Presidential Election Aftermath: What Now / What Next?

Discussion in 'Politics, Religion and Philosophy -(FORUM CLOSED)-' started by davriver209, Aug 11, 2015.

  1. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    All Hell Is Breaking Loose at Arizona Election Fraud Hearing
    Nathan Wellman | March 28, 2016FacebookTwitter

    A raucous hearing on election fraud in the Arizona primary is still going on in Phoenix. As of this writing, the hearing was moved to a separate room and is currently in recess due to continued outbursts of protest in the gallery.

    Helen Purcell began the Arizona Election Fraud hearing by saying “I want to begin by apologizing what took place on March 27th… As I said in the past, I am deeply sorry.”

    However, it’s clear that the people of Arizona have no intention of forgiving or forgetting, given the anger expressed by those who signed up to speak on alleged election fraud. The rowdy crowd is parading up to speak in large numbers, calling for Purcell’s resignation and for a revote.

    “Our right to vote and to have that vote counted is the most direct way that citizens can participate in our political system… People tried to do our civic duty and couldn’t,” Arizona citizen Patrick Syfter said. “You made people choose between voting and keeping their jobs… You must resign. Stop pretending that you represent us. We do not want platitudes… This will not end today. We will be back every vote to hold you accountable.”

    Air Force veteran Dean Palmer described his horrific experience voting in Maricopa County.

    “My experience down there, it was tough… People in wheelchairs and canes in the heat… We were out of provisional ballots at 7am… So many people, they wheeled up there and got hit with the sprinklers. So many people, they couldn’t take it. They had to leave, people were crying.”

    The executive director of the Arizona Students’ Association shared the testimony of a student who had just come back from a one-year tour in the Army.

    “I just spent a year laying down my life to protect the rights of Americans. I faced death every single day. One of the things I kept telling myself was “It was worth it.” … Yet the right that I looked at death over a year for was taken from me.”

    “There were no parking spaces, no handicapped spots, and when I went back to my car I was afraid that I would get a parking ticket,” said another woman.

    The mood of the crowd was often raucous, cheering wildly at every mention of a revote and booing every time Purcell or Arizona Secretary of State Michele Reagan tried to shrug off responsibility. Michelle Ugenti-Rita, who chaired the hearing, could barely keep order as the people often shouted for a revote, and at one point the hearing broke down completely as citizens cried out that their place in line to speak had been skipped.

    Arizona State Representative Jonathan Larkin (D-Glendale) is the only member of the hearing who has openly called for Purcell to resign. He demanded to know how voters can get in touch with Purcell after the hearing. When she advised them to go to her website, he dryly asked, “And you’re ready for the flow this time?”

    Rep. Larkin was often silenced by Representative J.D. Mesnard (R-Chandler) throughout the proceedings, particularly when Larkin linked the voting suppression of the previous primary to the passage of the infamously unpopular State Bill 1516, which “permits the transfer of campaign funds from one candidate to another.” In other words, the bill allows candidates to treat each other to cash injections whenever they please, which critics say would lead to undue influence and back-door deal-making.

    Secretary of State Reagan said “We could debate 1516 all day,” and the crowd shouted “Do it!” after which Rep. Mesnard snidely mocked the crowd with “Do you guys even know what 1516 is?” (This drew a forceful round of boos.)

    Mesnard repeatedly told the crowds that no revote would be taken, despite repeated insistence from Arizona citizens that their voices had not been heard in this primary.

    At another point, there was a confrontation between a protester and officers who attempted to remove him.

    The tone of the election fraud hearing is summed up best by a citizen who said, “The corruption has become so prevalent, that you became comfortable, and you became so comfortable, that you became lazy, and you became so lazy, that you got caught. You (Purcell) are a snake in the grass and we see you!”
  2. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Sounds like that might have been his goal originally, but it's become pretty clear to me that he's not going to quit anytime soon.
  3. Punk-101

    Punk-101 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    "The irony of liberty
    is no one here is truly free
    when elections are stolen by greed."

    -Pennywise Lyrics
  4. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Just In: Trump Fan Brutally Pepper-Sprays Teenage Girl (VIDEO)
    ByColin Taylor
    Posted on March 29, 2016


    Violence between Trump supporters and his protesters has broken out once again. A capitol reporter for the Wisconsin State Journal, Molly Beck, witnessed an altercation at a rally in Janesville, which ended with a fifteen-year old protester being pepper-sprayed by a Trump supporter – so badly that she needed medical assistance afterwards. The heavily white town with a lengthy history with the Ku Klux Klan exploded into chaos this afternoon as hundreds of Black Lives Matter activists clashed with racists.

    UPDATE – Witness reports, confirmed by local police chief, reveal that the Trump supporter sexually assaulted her by groping the young woman’s chest, which prompted the punch and then the pepper-spraying. On a day which has already seen Trump and his supporters disparaging and insulting a woman after she was assaulted by his campaign manager, this truly puts into perspective how deep the hatred in the Trump campaign truly runs – misogyny, xenophobia, racism are all celebrated and defended by Trump and his bigoted supporters. He teaches them to treat other humans as objects, to be groped, shoved, and beaten with impunity; his supporters revel in their new-found confidence and behave like animals in public.

    UPDATE – the victim of the pepper-spraying has reached out to Occupy Democrats and has given us this description of the incident to relay:

    It was simple. I was in the crowd and a man started groping me. I yelled at him to stop touching me several times and he just laughed and continued, I yelled at him and said “you’re a grown man and I am a fifteen-year-old-girl, are you proud of yourself?” As I tried to push him off. He just kept laughing and still had his hands on me, so I hit him. Immediately as my hands went towards him I got pepper sprayed and then I basically got carried to a cop car because I could not open my eyes.

    The pictures are a brutal symbol not only of the violence of Trump’s movement but of their naked disrespect towards women. As he continues to encourage violence at his rallies, the likelihood of people getting injured is rising substantially. This is a low point of American history that we won’t be able to soon recover from. This is fascism at work.


    Trump supporters were also seen waving Confederate flags:


    Here is a video of the aftermath, in which Trump supporters scream “CAN YOU FEEL THE BURN NOW?”

    Protests outside the Trump Rally in 360ºA Trump supporter pepper-sprayed a woman at a rally then asked if she was “feeling the Bern now”

    Posted by RYOT on Tuesday, March 29, 2016

    Here’s a video of the incident:

    Video from #Janesville Trump rally shows protester pushed supporter, then pepper sprayed

    — Brian Ries (@moneyries) March 29, 2016
  5. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    She accused the man of touching her breast which clearly didn't happen during the video (maybe before) and then punches him. People don't want to hear it, but pepper spray is justified in that instance. That qualifies as self defense.

    Still pretty scary to see the hatred this man inspires on BOTH sides of the fence.
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  6. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    I'm at work, so I haven't seen the video yet, but if he did touch her, her reaction to punch him was justified
  7. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

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    In the video he doesn't touch her that you can see. They're clearly yelling at each other, but she says "you touched my breast!" and the man immediately laughs and pulls his hands away and up. It doesn't look like either hand is touching her, but he does the universal "I didn't do it" palms up thing. The crowd (even on her side) seem uncomfortable/derisive of her claims and in the video you can see most of her chest (including where she's pointing and saying she was touched) and he's not touching her. Someone else is touching her arm trying to get her to calm down or relax, but she's yelling about her breast. She then loses her cool and punches the man. It looks like someone else probably pepper sprays her.

    Now before that it's entirely possible this man had his hands on her, but from what I can see and the body language involved, the woman was being an instigator and it wasn't working so she lost her cool.

    Again though: this man inspires hate from both his supporters and his detractors in such an unsettling way.
  8. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

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    I have a hard time taking the article seriously when it starts off saying BLM took on racist.

    They can be white protesters and the Trump crowd is gonna argue with them. Race of protesters is insignificant, but the Left always paints the GOP as racist.

    I guess it works, but I'm sure sick of it.
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  9. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I've seen some stuff on my twitter from main stream sources insinuating that the GOP is racist. I think it was something like in the 60s many racist whites left the Democratic party for the Republican party. Therefore Republicans are racist.

    Right? Right??
  10. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

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    I can't remember the details, but the republicans changed strategy some time in the 80's trying to attract white conservatives to the point they were basically recruiting all the racists down south. That's where the GOP being racist came from. They changed their rhetoric to the point of the extreme. Little by little the GOP started influencing the rest of the republican party turning them more and more conservative (example: the video of Regan and Bush senior debating I posted earlier).

    I'll have to look for the info later, but that's around the same time the Dems changed their strategy and minorities started thinking Democrats are for them (which as a party, they are not).
  11. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

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    BTW, I'm not saying she was definitely attacked, and that article is 100% true. It was just the first place I found the article.
  12. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I honestly didn't read the article, I just watched the video. The video really shows the girl being obnoxious and then hitting a guy. I mean of all the videos I've seen at Trump rallies, this one is the dumbest. The black kid getting blind-side punched is way worse than this. This one is a punk girl getting pepper sprayed because she deserved it... I was on her side before I saw the video too.
  13. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

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    A little humor during all the campaigning.
  14. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

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  15. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    ^ Among other websites I've seen, Forbes and even the Cato Institute say the Tax Policy Center is full of crap.
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  16. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

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    I don't doubt Forbes or the Cato Institute, as I've never heard of the Tax Policy Center before. I'd like to see one of them create a calculator because right now, all I have is this and I don't like it one bit.
    therealdeal likes this.
  17. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    The chart I posted was from Bernie's own website. I know, you might not trust it, but 22K more sounds like a hell of a lot more than the 2% more most people will be seeing in taxes... unless you ballin' like dat John:p:D
  18. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    The corruption in the DNC is insane. They are pulling out every stop to make sure Bernie doesn't win the nomination:

    Sanders reportedly left off D.C. primary ballot after Democratic Party error

    Washington voters may not get to feel the Bern. (Associated Press) more >

    By Victor Morton - The Washington Times - Updated: 7:56 p.m. on Wednesday, March 30, 2016

    Washington primary voters may not get to feel the Bern.

    Because of an error by the D.C. Democratic Party, Sen. Bernard Sanders’ name is not on the ballot, according to a report by WRC-TV, the local NBC affiliate.

    Both the Vermont senator’s team and the campaign of rival Hillary Clinton submitted the required $2,500 registration fee and other paperwork, but the party did not notify the D.C. Board of Elections by a key deadline.

    The registration deadline was March 16, but the party did not send the board Mr. Sanders’ registration information until the 17th, according to the affiliate. As a result of this error, Mr. Sanders’ eligibility to appear on the ballot is being contested.

    Confusion appeared to reign late Wednesday over just what happened and whether it could be fixed.

    D.C. Democratic Party Chairwoman Anita Bonds told The Washington Times that the party’s primary plan, which included the paperwork for all candidates, was submitted by 7 p.m. on the 16th. The D.C. Board of Elections offices closes at 4:45 p.m.

    Ms. Bonds said the extended hours for submission had been permitted. She also said that “clarifying legislation” could be passed by the board or the D.C. City Council soon to resolve any disputes.

    When asked, Ms. Bonds said she did not know why WRC would report, based on the party’s missing a deadline to submit all paperwork, that Mr. Sanders’ name was left off the ballot but not Mrs. Clinton’s.

    She did tell The Times that there is at least one outstanding citizen-challenge to Mr. Sanders’ eligibility to be on the ballot.

    There are no apparent challenges to Mrs. Clinton’s eligibility on the basis of the party’s missing the filing deadline, WRC reported.

    An after-hours email from The Times to a spokesman for the election board seeking clarification of the confused issue was not immediately returned.

    The Sanders campaign said in a statement that it had followed the rules and expects his name on the ballot.

    “We did what the D.C. law requires in order to get Bernie on the ballot and we are confident he will be on the ballot,” communications director Michael Briggs said.

    The District’s presidential primary is set for June 14, with 46 delegates at stake.
  19. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I just did my wife and I. We're close to 20k as well according to that thing. 20k would be demoralizing to us. If that is accurate, he'd be impeached on April 16 2018.
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  20. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    So I got curious about how accurate that tax policy center website is.

    I did my own tax bracket and compared it to the chart Bernie put out on his own website:


    I don't know where that website is getting their info, but it's not from the Bernie Sanders website.

    Tax Policy Center put my income one tax bracket higher than is should be in comparison to Bernie's chart giving the impression that my taxes would go up substantially, when they wouldn't.

    Then I just got curious and wanted to see the worst case scenario for upper middle class. I wanted to see how much of an increase in taxes a single person making around $300,000 a year would see because that's the tax bracket that would see the biggest increase in taxes before you get to millionaire status. If you make 300,000 per year, your taxes will increase from 33%, to 37%, which equals 12k more you would pay in taxes. That is the worst case scenario, so I don't understand how they are saying you guys would be paying 20k+ more per year in taxes. Do the math yourself with this chart and see what you come out at. There might be an increase, but 20k+ more? I doubt it.

    I don't know what type of calculator that tax policy center is using, but it's not what Bernie is presenting in his plan, and it blatantly raised my own tax rate a whole tax bracket higher than it should be.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2016
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