Star Wars Thread (a Galaxy Far Far Away) Obi-Wan Movie In The Works! (36)

Discussion in 'Open Discussion' started by DarthRekal, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. raviator

    raviator - Rookie -

    Oct 7, 2014
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    So just saw it. Still a lot to process but I liked it.
    so what I was disappointed in was the fact Snoak was written out rather quickly. In TFA we were made see him as the big baddie, the most powerful and what not. There’s really no explanation as the where he came from, who trained him. He comes in then is killed albeit in a cool scene. I wanted more from him.
    I’m also holding out hope there’s more to Rey’s parents then what Kylo said. I agree that she’s a bit too powerful in the force for her parents to be just nothing. I don’t have a problem with her being that powerful that quickly, but I need a better explanation. Hopefully that gets addressed in the third film.
    I’m in agreement with Leia’s space walk. I like the plot device, but the execution was cringe worthy.
    What I liked: the action sequences were top notch. I liked that they kept the stakes high as far the resistance was concerned. You didn’t know whether or not they really were gonna make it until something unexpected happens that just saves them.
    The Luke sequence at the end was cool. But why did he have to die? And then the kid at the end. The beginning of a new Jedi order?
  2. Kingsama

    Kingsama - Rookie -

    Oct 10, 2014
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    I'm going the other way. It had some obvious issues, but I like more the more I think about it.

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  3. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
    embedded spoiler tags for the win!!!

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  4. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I didn't want someone to accidentally hit the button and read something. If they accidentally hit the spoiler tags TWICE, then they obviously wanted to see the spoilers...or they are bad at interneting and I can't protect them.
  5. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I am too. The problems upset me less as time goes on and I appreciate the characters more. I don't agree with everything Rian did, but he made a good movie.
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  6. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I watched it again last night.
    I have softened a bit, but I still think this movie hurts the Skywalker "brand" in ways that can't be repaired within canon. The whole casino thing still feels completely out of place and didn't feel like Star Wars at all. A lot of people in the theater were making uncomfortable noises during the Leia spacewalk again. I got more out of the Yoda scene this time. Overall I enjoyed it more this time, as did my wife. But they fundamentally changed the nature of the Force and the Jedi in general with Rey and her unearned abilities.
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  7. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I honestly like what they did with the Force. I have a strong feeling Rey's history gets retconned in 9 so she's also a Skywalker, but other than that i don't mind it. The Skywalker story still follows the most interesting character to me: Kylo. The Skywalker line is a cursed one.

    I still agree on the casino, I'd rather they cut that and gave us how Snoke/Kylo came to be. Apparently Snoke had been already manipulating Kylo when he was at Luke's Academy. How? Why? Why didn't Luke see it coming?

    edit- I also liked it better the second time. I thought Yoda's point was well made. I liked Finn's story a little better (minus Rose)as a guy who now embraces his role as a hero and a rebel. I liked Luke a little more and I still like Rey. I still don't understand from a storytelling perspective why you kill Luke at the end though in that way. If he was going to die, let him be at that planet and let that moment get even more emotional.
  8. Kingsama

    Kingsama - Rookie -

    Oct 10, 2014
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    Here is a whats probably going to end up being TLDR; thoughts from me on the movie. I will say I have taken a lot of time to process it, and really feel like I need to see it a couple more time before I really get a feel for it.

    Things I liked:

    Let me start by saying this just might be the best made Star Wars movie I have seen. Its not ESB which is better edited(more on that later). But the acting is great, the directing is great, the art is great, the film is beautiful, and the overall flow, with some exceptions, is great. If I am being honest I was a bit worried about Hamill and Fisher coming in, but they stole the show. Equally good was both Ridley and Driver both separate and even more so together. Those four set a high bar for performances. At the end of the movie I kinda wish they had killed Fisher on screen, but in retrospect I think that her closing out with what is easily her best is best left intact.

    I also loved the beginning and ending of the movie(it hangs badly in the middle) and the overall twists and turns. You are immediately swept away into conflict and drama as the story weaves its way towards its conclusion. The battles are great, the characters grow, and you see the trajectory taking shape but its never predictable. Many times they set you up to thinking x is going happen, but boom here comes y.

    Luke was not what I wanted, but he was great. He carried the film and in a way forced Star Wars to grow up with him. His wreslting with his and the Jedi's failings was great. And Yoda being yoda with his young friend was great.

    Another thing I love that Snoke is dead and that Luke is too. Yeah I said it... IF Kylo has really been trying to be the better version of dear old granddaddy he too would be constantly seeking to kill the big dog and become the new number one. Snoke was obviously overcome with opulence and was blinded by his arrogance. He might have had been strong with the force, but he lacked the calculated coldness of Palpatine and paid for it. While I look forward to finding out who exactly Snoke was, I feel like Kylo starting to come into his own sets up a much better story than Snoke being the big bad. And while I was so hoping to see Luke spark that Green saber and go to war, I am glad he died. The removal of Luke, Snoke, and Leah clear the way for the new story to get told. Having them stick around would muddy the water and not allow the new story to unfold. Now we have a carte blanche to work with and that exciting.

    I might be in the minority here too, but I liked the Lightsaber fights. I hated the Prequel Lightsaber style. Spinning, running, flipping, etc all seem silly to me. If I can channel the force, have precognition, can sense all sorts of things, why would I do a double back flip when I could, Like Luke on Krate or Obiwan does vs Maul in rebels, move the slightest bit out of the way and counter. Jedi are cooler when they fight like Samurai and not like circus acrobats. Luke, again like Obiwan on rebels, making slight adjustments and simply dodging a strike by mm's was great.

    The big moments were great too. From explosions, to the jump to lightspeed death, to Luke becoming one with the force were beautifully done as were many more.

    Things that were ok:

    I really thought the "chase" part could have been put together better, along with some of the side stories. I felt the lil boy at the end telling the story was silly not to mention the story line and performance around Po weren't the worst, but weren't the best either. I felt like the replacement for Leah was week too. Instead of Akbar being ripped out into space, couldn't we of had him there? Given our favorite Mon Calamari the chance to go out with a bang. It could have worked better it terms of story telling too.

    While I didn't mind the Space Walk, and thought the bait and switch idea was a good one as I was left wondering if that would push Kylo over the edge one way or the other. I didn't love it as a plot device and no doubt the exicution could have been better.

    Things that I didn't like:

    Lets get it out there, the whole casino side quest was hot festering garbage. Its not that it looked bad. As usual the art and style was wonderful, but man it was just empty, silly, and worst of all, didn't need to be there. All of the important nuggets from that side story could have been just as powerful without the lengthy romp. In the end it really hurts the movie as the whole thing just drags around that story, and while I don't hate the slicer, it just doesn't need to be there. I think the other big issue is that while you are being drug through a preachy casino on one end, you have major drama building on the other.

    In addition to that, the humor was sometimes on point, but many other times it was a miss. Just too forceful.

    Misc Issues:

    I think the biggest issue I have with the film is that it just doesn't feel very star wars ish in many places. Watching previous films there are hints at darkness or at the harsh realities of the galaxy far far away. Slavery, genocide, war, etc all come up, but you are never forced to lean into those things. This movie is very different in that dynamic. For instance while Vader and Palp are stoic faceless anger, Kylo is scarred, betrayed and emotional and his master is ugly, broken, but as wretched Hugh Hefner with his arrogance and selfishness.

    I think this is one of the reasons it took me a bit to accept the movie. I loved the force awakens because at its core, issues and all, it was a fun romp that felt star wars. I didn't worry about this with R1 cause it was not a Saga film really. But with TLJ we have a Saga film that has wandered away from the bright eyed wonder of Star Wars and now feels much more heavy and thats new to me. I think that I will have to see it again and see 9 before I know how this shakes out, but in the short term I am ok with it.

    The Whole Rey thing...

    If I am being honest this doesn't bother me a bit. If the force can bring about Darth Vader to balance the force, it can also raise up someone to remove him and his line from the galaxy leading to true balance. She says over and over again that this has just awoken in her and that she is lost. If she is powerful enough to fight a wounded, conflicted Kylo, what is going to happen after Luke teaches her what the force is and how she can touch it.

    Questions I have:

    - Where are the Jedi that went with Kylo at? Are they the knights of Ren? If so where is they? Kylo's secret base on Musafar? Will they be a big bad in 9? I hope this is addressed in 9.

    - How are they gonna deal with Leah?

    - Where are we going with all of this? It seems that everything is building toward a wipe the slate clean start over ending of 9. BUt I have no idea what this looks like or where its going.

    - How much Luke will be in 9? He promises Ben he will be there, what does that look like? Will he be there for Rey too?

    - Was Ben telling Rey the truth about her parents? I think absolutely he was...

    I am sure there are more but thats all i got.

    The obligatory ranking...

    This can't be done after one viewing but as I sit in my chair right now this is how I feel.

    ESB - still king, and perhaps always will be.






    And who gives a rip about the rest lol
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2017
  9. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I think you forgot to include Last Jedi in your rankings.
  10. Kingsama

    Kingsama - Rookie -

    Oct 10, 2014
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    Lol fixed above. I really struggle wirh ranking em. For instance I love certain parts of RotJ as it has perhaps the best scene of all SW with Vaders redemption,but it also has some real issues...

    Or I love ANH but it's not as fun as TFA...

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    Last edited: Dec 17, 2017
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  11. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
  12. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Not horrible choreography but it got lazy at the end there.
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  13. Kentucky Laker

    Kentucky Laker - Rookie -

    Apr 13, 2016
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    Personally, I loved TLJ. It may be my new personal favorite. Rian took elements from the OT, PT, and put his own unique spin on things to push the boundaries. Basically the perfect Star Wars film, in my opinion.
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  14. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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  15. Kingsama

    Kingsama - Rookie -

    Oct 10, 2014
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    I think a lot of the divisiveness from this movie, and to a lesser extent TFA and R1, is fan reactions rooted in what they thought should have happened vs this is bad. In many ways TLJ is not what I would have wanted to happen. I so wanted to see Luke spark his green saber and be the man, but that doesn't mean that what we got was bad, its just very different. I know plenty of folks who hate TFA and/or R1 too. And its generally not because the movie was bad, it just didn't do what they wanted it to do. This happens will all movies, most hilariously is when the studio just reskins a movie as a sequel and everyone hates it even though its basically the same as the first. I think this is compounded with SW because it is much more personal for all of us than say Iron Man 2 or some other film.
  16. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I really have no problem with the decisions they made in regards to plot points. Snoke's death...not what I thought would happen, but let's see where it goes. Luke dying...definitely not what I wanted to see happen, but him dying wasn't the problem, but more the weird way in which they chose to kill him with him using a Force power that never existed until now. My biggest issue is Rey. And I want to maybe clear up my stance. I have no problem with Rey's power. Maybe I was intimating that. I don't care if Rey has more midichlorians than any Jedi or Sith in history. It's her ability to do everything a seasoned Jedi can in a few days. If Episodes 1-6 didn't exist, it isn't a problem. If the Star Wars saga started with Force Awakens, then we're all good. But it's like Disney decided to ignore the fact that Jedi trained for YEARS to get to the point where they could take on a powerful Darkside user or lift giant boulders. If we're all being honest with ourselves, there is no question that Disney took the lore George Lucas created and made the Force a superpower to be unlocked rather than a discipline to be learned.

    Basketball example: Lebron is possibly the most gifted physical specimen the league has ever seen. He moves like Michael Jordan in Karl Malone's body. But if Lebron had never played basketball in his life and had never touched a ball and you dropped him onto an NBA basketball court at age 20, he would have gotten destroyed. He still had to work hard and put in countless hours playing to fully realize his potential.

    Rey is basically Lebron having never touched a basketball, but drops 50 in MSG in game 7 of the Finals.
  17. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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  18. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I understand some of this, but I also don't mind it as much. :D
  19. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I finally saw it this afternoon, got back not long ago.

    I’m still reeling from this one. So much happened, so much was going on onscreen at almost all times, I’m trying to process it all. I don’t even know if I liked it or not because I’m not quite sure what I just saw. A criticism straight off the bat is this new SW trilogy has a Disney stamp on it, it feels very scattered and there are so many characters with their own storylines that it feels almost like a Marvel movie, too much happening on screen at all times, not enough quiet moments, too much (for me) “wait, their plan is what? And they’re jumping immediately into it? And their plan is this why?”. I feel lost at times. I really think I need to see it a second time, but as of now I can’t form a full opinion.

    Things I didn’t like or quite get were Snokes death, Luke’s death, and where this movie leaves off in the end. A lot of this movie felt like there is no cohesive outline for this trilogy, like Rian Johnson completely ignored a lot of what JJ set up, and I’m not sure I liked that. I don’t at this moment understand where this film trilogy goes from here. The big bad Snoke is gone, the hero Luke is gone, and sadly it seems Leia is gone. And for Luke to go out like that so quietly, he better friggin be back as a force ghost in 9, Luke Skywalker can’t fade away with a whimper to never be seen again.

    So now our conflict is Hux and Kylo vs Rey, Finn, and Poe. That feels to me very anti-climactic. I wanted to know what Snoke was, I wanted to delve deeper into his end goal. Now I’m stuck with Kylo and Hux’s goals. Which is what, to rule the galaxy ala Anakin’s desire in episode 3? I don’t know what the hell JJ goes with this and I don’t envy him. If I were Disney, I’d suck it up and recast Leia, because she was the last of the big 3 left. 9 was supposed to be her story. Rey vs Kylo isn’t as climactic was Leia and her emotional connection with her son, Leia leading this final fight to its conclusion. I feel like we are being robbed of the true conclusion of this story and the emotional weight of it if we don’t get Leia.

    On to what I DID for sure like/love. Yoda, friggin Yoda and his old puppet looking self, that was awesome. Luke, whenever he was on screen, not enough of him for my taste (I’d gave cut more Finn/Rose stuff if it meant more Luke. Leia was great, so incredibly saddened even more that Carrie is gone, to see Leia use the force was a thing of beauty, to see her that bada** take no crap leader again was wonderful. And all the returning characters were settled into their roles so much more. Kylo Ren was great, Hux was great, and their constant rivalry going at eachother worked so well. Rey and Poe also are dialed into their roles, it felt like Empire only in that sense, that these were characters we knew, but that they knew them even better now just inhabited the roles. There was a lot more I liked too, but I’ll stop for now with that’s stuff.

    Sad to see so many beloved characters (and characters in general) die in this one (Ackbar noooo!), but at least the new characters are very strong. Again, I don’t envy JJ doing 9, he’s got a s*** ton to wrap up, and if not done right this trilogy could be a disappointment as a whole. It’s not enough for me to have a few characters left fighting to have their side take over the galaxy, I was hoping for larger stakes and a bigger picture, which is why I thought Snoke and his mysteriousness was such a key, but man they pulled the rug out from under that one. Hope they prove me wrong, hope Luke is back as a ghost, hope Rey discovers more of the big picture with this books and what this all is about and what she’s fighting for, hope Kylo is a bigger threat than I currently see him as and these new characters truly take it to a new level in 9. Or, heck, the way this one went I wouldn’t be too down on 9 subverting even further and ending completely dark with Kylo and Rey joining up to create something completely new, something NO ONE sees coming, rather than Rey killing Kylo and the first order being defeated, thus being ROTJ redux. But hell the entire government is destroyed so even then it’s like what are they fighting to save, how IS there a “happy” ending for this? Again my mind is reeling, I’m not down on this movie because it wasn’t what I expected, I’m reeling because it wasn’t what I expected, despite being warned it wasn’t, I didn’t expect it to even this degree. I’ve got a lot more specific praise and criticisms of this movie, but maybe I’ll hold off until viewing 2. That seemed to work for 7, which I liked way better the 2nd time.
  20. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I am completely with you on this. The lightsaber fights in TFA and TLJ have weight to them again. I like the main fight in TPM with Maul. The fights in AOTC are garbage. Some of the fights in RoTS are good, some are ok, some are silly. The Anakin Obi-Wan fight has emotional weight, but it is too choreographed, it’s more like a dance than a fight, it’s too fast, and it’s too much. There isn’t the physical weight of it, it’s too fancy. What I loved about Rey vs Ren in TFA is it had powerful weight, it’s beautifully shot. Their tear up the environment with those sabers, cutting trees, snow flying, steam rising as sabers are driven into the cold ground, Rey back on her heels as Kylo strikes her saber with powerful blow after blow. TLJ, loved Rey and Kylo vs Snokes guards. The new trilogy seems to have taken the best of the OT and the prequels and combined them. It’s the weight of the OT fights, bashing away at eachother, mixed with just enough of the fancy moves of the PT. They sometimes call them laser-swords, and that’s what these fights feel like, almost like more medieval sword fighting from some movies I’ve seen. Whatever the case, that is a huge highlight of these new movies for me.

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