Star Wars Thread (a Galaxy Far Far Away) Obi-Wan Movie In The Works! (36)

Discussion in 'Open Discussion' started by DarthRekal, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I have some faith. They did a great job with Rogue One of respecting the original material and building around it. I think they'll get it right.
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  2. Kingsama

    Kingsama - Rookie -

    Oct 10, 2014
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    I think Disney has done enough to earn my trust. I don't love everything they do, but more or less both Star Wars and the MCU are fantastic thus far.

    As far as rebels goes:

    I think the one thing that is being missed is that the Star Wars universe is massive and that the republic is not the only civilization. As is in ANH you have Jedi that are lost or hiding in Yoda and Obi. There can be a plot in which Kanaan and Ezra are hidden away or gone across the galaxy and that Rebels continues into the time period of the OT. Remember neither one of them are all that powerful. When trying to face Vader they are over shadowed by his immense power. You have 1 blind padawan who never passed the trials and his unruly side kick. Not exactly a lot of hope there. I think the only reason Obi and Yoda have hope in the Twins is that they are Vaders kids who might match him in strength as Vader brings balance to the force.

    What muddies the waters even more so is that Disney has introduce other Force ways and religions in a big way. K and E could easily disappear with Bendu, or if Asoka is still around with her.

    In the end the main characters of Rebels have to go away as major parts of the core Rebel Battle Fleet, but they don't necessarily have to die.
  3. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    They don't NEED to die, but in order to make Rogue One and A New Hope more impactful, they should. In Rogue One the Rebels are supposed to be desperate, on the ropes. They're willing to stoop to murdering Saw Guererra when he becomes an issue. They throw everything they have at these plans that may or may not even have the information they want/need. To get to that point we need to see the Rebels start taking hits. One way to do that is kill characters. I'm not saying kill Kanan and Ezra right away or anything, but someone like Zeb? Maybe Sabine?
  4. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I agree that they should die for the overall story. But what is Disney's goal with Rebels? Is it to introduce a new generation of fans to Star Wars? If so, killing them would not make the most sense. In the end, the business side of this will likely win out. So is it more important to cater to the adults who watch Rebels and are deep into the movies and the canon as a whole, or is it more important to not alienate the new young fans they are attempting to groom? I tend to think they will side with the later.

    Kingsama - You bring up a good point with the Bendu. That might be the way out for them. They become Bendus and flee to beyond the outer rim. And I agree that Kanan isn't all that powerful, but I think Ezra is very powerful. He faced Vader that one time with basically a few months of training. We have seen the leap he made from season 2 to 3 in terms of his skill and he's still very "young" in the force. Is he Skywalker powerful? Of course not. But I think if he were born in the Republic 30 years earlier, he could have been Qui-Gon powerful.
  5. Kingsama

    Kingsama - Rookie -

    Oct 10, 2014
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    this has to be the least interesting page in this thread as it is cover is only spoiler tags... But more rebels but this time spoiler free.

    I think Disney understands that in regards to Star Wars the larger they can make the universe the more opportunity there is for making diverse stories/characters which means more money. I personally think its only a matter of time before they sum up the Skywalker story that will conclude in either Ep 9 or 12 and we start seeing new trilogies like Knights of the Old Republic to go along with one shots, and perhaps even a Kenobi film once Rey's linage is revealed(I think she is a Kenobi). We can only explore Skywalkers for so long before it begins to feel like beating a dead horse. I think that Rebels and comics are a medium that they will use to open these doors and test out how these new realms of SW work. In particular I think Rebels can open some of these doors with how it concludes. Unlike with Marvel the cartoons count in Canon so we shall see.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2017
  6. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I would be surprised if they wrapped Skywalker, but you might be right. With the untimely and unfortunate death of Carrie Fisher, I would think long and hard about ending the Skywalker line with Luke and whatever kids he or Leia might have had. It would be an interesting way to end that arc, but at the same time the Skywalker legacy is almost everything to Star Wars. For decades it's been the focal point of the EU.

    The truth is though they'll avoid killing most characters because they want those stories available to be told.
  7. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I think episode 9 might wrap up the Skywalker legacy because like Kingsama, I think Rey's a Kenobi and she will likely be the only character moving forward that has a prominent role. Kylo has to die. They can't do a Skywalker redemption story...again. I hope they hit up the Old Republic. Revan needs to be brought to film.
  8. Kingsama

    Kingsama - Rookie -

    Oct 10, 2014
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    in 20 years folks don't want to be watching movies about Vader's great grandchildren. It is unauthentic to think that families stay important in that regard for multiple generations. At some point Kylo, Rey, and Fin's story will come to a close and that will be a wrap on that. Whether this will be in Ep 9 or 12 who knows. But what can happen then is something like a Knights of the Old Republic era trilogy, followed by other huge stories from elsewhere in the galaxy at other times in the galaxy. As incoherent as the EU can be at times,and I jumped off that ship years ago, there are still some great stories and characters there. If Thrawn can be brought in as canon, so can Exar Kun or a prince Xizor, or the Yuuzhan Vong. I would love a shadows of the empire film loosely based on the book. In the end i trust greed to win the day and you can only sell so much Skywalker...

    beyond it being troublesome to have a redeemed Kylo Ren character, at least if they do it like Vader, you really have no plausible way for him to live redeemed. He, like Vader, is a war criminal who butchered innocent people and played a part in destroying an entire star system. Its not like he can repent and become a public leader of anything. The only way he walks is if he is in exile.
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2017
  9. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I don't think unauthentic. If say the Skywalker generation was responsible for balancing (or I guess also unbalancing) the Force, then they'd stay important. In the EU they were a staple of the universe for 30-40 years. I'm not saying they'll be making Skywalker movies that long, but I wouldn't be so quick to assume Lucas/Disney are eager to move on. Diversify, sure, but I'm not sure they're trying to fade the Skywalkers that quickly.

    I would also be surprised if they hung up this cast after one trilogy if the trilogy progresses as expected.

    What they could do is put out Old Republic movies every other year and Skywalker movies every other year. Personally, I want to see more anthologies. I thought Rogue One was cool and I'd love to see other such stories.

    I'm not sure what to do with Kylo. I can't imagine he stays evil and doesn't have a moment of redemption. I think that has to be coming eventually. I'm not saying the universe he's in pardons him or anything, but I think they'll want fans to appreciate him as a complicated character.
  10. Kingsama

    Kingsama - Rookie -

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    I think Kylo repents so to speak, but I am not sure what that looks like. I don't think it can be too much like vader at all, and I do not think he will be the hero of the film(s) like Vader ultimately was. After all Vader kills Palatine while Luke lays their getting crispy.
  11. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    The cast may not be hung up, but unless Rey is a Skywalker, I think the Skywalkers may be done after 9. Kylo likely dies at the end of episode 9 and Leia is definitely gone. That leaves an old Luke? You almost have to kill him because (imo) Luke is too big to just play a mentor role in the background. He's Luke f---ing Skywalker. But you are right with Rey. Unless there is some huge twist where Rey goes dark and they have to kill her in Episode 9, I think they use her for a lot more films. They eventually have to rebuild the Jedi order too. They can't string along this 2-3 Jedi in the galaxy thing too long. Rey will be a part of that rebuild.
  12. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I definitely am picturing something along those lines. We'll see what happens with the Skywalkers.

    What I'd like to see is the Jedi/Sith wars from the Old Republic, a young Yoda story, the Yuzhon Vong story... Chewie getting crushed by a moon. That was an epic death.
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  13. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    If they just did the Revan story line on screen, I would leak pee daily. Chewie better die via moon poisoning.
  14. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Like I said before, obviously the loss of lives here is what is most tragic, but as a hardcore SW fan I can't help but think about some of the meaningful scenes we are going to miss out on with Leia now, how her character is probably not going to get the ending she deserves. I think if Kylo is going to be redeemed at all, Leia was going to be the reason, and we're going to now be deprived of scenes with some real weight, some that could have been the best the franchise ever gave us. It's tragedy on multiple levels. And no, I don't think they should CGI her in like with Tarkin, it's too soon, but to have her death thrown in as a line, oh she died offscreen, they can't do just that IMO, it's not good enough, they have to find a way to handle this properly.
  15. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I think the CGI thing will be OK by the time Episode IX comes out. It's really raw right now having only been a couple weeks, especially with the end of Rogue One being out there in theaters when it happened. But Ep. IX is 3 years away. I think most of us will be OK with CGI by that time. Not saying we'll embrace it, but it won't be crazy inappropriate by that time. Now, I don't think they should look to replace whatever part she was going to have in Episode IX (as it is said to be bigger than her role in Ep. VIII which is bigger than her role in Ep. VII), but if they can somehow bring her in for a "Tarkin level" appearance, I think most will accept it as the best option in a multitude of bad options.
  16. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I don't know man. I think I'd prefer if they wrote her out. Partly on ethical and moral grounds, but also because I'm not sure I want to look at a CGI Carrie Fisher doing all the scenes the real Carrie Fisher would have done. I don't want to watch a CGI Carrie having all these extreme, intimate moments on screen with all the different characters it would just seem weird.
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  17. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

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    Not sure if you misunderstood, but I wasn't saying to have her do the same scenes. I was saying you'd have to completely change her role and give CGI Carrie a few minor scenes just to send her off into the sunset. I don't really have a "moral" problem with it as I don't think it's a "moral" issue. It's more of an issue of poor taste. But simply writing her out and having Princess Leia, possibly the most iconic heroine in film history, die off screen or decide she wants to retire on Naboo is probably worse than allowing her to do something more fitting. It's going to be a gigantic elephant in the room regardless. Another thing to consider is it may be near impossible NOT to have CGI Leia in Episode IX. We don't know where we are going to be left at in Ep. VIII. If it's some sort of Leia-centric cliff hanger, what do you do? If I were a betting man, I'd say they will use a CGI Carrie to finish her story. Whether it be a reshoot to end Ep. VIII or a quick 2 or 3 scene wrap up in Ep. IX.
  18. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I do think it's a moral and ethical dilemma. For one thing, this is a Pandora's box in terms of using dead actors and actresses instead of new ones. I think it's very easily to handle this poorly. It worked with Tarkin, but it's not something I want to see more of.

    You may end up being right that they have to CGI her a little bit, but I'm not a fan of it.
  19. Kingsama

    Kingsama - Rookie -

    Oct 10, 2014
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    lots of reports this has been confirmed... google for links..

    oh and :Mitchthumbs:
  20. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I like it, leaves lots of room for speculation. Is it Luke? Is it Rey? Is it neither or both and in fact a plural? Is Luke the true last Jedi and Rey doesn't become one but instead becomes something new, in the same sort of way that Snoke and Kyle Ren are dark side force users, but not actual Sith? Can't wait for the first trailer for this.

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