for me. It seems that the events on Lothal happen almost in conjunction with Episode 4 then? They sort of hint that the Empire doesn't return to Lothal in force because they've got bigger fish to fry with the Rebellion.

    3. Ahsoka also lives. I actually sort of like that although it opens BIG questions why she wouldn't help the Rebels and/or didn't help train Luke. I know she's not a "Jedi" but she still pretty much is. I loved her Gandalf look at the end though and I'm interested in where they take her character.

    4. Where does this leave Thrawn? I loved Thrawn in the old EU. This Thrawn is pretty cool too and has generally only been defeated by wild Force phenomena.

    5. There's a ton of space to fill in between 6 and 7 and I would love if they'd adapt some of the old EU into that space so that we could really see the growth and arc from Luke that fans wanted between the movies. I'd love if the next show actually was about Luke and they introduced a Mara Jade type character and maybe even Syndulla's kid goes to Luke's school or something really tragic like that. They probably won't get that deep, but it would be something MANY hardcore fans are craving for and would help "fix" things.
  17. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    The Ahsoka/Sabine going after Ezra story will be told, I just wonder when and in what form. I really, really hope they aren't just planning on slapping a book together real quick to tell a quick story. Especially with Ahsoka. I've spent the equivalent of days with her character through her book, The Clone Wars, and Rebels. I hated Snips when I first met her, but she's a top 5 Star Wars character for me at this point. I'd love to see a live-action show where Ezra and Thrawn get blasted into the unknown regions and that's how Snoke comes into play. Ahsoka and Sabine go after Ezra. That'd be pretty sweet. I'd say let that be Benioff and Weiss's movie series, but I think they are better suited to tackle the Old Republic and I really want that. I don't want Rian Johnson's movies to deal with it because he'd just ruin Ahsoka.

    I wonder If Hera and Kanan's kid will show up at some point in the future? It seems like he'd be around 37 right now during the sequel trilogy.

    And I think the events being portrayed in the final minute did take place right around New Hope.
  18. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Also the kid thing... It was a sweet little moment, but Kanan and Hera were a teased relationship for 4 seasons and they didn't even kiss in front of the audience until the episode where he freaking dies. They had sex at some point right before that? Doesn't really fit.

    Rian would do great with Ahsoka, but at this point I only want Filoni handling her stories. He's got more invested in her than anyone else and he'll do her character right. Besides, Filoni is allowed to explore weirder stuff than the movies and Ahsoka seems suited to weird stuff. I would love to see her in a live action role though.

    They might be able to tell that story in the live action show they're developing for their streaming service.
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  19. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    That's what I'm hoping. Filoni has a better grasp of Star Wars than anyone at that company. He was under Lucas for years. I just don't know if Kennedy trusts him with live action. She most certainly should, but I'm not sure she does. Filoni is also very protective of Ahsoka. I think any project with her on screen will likely be ran or overseen by Filoni. Rian doesn't understand Luke Skywalker so I doubt he understands Ahsoka. I would trust Rian with some Play-doh in a padded room. I think he'd be safe with that.
  20. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    On the contrary, Rian did a fantastic job with Luke. He turned him into a perfect Jedi martyr. Really dug deep into the character and got something special out of him that also left room for the new cast to have an arch of their own. But I do agree with Filoni re: Ahsoka. I listened to one of the Star Wars Youtube shows that interviewed him and he said he's mostly got full control of that character and any character that he's created for the animated series. He did say that the Ahsoka book is not his work, but that he's been versed in what's happening in it.

    It honestly sounded like he was fine working with animation though and I wonder if he prefers it there in some ways. He's able to do more with almost complete autonomy and he said that he's been consulted on the other movies and whatnot as well. Maybe he feels more free in this medium.

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