Presidential Election Aftermath: What Now / What Next?

Discussion in 'Politics, Religion and Philosophy -(FORUM CLOSED)-' started by davriver209, Aug 11, 2015.

  1. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    There's a good chance Clinton gets indicted. The Republicans have been considering going with someone else for months now despite Trump's clear victory in the primaries. Unfortunately Ryan has said he isn't interested in running and I can't think of a much better candidate from that party. They wouldn't go with the guys who just lost to Trump so... I don't know who else they'd pick.
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  2. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    My last grasp at something to hold on to: either Hillary or Trump choose an amazing running mate.

    I got nothing else.
  3. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    I can't even imagine who that would be.
  4. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    I've gotten in some arguments with friends that want me to support Hillary... lol ain't happening

    Love this. Perfectly said for my take on most of this.

  5. acetabulum7

    acetabulum7 - Rookie -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Yeah, I am not too hopeful since someone amazing probably wouldn't support either candidate.
  6. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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  7. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    "It's Over Gandalf. We Need to Unite Behind Saruman to Save Middle Earth from Sauron!

    The wisest, most qualified and most experienced candidate to rule Middle Earth.

    I’ve been on Team Gandalf ever since he first visited the Shire. It was so nice to see a wizard who was truly a wizard of the people. The kind of wizard who wouldn’t even throw you in a dungeon for smoking a little Longbottom Leaf or Old Toby. Here was a wizard who didn’t have a big fancy tower. His staff and cloak were rather plain and grey. And he had quite a dream, didn’t he?

    Gandalf had the crazy idea that some little hobbits could stand up to and defy the power of the billionaire class Dark Lord Sauron. But I guess that was a pipe dream after all.

    Gandalf failed. He got his a** locked up atop Saruman’s tower when he foolishly defied the head of the Democratic Party council of wizards. And now that he’s locked up it’s not like some eagle is going to magically appear and rescue him. It’s over. And now Saruman is our only hope against Sauron.

    We need to stop saying nasty things about Saruman or it will be difficult to rally the people of Middle Earth to his side. Here are some things we should no longer mention, or if we do, we should put a positive spin on them so people will still see Saruman is our only hope.

    • Saruman’s Environmental Record: While it is true that Saruman has supported clear cutting huge ancient forests, and while an old hippie tree hugger like Treebeard might tell you lots of those trees were his friends, we ARE talking about trees here. And sure, Gandalf has a much better record on the environment but he’s done now. It’s time to focus on how much worse Sauron’s environmental record is. I mean, have you seen Mordor?
    • Saruman’s Being in League With the Dark Lord: Okay, okay. It’s true. Saruman did go to Sauron’s wedding. But that was a LONG time ago when Sauron still had both eyes. And fake hair. It’s also true that Saruman may have promised to do the dark lord’s bidding and to find the ring of power and give it to Sauron. But c’mon! You know Saruman was just doing that because he plans to ultimately betray Sauron after he’s done betraying us!
    • Saruman Actively Seeks Out the Ring of Power, and the Ring of Power Has Only One Master and Is Evil. Gandalf says that is evidence you have to refuse to have anything at all to do with the Super PrACious at all. His biggest criticism of Saruman is that Saruman plans to try and use the ring. But that’s just an artful smear on Gandalf’s part, implying that Saruman doesn’t have the integrity to be totally uninfluenced by the speaking feesone ring once he accepts it!
    • Saruman Has Instigated Pre-Emptive War That Has Killed Thousands: Look, he only did that to prove his loyalty and toughness to Sauron so he could get some of that sweet, sweet ring of power. You know, the power we can totally trust him to use AGAINST Sauron later. Sometimes you have to burn a few villages in Rohan to save the world. Besides, it was all a misunderstanding. Saruman glimpsed in the palantir and thought he saw a spear of mass destruction being constructed at Helm’s Deep. Cause you can totally trust what Sauron chooses to show you in the palantir.
    So now you all have your talking points. Let’s get out there and whip up support for Saruman! Saruman is the wisest and most powerful of the wizards and has the most experience! Saruman will not be influenced at all by the Super PrACious ring of power and will instead use its might to betray the one who made it. He totally is going to betray Sauron and not us.

    So forget about Gandalf and his ridiculous plan involving little hobbits and actually giving up Wall Street money the ring of power. Only a fool would take on the power of Wall Street Mordor without it.

    So it’s time to say #I’mWithSar because Saruman isn’t after the ring for himself, he’s always been fighting for us. Thank you, Saruman, for bearing the heavy burden of all that Wall Street money the ring of power to save us from a fate even worse than you:

    The horror! It’s so awful! Save us, Saruman! You’re our only hope!
    Friday, Mar 18, 2016 · 11:27:58 AM EDT · greywolfe359
    Thanks for the rec list!

    Remember, you might not like having to support Saruman but we live in a TWO TOWER system!

    And I don’t hate Saruman. Saruman makes me sad and a little angry. You know why? Because I’m with Tree Beard: “A wizard should know better.”

    Who Will You Stand With?
    • Sauron, the Evil Dark Lord and Most Evilest Thing Ever 6%
    • Saruman! He's our only hope! 11%
    • #NotMeUs. Sam and Frodo staying true to Gandalf's vision to the end of all things. 82%"
    jbiggs likes this.
  8. acetabulum7

    acetabulum7 - Rookie -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Did you guys hear? If you search "Hillary Clinton cri" in Bing and Yahoo and other search engines, it suggests crimes, criminal record, etc. BUT if you search it in Google, you get crime reform, crisis, crime bill, etc.

    Same thing happens when you search "ind" you get indictment with other search engines, but with Google you get Indiana, India, independent, etc.

    Try it for yourself. Google in the pockets of Clinton? I'm not sure what to think of all this anymore.
  9. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I'm not here to defend Hillary, but the they use similar, but different algorithms. I don't think there is any grand conspiracy by Hillary or Google to hide stuff. If you want to Search something, it's there. Now, if they were hiding it and not allowing those websites to come up, I'd be on board.
  10. acetabulum7

    acetabulum7 - Rookie -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Not allowing those websites to show up would be too obvious though. I just find it strange that after testing 6 or 7 different sites (aol, goduckgo, a couple others), Google is the only one that shows up differently.
  11. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Many have claimed Google and FB are biased toward the Left. I don't doubt that at all. Just not sure this is one of those times. Could be though.
  12. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    This is what he's talking aout:

    Did Google Manipulate Search Results to Help Hillary Clinton? (VIDEO)
    Zach Cartwright | June 9, 2016FacebookTwitter

    A video created by the Facebook page SourceFed is raising questions about possible collaboration between Google and the Hillary Clinton campaign.

    In the video, narrator Matt Lieberman explains how the popular search engine seems to hide search results of articles that bring up negative perceptions of Hillary Clinton when typing “Hillary Clinton cri” into the search bar, like the possibility of criminal charges in relation to her use of a private email server to conduct official government business. However, the three top search results that Google suggests when typing “Hillary Clinton cri” are “Hillary Clinton crime reform,” “Hillary Clinton crisis,” and “Hillary Clinton crime bill 1994,” in that order.

    When SourceFed tried inputting “Hillary Clinton crime reform,” Google’s top suggested search result for “Hillary Clinton cri,” into Google Trends, the actual search results for that term were so low they didn’t even register as a trending topic. But the search results for “Hillary Clinton crimes” were much higher. To compare, SourceFed typed “Hillary Clinton cri” into the Bing and Yahoo! search engine, and the top suggested results for each search engine were “Hillary Clinton crimes” and “Hillary Clinton criminal charges,” respectively.

    Thinking this may be a fluke, SourceFed tried the search term “Hillary Clinton ind” instead, to see what Google suggested. Google suggests “Hillary Clinton indiana,” “Hillary Clinton india,” and “Hillary Clinton independent voters” as the top three search results. But when comparing search results for “Hillary Clinton india” and “Hillary Clinton indictment” on Google Trends, Google users were found to have searched for “Hillary Clinton indictment” eight times more often than “Hillary Clinton india.” To add to the confusion, both the Bing and Yahoo! search engines’ top suggested results for “Hillary Clinton ind” are “Hillary Clinton indictment.”

    Although this isn’t a smoking gun that proves the search engine is collaborating with the Clinton campaign, SourceFed learned that the top suggested search result for “Bernie Sanders soc” is “Bernie Sanders socialist” on all three search engines. If Google is intentionally hiding negative articles about Clinton for its users, it isn’t doing the same for the Vermont senator. Similarly, “Donald Trump rac” comes up with racist on all three engines as well.

    SourceFed stresses that it isn’t directly accusing Google of collaborating with the Clinton campaign, as there’s no direct evidence of collusion between the two parties. And even if Google were to be manipulating search results to help build a positive perception of Clinton online, it wouldn’t be in violation of any laws. However, it would be considered extremely unethical.

    Wikileaks founder Julian Assange also recently claimed that “Google is directly engaged with Hillary Clinton’s campaign” in a livestreamed address on the state of journalism. And in 2015, Fortune interviewed researcher Dr. Robert Epstein, who concluded that Google search results have a profound effect on voters’ opinions in elections.


    “Through five experiments in two countries… biased rankings in search results can shift the opinions of undecided voters by 20% or more, sometimes even reaching as high as 80% in some demographic groups,” Epstein told Fortune. “If Google tweaks its algorithm to show more positive search results for a candidate, the researchers say, the searcher may form a more positive opinion of him or her.”
    acetabulum7 and John3:16 like this.
  13. Helljumper

    Helljumper - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    My biggest issue with this election cycle is that it's such a spoiler for House of Cards. They're totally gonna drag this on for a few seasons until Claire/Hillary runs for the White House.
  14. CaCHooKa Man

    CaCHooKa Man Administrator: Media Staff Member

    Sep 13, 2014
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  15. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    What's funny about the wall is there's also tunnels, they come up the rivers, they come from the ocean. I mean a wall is going to stop a few, but not stop the flow.

    Economics: you want to stop illegals from coming over, make it inconvenient for them. Right now if they can get to the US their lives can be pretty great. Their kids are citizens, they can find work, etc. If you want to stop immigrants, make it impossible to employ them without suffering massive penalties. When there's no jobs, they won't come over here. Except to escape the drug lords of course and in that case we should be offering assistance.
    Savory Griddles and Barnstable like this.
  16. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    The guy who ran on the court in Finals tonight had TRUMP SUCKS painted on his chest.
  17. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    And on his back it said "LeBron 4 President". :D
    acetabulum7 and John3:16 like this.
  18. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Every time I hear about this wall, I picture something like that scene in World War Z where the zombies go insect/ants and use eachother to scale it. I don't picture that happening, I just picture that wall because that's how extreme and ridiculous and extreme it sounds. So we're gonna build the Greaf Wall of America of even crazier scale than China? Come on now. The man power, the recourses, the time it would take, it's silly.
  19. 432J

    432J - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    if trump is elected there won't be a wall, like any country can force another to pay for a wall

    there won't be a ban on muslims

    US troops won't be killing the families of terrorists

    none of these ideas are even close to being realistic. just like if bernie was elected there would be no free college
  20. Kingsama

    Kingsama - Rookie -

    Oct 10, 2014
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    Lost in thought...
    full disclosure: I think Trump is as bad as Hillary and in no way support him, and might not even agree with him on anything.

    As for a wall, I don't see it being an extreme solution, because the reality is that our border situation is horrific. Now take a breath and realize I do not think that most immigrants are bad, in fact I think most of them are loving, hard working families that really just want to come here to make a life for themselves and said loved ones. Personally I think that we should welcome those folks here as they will strengthen every aspect of our country, economy, culture, everything. The so called illegal immigrants are not the problem. Organized crime is.

    The cartels are right now kidnapping American children, they are right now having gun fights with American home owners, they have executed major city police chiefs on the police chiefs front porch. They are dumping mountains of drugs into America, and now they are buying up land in the middle of no where to make meth factories all over. They deal in sex trafficking, drugs, violence, and are crushing out impoverished areas with more violence and more drugs. In speaking with experts in gangs, drug/human trafficking, I have been shown bi lingual flyers that were handed out openly, men who work for the cartel literally walking down the halls, of American High Schools, and middle schools, that advertise free cars, 5k, and free weed for working for the cartels. And the truth is this in no longer a boarder state issue as the cartels have pushed into the South East and Mid West setting up meth/human trafficking operations. Our prisons, which the prison industrial complex is a whole different beast, swell with folks who have committed horrible crimes that aren't Americans. But we have no real way to keep anyone out. That has to change.

    Forget about National Security, the Cartels are a major threat to regular folks. The fact that we have American troops getting shot at protecting various closed boarders around the world while innocent Americans, Mexicans, and others get killed, exploited, etc right in our back yard is a travesty. Again America needs major immigration reform. People shouldn't have to wait years and pay 10k plus to immigrate here, nor should they have to be horribly abused by criminal organizations. Families that are here, don't commit major crimes, have jobs, and kids are in school should have legal status NOW. Let em stay and pay taxes. But we have to have some way of stopping the cartels who are in fact terrorist organizations. We have to have a way to keep the boogie men out, while letting the guy who just wants to feed his family in. It it un-American to be anti immigrant, but to ignore the very real, very horrifying problem of the cartels is also foolish.

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