Presidential Election Aftermath: What Now / What Next?

Discussion in 'Politics, Religion and Philosophy -(FORUM CLOSED)-' started by davriver209, Aug 11, 2015.

  1. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Bernie said tonight that "if you're white you don't know what it's like to live in a ghetto. You don't know what it's like to be poor."


    These politicians are so out of touch.

    I truly believe they want Hillary to win. Conspiracy to elect Hillary.
  2. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    That's out of context. He was trying to talk about living in the ghetto in relation to being harassed by the police.

    Poor whites exist, and he wasn't trying to suggest they don't, but he was talking specifically to being harassed by the police in the ghetto, which most whites don't experience.

    He just did a poor job of explaining it properly.
  3. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    ^^ I didn't see the debate. Just the sound bite. Saying whites don't get harassed by cops in the ghetto isn't statistically accurate, as more whites are killed by the police than any other demographic.
  4. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Yeah it was a loaded question that amounted to "most people think you're out of touch with minorities. what is your response?"

    Sanders talked about his now very famous experiences in college.

    Clinton talked about her childhood church forcing her to go to inner cities and trade with minority groups. Wasn't a very powerful moment...

    I thought the Sanders bit was definitely out of touch. It sounded like pandering to me. I'm still not sure how Hillary is winning all these delegates. I mean... Sanders sounds better, his responses are better, and while I don't agree with his socialism he also doesn't sound like your typical politician either.
  5. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    The two aren't correlated. Whites make up the majority in this country, so they make up the most deaths by cops, but there is no such thing as being pulled over for driving while white, or stop and frisk for whites (which was 99% performed on minorities) for example.

    He was saying whites don't get stopped and harassed for no reason other than living in the ghetto the way blacks do. That is by and large accurate, and the few whites that live in a ghetto are outliers. The subject wasn't trailer parks, or poor neighborhood, but specifically ghettos where blacks are targeted by the police.

    Listen to the context
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  6. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Bernie just won Maine, so Bernie just won 3 out of the 4 Democratic caucuses this weekend.

    This is not even close to over.
  7. Helljumper

    Helljumper - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I'm pretty frustrated with two things that the media seems to be cherry picking from the debate over the haymakers Bernie hit Hillary with.

    Firstly, that sound bite/clip about "white people". I'll admit, it was very poorly phrased so that's on Bernie. But if you watched the full debate you'd realize what he meant. IIRC, he started the answer to that question (which was a TERRIBLE question in my opinion) by saying he agreed with Hillary. She said it much better and I think this is what both of them were trying to say: That as a white person it's simply impossible to truly feel the extent to which institutional racism (police bullying, ghetto projects, etc) affect people of color. Because while a white person might know the similar struggles of a poor, ghetto life, they'll never experience the vitriol that blacks feel knowing they have to put up with some of those struggles to a larger extent specifically because they are not white and racists still exist.

    So after being asked this stupid question, now he has to try to parrot her answer (which is really the only answer a white person can give) and he just kind of botched the wording. But now of course the media will make it seem like he doesn't understand the plights of poor white people even though he spent a good chunk of the debate talking about his upbringing as a poor white person. Like come on. You can hate Bernie for his socialist policies all you want, but if you've paid attention to anything he's ever said you'd know that in his heart he probably hates having to deal with all this politicized racial rhetoric. He thinks there are larger issues affecting everyone and that some of the "racial divisions" we still have would be lessened if everyone was given a more level economic playing field.

    And then secondly, people are making a big deal out of him waving his finger and telling Hillary "not to interrupt" with the implication being that he's sexist and that he feels entitled to speak over because she's a woman. What in the hell. THAT is sexist.
    Barnstable and scnottaken like this.
  8. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    If people have a problem with Bernie waving his finger and telling her not to interrupt, wait until Trump debates her.
  9. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Yeah I hadn't heard about people being upset about the finger waving. Wow. I can't imagine how they'd feel if all six of these candidates were on the debate stage at the same time... Yeesh.
  10. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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  11. davriver209

    davriver209 - Rookie -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Both Sanders and Clinton are using the racial division narrative to score political points. But what else do you expect during an election year?

    Sanders' response just came out wrong.
  12. Helljumper

    Helljumper - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Well I disagree with the way you worded that. They're not purposely trying to create/exploit the racial division narrative to get points. But the racial division narrative already exists and people are going to talk about it so they HAVE to use it to get points. At least for the Dems, IMO.
    Barnstable likes this.
  13. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    "Bernie Sanders Has Filed More Bills For Veterans Than Any Congressman In The Past 30 Years

    ByColin Taylor
    Posted on December 26 2015

    Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), on the other hand, has sponsored more bills fighting for the well-being of our veterans than any other legislator in the last thirty years. One of his most recent high-profile veterans' bills include last year's Veterans CHOICE Act in the wake of the VA scandal, a comprehensive reform bill that worked to rectify the VA's bureaucratic inefficiencies, expand healthcare and dental access for veterans, create education and employment opportunities for their post-military lives, and expanded desperately needed reproductive health access for veterans and their spouses.

    On top of that, throughout his long and storied career in the U.S. Congress, he has sponsored or co-sponsored nearly seventy bills specifically devoted to our brave veterans and improving their lives, both in and out of uniform. These men and women sacrifice their lives and limbs in the defense of our nation and so the rest of us can sleep peacefully at night; our promise to take care of them after they have served is one of our most sacred national covenants that cannot be broken. While the Republican candidates prattle on all the different ways they'd make new veterans, its progressives like Bernie Sanders who are actually showing that they appreciate the sacrifices our military men and women make and honor their service by providing for them when the wars are over.

    Here is a full list of the bills sponsored or co-sponsored by Sen. Bernie Sanders, courtesy of

    HR 695 (1991) Guard and Reserve Family Protection Act of 1991.
    HR 2304 (1991) To restore reductions in veterans benefits made by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990
    HR 1791 (1991) To restore reductions in veterans benefits made by the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990
    HR 1964 (1995) To authorize the President to award the Medal of Honor to the unknown Vermonter who lost his life while serving in the Continental Army in the War of Independence and who has been selected by the people of Vermont to represent all Vermont unknown soldiers.
    HR 3444 (1995) To amend section 818 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1995 to repeal certain provisions and to revise certain reporting requirements relating to payment of restructuring costs under defense contracts.
    HR 3512 (1995) To amend Title 10, United States Code, to establish limitations on taxpayer-financed compensation on defense contractors.
    HR 2279 (1997) To amend Title 10, United States Code, to establish limitations on taxpayer-financed compensation on defense contractors.
    H.Amdt.289 (1997) Amendment increases funding for the National Guard Starbase program by $2 million.
    H.Con.Res.189 (1997) Revising the congressional budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 1998 with respect to the appropriate budgetary levels for Social Security and national defense for fiscal years 1999 through 2002 in order to maintain the level of administrative expenses for Social Security by taking into account anticipated inflation.
    HR 4708 (1998) Veterans Burial Benefits Act of 1998
    HR 652 (1999) Veterans Burial Benefits Act of 1999
    H.Amdt.442 to HR 2684 (1999) An amendment to specify that the House supports efforts to implement improvements in health care services for veterans in rural areas.
    HR 5231 (2002) To amend title 10, United States Code, to repeal the required offset of certain military separation benefits by the amount of disability benefits paid by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
    HR 5305 (2002) To authorize the disinterment from the Lorraine American Cemetery in St. Avold, France, of the remains of Private First Class Alfred J. Laitres, of Island Pond, Vermont, who died in combat in France on December 25, 1944, and to authorize the transfer of his remains to the custody of his next of kin.
    HR 2970 (2003) To authorize the disinterment from the Lorraine American Cemetery in St. Avold, France, of the remains of Private First Class Alfred J. Laitres, of Island Pond, Vermont, who died in combat in France on December 25, 1944, and to authorize the transfer of his remains to the custody of his next of kin.
    S.Con.Res.13 (2007) A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that the President should not initiate military action against Iran without first obtaining authorization from Congress.
    S.1326 (2007) Comprehensive Veterans Benefits Improvements Act of 2007
    S.Amdt.2664 to HR 2642 (2007) To prohibit the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, with respect to increases in dollar amounts for the payment of disability compensation and dependency and indemnity compensation, from rounding down such dollar amounts to the next lower whole dollar.
    S.Amdt.2902 to S.Amdt.2011 on HR 1585 (2007) To provide for an enhancement of the utility of the Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty of members of the Armed Forces.
    S.Amdt.2905 to S.Amdt.2011 on HR 1585 (2007) To require a pilot program on military family readiness and servicemember reintigration.
    S.Amdt.3082 to S.Amdt.2011 on HR 1585 (2007) To provide, with an offset, and additional $15,000,000 Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, Army, for a program of research on Gulf War illnesses.
    S.Amdt.3130 to HR 3222 (2007) To increase, with an offset, the amount appropriated for Operation and Maintenance, Army National Guard, by $10,000,000.
    S.2398 (2007) Stop Outsourcing Security Act
    S.Amdt.4384 to S.Amdt.4387 on HR 3221 (2008) To provide an increase in specially adapted housing benefits for disabled veterans.
    S.821 (2009) A bill to amend Title 38, United States Code, to prohibit the Secretary of Veterans Affairs from collecting certain copayments from veterans who are catastrophically disabled, and for other purposes.
    S.820 (2009) Veterans Mobility Enhancement Act of 2009
    S.Amdt.2559 on HR 3326 (2009) To make available from Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, Army $12,000,000 for the peer reviewed Gulf War Illness Research Program of the Army.
    S.Amdt.2601 on HR 3326 (2009) To make available from Overseas Contingency Operations $20,000,000 for outreach and reintegration services under the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program.
    S.1753 (2009) Disabled Veteran Caregiver’s Assistance Act of 2009
    S.1752 (2009) A bill to amend Title 38, United States Code, to direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to provide wartime disability compensation for certain veterans with Parkinson’s Disease.
    S.1798 (2009) Automatic Reserve Component Enrollment Act of 2009
    S.3023 (2010) Stop Outsourcing Security Act
    S.Amdt.3353 to S.Amdt.3336 on HR 4213 (2010) To provide an emergency benefit of $250 to seniors, veterans, and persons with disabilities in 2010 to compensate for the lack of cost of living adjustment for such year, and for other purposes.
    S.1017 (2011) Disabled Veteran Caregiver Housing Assistance Act of 2011
    S.1428 (2011) Stop Outsourcing Security Act
    S.Amdt.3183 to S.3254 (2012) To require public availability of the database of senior Department officials seeking employment with defense contractors.
    S.Res.48 (2013) An original resolution authorizing expenditures by the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.
    S.Amdt.198 to S.Con.Res.8 (2013) To establish a deficit neutral reserve fund to protect the benefits of disabled veterans and their survivors, which may not include a chained CPI.
    S.735 (2013) Survivors Benefits Improvement Act of 2013
    S.851 (2013) Caregivers Expansion and Improvement Act of 2013
    S.825 (2013) Homeless Veterans Prevention Act of 2013
    S.852 (2013) Veterans’ Health Promotion Act of 2013
    S.893 (2013) Veterans’ Compensation Cost of LivingAdjustment Act of 2013
    S.928 (2013) Claims Processing Improvement Act of 2013
    S.927 (2013) Veterans’ Outreach Act of 2013
    S.922 (2013) Veterans’Equipped for Success Act of 2013
    S.944 (2013) Veterans’Health and Benefits Improvement Act of 2013
    S.Res.233 (2013) A resolution authorizing expenditures by Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.
    S.Res.243 (2013) A resolution authorizing expenditures by Committee on Veterans’ Affairs.
    S.1564 (2013) Protecting Those Who Protected Us Act of 2013
    S.1584 (2013) A bill to amend Title 38, United States Code, to provide replacement automobiles for certain disabled veterans and members of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes.
    S.1583 (2013) Mental Health Support for Veteran Families and Caregivers Act of 2013
    S.1581 (2013) Survivors’ of Military Sexual Assault and Domestic Abuse Act of 2013
    S.1585 (2013) A bill to amend Title 38, United States Code, to update the Service Disabled Veterans Insurance program to base premium rates on the Commissioners 2001 Standard Ordinary Mortality Table instead of the Commissioners 1941 Standard Ordinary Table of Mortality.
    S.1578 (2013) A bill to authorize the Secretary of Veterans’ Affairs to cover the costs as sociated with the care of veterans at medical foster homes.
    S.1582 (2013) Improved Compensation for Hearing Loss Act of 2013
    S.1586 (2013) Enhanced Dental Care for Veterans Act of 2013
    S.1579 (2013) SCRA Enhancement and Improvement Act of 2013
    S.1604 (2013) Veterans’ Healthcare Eligibility Expansion and Enhancement Act of 2013
    S.Amdt.2023 to S.287 (2013) Relative to extension of authority for program of referral and counseling services for veterans at risk of homelessness who are transitioning from certain institutions.
    S.Amdt.2146 to S.1471 (2013) Relative to authority to reconsider decisions of Secretary of Veterans Affairs or Secretary of the Army to inter the remains or honor the memory of a person in a national cemetery.
    S.1950 (2014) Comprehensive Veterans Health and Benefits and Military Retirement Pay Restoration Act of 2014
    S.1982 (2014) Comprehensive Veterans Health and Benefits and Military Retirement Pay Restoration Act of 2014
    S.2413 (2014) Restoring Veterans Trust Act of 2014
    S.2422 (2014) Ensuring Veteran Access to Care Act of 2014
    S.2450 (2014) Veterans’ Access to Care through Choice, Accountability, and Transparency Act of 2014
    S.2782 (2014) A bill to amend Title 36, United States Code, to improve the Federal Charter for the Veterans’ of Foreign Wars of the United States, and for other purposes.
  14. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    The questions asked in the debate were kind of lobbed for them to make these statements. That's what bugged me about it. It's like someone asking," what great thing have you done in your life?" and you give some cool answer and everyone says "awwww" or "wow"! It's designed to make you more likable.

    While there's a time/place/need for those questions, I'd like more hard hitting questions. Why didn't CNN go hard at Hillary for her legal issues? Why didn't they go harder at Bernie for his stance on increased taxes? The FOX debate did a lot of the opposite kind of lobbing (lobs to attack each other), but they also did a great job of calling out the candidates on fudges in their stories. They tore apart Trump's arguments, went after Cruz a couple times, and caught Rubio on a couple doublespeak moments and forced him to clarify.

    CNN did ask some tough questions, but they allowed the candidates to kind of meander their way around answering it (especially Hillary).
  15. davriver209

    davriver209 - Rookie -

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    Touche my friend. You are correct.
  16. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Bernie just won Michigan!!

    THE BERN!!!!!

  17. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Bernie was supposed to lose Michigan by 18, and he won by 4 points!! That's a 22 point swing against the poll.

    Bernie can and will win the Democratic nomination!
  18. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Trump won Michigan and Mississippi.

    Bernie won Michigan.

    Hillary won Mississippi with 87% of the vote. EIGHTY-SEVEN PERCENT!?!?!?!?!?!

    Question: All the celebrities are claiming to move to Canada if Trump wins. How come they don't ever say Mexico? NOTE: They say it, but none of them ever move out.
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  19. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Hillary's got the deep south, but we've already had most of her states come in. She's running out of southern states.

    She won't win many northern states, New York or Cali.
  20. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I literally saw my first Hillary bumper sticker today. She's not popular in Oklahoma (thank God).

    I know her hubby is popular, but Joe Montana is my favorite QB. I don't want his wife playing QB for the Niners. Well, after last year, maybe I do. But I digress....

    What are people thinking????
    therealdeal and Barnstable like this.

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