President Trump

Discussion in 'Politics, Religion and Philosophy -(FORUM CLOSED)-' started by TIME, Jan 20, 2017.

  1. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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  2. revgen

    revgen - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    1) As long as the enemy attacking us has an infantry, the 2nd amendment still matters. Nobody will be waging a serious ground war against this country as long as the 2nd amendment is in play.

    2) I'm not sure what your point about data mining is.

    3) Again, I'm not sure what you're driving at. What do self-driving cars have to do with what I said earlier?
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2020
  3. BangBoomPow

    BangBoomPow - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 26, 2019
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    2nd amendment is not obsolete. You're too simple-minded and have no ability to understand the intentions of other people. People down South or rural areas don't live within a 5 minute radius from a police precinct. In some areas, it can take hours before any police or law enforcement gets to you. Criminals with guns will have no issue committing crimes in these areas if you ban guns. So I get it, you likely live in the city where you're as safe as a baby in a blanket but you don't speak for a lot of people who aren't in those same circumstances and have to protect themselves because their lives may be in danger. You are also ignoring that America is near impossible to invade by land. If any country tries, they'll have millions of Americans who are armed and ready to defend the country. I have no idea what you're ranting about in terms of data mining and self-driving cars. But it's funny you say that the government will only continue getting stronger... Yes, and people who vote Bernie are allowing them to get stronger by advocating for more government control and bureaucracy. So on one end, you claim that the 2nd amendment is obsolete but on the other hand, the government is only going to get stronger. I think you are justifying more than ever why the 2nd amendment is more important than ever... Great point!
  4. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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    You call me simple minded, yet you are the one who came up with the brilliant theory that I am an Arab because I don't agree with you.

    I never said guns should be banned, I said the 2nd amendment is no longer relevant as we were using muskets during the era of our founding fathers.

    I'd be fine with banning assault weapons in the cities if that's your worry, and let the rural areas keep them even though I never hear stories about how people saved themselves with their assault weapon.

    No one is going to try to assault the US by land... we are in way more jeopardy aggravating Iran and motivating these countries to manufacture a nuke or a dirty bomb. If they ever managed to get here somehow, their country would be hit with attacks from submarines before we'd wage a ground war

    Everyone lives with a tracking device that is their phone. Now with smart homes and Ring doorbells, the tech companies even know more about your whereabouts... when self driving cars come... the government will know everywhere you go even without a phone... Again you call me simple minded, yet I have to connect the dots for you.

    The government already is too strong. They will probably install drones over our cities for "our own protection" when they can be used to subdue a rebellious population. The people already have been brainwashed to believe that the rich are helping us, and are actually helping them stay in power instead of fighting them. If you spend enough money on television stations and newspapers saying we are in danger from the evil third world and the government is your friend, guess what... people will believe you. What good are guns, if people are too stupid and brainwashed to think of using them?

    You say I've come up with crazy theories... but do you really believe an assault weapon can save you from the US military?

    Sure if you are a survivalist you could go off the grid and hide in the woods somewhere... but compared to the number of people who die needlessly due to gun violence, the potential benefits are way less than the downside. No private militia will ever be strong enough to overtake the US military... even if we cut its budget somewhat. It can blow up the world hundreds of times over already. But sure let's keep spending more money so we can make weapons that blow it up even faster.
  5. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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  6. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    The 2nd Amendment was designed with the musket in mind?

    By that logic, the 1st Amendment was designed with ink and feather. Definitely not 24 hour news and the internet. Guess we should do away with it too.
  7. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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    The reason the 2nd Amendment was important is because it kept the government from dominating its citizens.

    With the advent of nuclear weapons and drones, automatic weapons are useless against the government.

    At the time of the Constitution, an average citizen had the same power as any soldier but that is no longer the case.

    As I said to the other guy, I can see use for someone in the remote countryside owning a gun to protect their land but in most cases it serves no necessary purpose as the Constitution originally intended.

    Your analogy with the first amendment doesn't make sense because words haven't evolved in the same way as weapons. Whether you write them with a feather or laser printer they mean the same thing.
  8. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

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    ^^ words haven't evolved, but the manner in which information, opinions and false news is delivered has.

    A government is not going to use nukes on its citizens if they're the only ones with guns..... which one party supports.
    Lakeshow85 and revgen like this.
  9. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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  10. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
    Lakeshow85 likes this.
  11. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    We're f***ed as a country with the decisions and governing by both parties of career politicians and presidents back to whenever the US was in its "Prime". To use a sports analogy. We are well past ours. It seems to me. Saw a blurb on the "internets" and followed it down the rabbit hole to wind up at this eloquent and seemingly knowledgeable Journalist/Investor's reply to a financial article focussing on China. I mean is he really wrong anywhere with regard to Asia vs US going forward?

    "I know you are more or less on the right page here but ... Quite frankly, I am not fond of articles that kick off with an apology. This article tiptoed as if CHINA were a leper and investors needed to be calmed. Nonsense. Those of us who trade China do so because China is not apologetic. We are here for one reason, to make a fortune. I am going to list some factors I regard as important.

    1) The Future is China and Asia. PERIOD. These are the fastest-growing markets in the world and will be for the next 100 years easily.

    2) Democracy has nothing to do with it... whatever Democracy means. My concern is competent government, not a government-run by the intellectual bottom rung.

    3) China is by far the largest trader in the world. As US exports have declined under Trump by 20%, China trade globally continues to expand.

    4) The USA is a relatively small trader with China. The USA trades like a third world country. Its largest export is soy. Electronics and Chips are 1.5 Billion and Cotton is 3.5 Billion. There is not one commodity that China can't replace. On the other hand China owns the US Supply Chain. The amusing and annoying notion that China has more to lose because the US buys more Chinese Products is a converse argument which asks, “Which nation is more dependent on the other?” China makes 96% of all computers and server and allied hardware. China makes 90% of all Air Conditioners, 90% of all hand and power tools. 90% of all batteries. China makes the highest quality structural steel in the world and the list is endless. The only metric where the US leads is Commercial Aircraft and Boeing Max is in trouble.

    5) China does not use broad stimulus. They have a growth target and are content for 6% growth while expanding their consumer markets by 8% a year. They slowed their own economy to reduce shadow banking systemic risk. The notion that the USA a 14% trader with China controls China's economy is ludicrous.

    6) Chinese do not like to be the centre of attention. That honour is left to tabloid Donald Trump. China has had to fend off these endless racist attacks by trying to maintain face in the winds of a gale-force blowhard. Not only has Trump attacked Chinese businesses, but he has also stirred bigotry with his walnut brained redneck base of lifted pickup truck set. THOSE losers are not investors and never will be investors. What they think is irrelevant to China. Never pander to a walnut brained idiot. They view decency as a sign of weakness. They are blunt stupid and have no metric in the equation.

    7) Not just damaging to Huawei, Trump's attack on a foreign business and kidnapping the Meng Wanzhou is a warning to all foreign companies in the US. Foreign investment in the USA is now NIL.

    8) The stupidest manoeuvre by Trump to date was to threaten to DELIST Chinese Firms. I noticed you referenced CNBC in your article. Jim Cranmer was leading that parade. While Trump has no power to do such a thing, All Chinese firms took a big hit in the markets. Alibaba exclusively traded on the US Exchanges quickly launched an IPO in Hong Kong. The dilution was 4% and this offered Chinese investors the chance to own BABA shares. Baba has continued to move higher. Why? BABA is grossly undervalued especially when trading in a sea of bigotry and threats to its stock. Alibaba sales in the USA are nil. So in this scenario, they had no benefit at all by being exclusively listed on the US Exchanges. No foreign firms will ever list exclusively on US exchanges thanks to Trump's blowhard.

    9) All other Chinese firms listed exclusively on US exchanges will launch Chinese IPOs. US exchanges are livid with Trump but, this stupid threat by Trump has effectively destroyed the integrity of the US Exchanges. Foreign firms need not apply.

    10) Chinese make mistakes but they don't repeat those mistakes.

    11) Trump blacklisted Tech sales. Who does this hurt? Tech products have a very short shelf life. So by not allowing INTEL to sell chips to China for Super Computers, China developed the core capacity to make there own high-speed RISC chips. Alibaba just introduced its RISC V open-source chip developed with AI. Now INTEL is staring at a NEW GIANT Asian competitor. How did Trump's blocking INTEL contracts with Force Majeure benefit INTEL or the US Tech base? It didn't. This is also why INTEL missed the entire handheld revolution along with Microsoft. Handheld is all ASIAN tech.

    12) 5G. Trump thinks 5G is cell phones. It is network capacity linked to supercomputers. This is the data-heavy real-time network that will guild pilotless aircraft and driverless cars, blockchain, big data, AI, and global automation. Without it, you won't be designing the future. For the US to catch up, it would need 40X the present antenna density at a cost of over $600 Billion dollars. The US has no real 5G. They have 4G plus in a few cities for cell phones connected to no network capacity. China leads the way on 5G and has for the most part now removed any and all US components from their products. The US Tech is being decoupled from the future. Asia is roaring ahead.

    13) There are many areas where CHINA is now leading the USA, not just in automation and AI but in biotechnology. China is toe to toe with the US on Biotechnology patents and accelerating. The future is ASIA.

    I could continue this for pages. China is doing a great job at navigating the Tabloid Blowhard. China's reach is global. By PPP, China is the largest economy by far. Their reach into Africa will provide China Trade that exceeds US-China Trade in four years. More simply, Africa will be a more important trader to China.

    Trump's tariffs are still destroying the US economy. No firms have left China if that was Trump's intent but manufacturing has left the USA for Asia. The phase 1 trade deal merely shuts Trump's mouth and for China that allows them to go about their business in a quiet determined way without the endless splash of Trump's uneducated bigots attacking China. China will roll through the high seas like one of its ChinaMAX giant ore ships, undaunted and unsympathetic.

    China has no instinct to be the centre of attention of the world or tell others how to live or what government should be installed in other countries. In a simple context, CHINA is all business. Business, not government lifts people from poverty to affluence. Trump's patent stupidity is an opportunity for the global investor in China.

    And before some clown talks up China Debt, consider reality. When Trump came to power the DEBT to GDP ratio in the USA was roughly 87%... now it is over 110%! China by comparison over the same period has come down from 54% to 48%. China is in good shape.

    Stop apologizing for things you have no control over like Trump's bigot laced rhetoric. China has done an exceptional job navigating this blowhard. Secondly don't keep using the word “happy”. I don't invest to be “Happy”, I invest to get rich. It is work. Investing is akin to being at sea in a Gale force 8 storm. Happiness doesn't enter into it. Careful correction into the blow is how you survive and thrive. The good thing about storms at sea is you have the wind in your favour.

    There is nothing on this earth, no blowhard or rabid bigot that is going to derail China and Asia from its destiny. Indeed the meek will inherit the earth.

    It is not a tough time for Chinese stock investors... It is the greatest moment in history, the absolute convergence of momentum and opportunity on a scale never seen in the history of the world. The blowhard is nothing but wind in our sails. Full sail ahead.

    One other comment... make sure your ETFs have adequate liquidity. Also, I would avoid JD. The CEO is an accident waiting to happen. Monkey business is not business... it's dangerous. in this era. "
    Sentient Meat likes this.
  12. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Perfect example. The cringe worthy launch with unequaled hoopla and pre-marketing of the GoPro Karma Drone .... when destroying them in size and navigation technology .... the DJI Mavic series of drones was secretly prepared for launch a week later. Scoreboard. Game over Karma drone. How many decades have we been oblivious and content to play checkers while this giant has been doggedly with a long end game been playing chess? Just looking at it from a strategic standpoint politics aside.
  13. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Pop quiz. What company is the Netflix/Disney of China with already roughly 120 million subscribers in virgin expanding China middle class / other Asian countries that has no competition in China (others are predominantly Gaming or other types of streaming companies ) or from American streaming/ also production companies like Netflix, due to censorship? They use AI in everything. Something connected with one of their endless number of growing in house repertoire of offerings got 4 Billion hits about it over a short period of time on Weibo which is comparable to Twitter and Instagram. That's the kind of awareness they have ahead. Multiple income producing paths up the wazoo already have the groundwork laid. They are leading the 5G Audio Visual technology in the world at this point in time. They helped develop the standards.

    The company is IQIYI. To make up for the sad state of affairs above I just left here, am making you aware the share price is currently $25 and change. Earnings are next week for the 4th quarter and quarter 1 guidance may be really high as they are picking up members by the millions extra with people shut in and can't go out due to the virus. Theaters are shut down so numbers of big movies are releasing on line. In short 2020 looks to be a launch pad. So hope we are even. Hot stock tip :clap: to make up for the depressing news above. Here is that same person's take on IQ (ticker ID). It was before the China take so some stuff about Trump is repetitive. He's clearly not a fan.

    "Extremely poorly timed call. But you are not alone. I am going to make a few generalized comments. First I am a mathematician. If simple quantification were the way to pick stocks then quantifiers would always win. BUT THEY RARELY WIN.

    The undisputed stock of the Decade in the US has been Netflix. IQ is not only the Netflix of China, but it is also more akin to the Disney of China. I can think of no other stock in the world that has potential like IQ. The management is four gears forward at all times. IQ will soon eclipse Netflix subscribers. It is entirely irrelevant that IQ subscribers pay less. It has no bearing on the scale of IQ's distribution.

    But IQ is not turning a profit. Look back at Amazon and Netflix. All those comments apply and they were all wrong when stock advisors said not to buy Netflix or Amazon. No, buy something solid like GE or GM, or J&J.

    IQ is being missed by all the majors. Your metrics are wrong. IQ is in a closed society that carefully guards media content. Yet IQ content has thrived. They know how to walk the line. All that content has a residual dollar value. Andy Griffith Show still makes money. IQ has had some brilliant successes and it expanding to other Asian markets. This is the future; the largest markets in the world.

    IQ is a victim of Trump anti-Chinese rhetoric. So was Alibaba. What Alibaba did after Trump threatened to delist Chinese firms was pushed another IPO in Hong Kong. Share prices were linked to both markets and Alibaba has never looked back. That's the cure for insane rhetoric.

    The fact Trump had no power to delist Chinese Stocks was irrelevant. The extremely reckless remark has resulted in damage to all US Exchanges. No foreign companies will list on just US exchanges again. They will list on the Asian exchanges as well. I think it is in the best interest of BIDU and IQ to list a new IQ IPO just like Alibaba in which the Chinese get to own IQ stock. The dilution should be about 4%. It would quickly head to $40 a share just with the removal of the anti-Chinese rhetoric. IQ makes no money in the US Markets and is only damaged by US political insanity and anti-Chinese sentiment.

    Yet all the analysists just talk about the metrics as if metrics are setting the stock price of IQ when in fact IQ is being beaten down by systemic anti-Chinese rhetoric. Look at Jim Cramer; his discussions are racist. Pathetic. Since when has this conduct become acceptable anywhere? As a mathematician, I have had to quantify the damage of rhetoric and stirring the pot of Asian racism into IQ's poor stock showing. It spells pure opportunity.

    Look at Alibaba, FaceBook and others. Invariably the new IPO's are hammered by Wall Street. The analysts just run them down. For years Amazon was criticized for not making a profit. Analysists hated it until it became a winner. Look at Alibaba with 38 billion dollars in sales on Single's day alone. Yet Baba is only 216 dollars a share. Does anyone want to be where Alibaba will be in five years? All I can tell you is that you better own it.

    IQ is the most underrated stock in the world. They are winning in China. Their market share, their content, innovation... Their content is high quality. IQ will have more subscribers than Netflix and Disney Combined sometime in 2020.

    You have to own IQ when it is cheap. The minute IQ turns a profit, it is a $100 stock instantly. This is the generational stock that all will talk about in 20 years. The lamentations will go..."Man if only I had bought that back when...." But the Analysts didn't like it.

    I Q has 105 million subscribers. That is one-third of the population of the USA and analysist don't like the stock and rate it a hold which is really just a soft "sell" recommendation.

    I am telling you this now... IQ is here to stay. This year coming they will surpass NETFLIX subscribers. On any given day IQ can rise 25% just on the basis of wakeup reality. All of the anti-Chinese sentiment and rabid anti-Chinese racism spells OPPORTUNITY.

    IQ and ALIBABA listed on the US Stock Exchanges in good faith. Their income is associated with ASIA not the USA. US exchanges have only held these companies back. The final straw to me was Trump threatening to delist Chinese Firms. If you think that is "fundamentals" then you have a bolt lose. That was insanity that will rock the US exchanges forever. No foreign companies will ever list exclusively on the US exchanges. That is a total loss of faith.

    IQ is destined to be one, if not the largest media companies in the world. IQ is the most interesting investment I have seen in years. The numbers boggle my mind and I am a mathematician."

    Each to their own. I am in.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2020
    Sentient Meat likes this.
  14. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

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  15. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers Legend -

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    The Don whisperer
    Las Islas Filipinas
  16. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    What? :giggle: :clap:

    A look of disapproval after the hot tip I gave you? OK fine I tried. For bleeps and giggles then keep your eye on it just the next two years. And you’ll wish you had paid attention. 10 years from now .... damn shoulda listened to LT. :cool: :rofl: I have skin in the game FYI. Didn’t just become aware reading this guy.
    Lakeshow85 and KareemtheGreat33 like this.
  17. BangBoomPow

    BangBoomPow - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 26, 2019
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    Lol, did President Xi of China write this himself? It's filled with propaganda.

    1) Asia's economy is growing. That's true. But this is driven through America. A lot of new manufacturing is now expanding to Vietnam, Phillipines, etc., because wages are lower in these countries than in China. In fact, China's vast investment in Africa is directly tied to this. Anyways, I don't see this as a bad thing at all. I want to see other countries do well but to say America will lose because of this is inherently wrong. In fact, this is a positive thing for the U.S. What it means is China will no longer hold the manufacturing advantage that America values them for. We will now have options to invest in these other countries - which is what we should be doing!

    2) Okay....

    3) This past year, our largest trading partners were Mexico, Canada, and China. Yes, in that order. So let's stop pretending we don't have any trading partners outside of China. China's trade globally expanding? There were talks about China's global trading declining last month. In fact, their exports to the U.S. have declined 20% just dating November. The new trade deal Trump signed with China HELPS the U.S. while hurting China. China came calling because they can't afford to lose out any longer.

    4) USA is dependent on China for LOW priced goods. But everyone knows that America is mainly a service economy. I don't think you can really say which country is more dependent on the other. They both need each other to grow as countries. Both sides can win by being allies.

    5) Lol. I'm sorry to burst anyone's bubble but if you believe any of the data China shows you, I've got some pens I'd like to sell you. They are notorious for falsifying economic data to boost their success. China has done well over the years but there is a lot of uncertainty about their actual growth. Their own government has admitted to it. The coronavirus was hidden until it blew up. Their government keeps track of everyone. Do you really think they wouldn't alter their data?

    6) IDK what this is about. More gibberish.

    7) Funny how China talks about foreign businesses when their terms basically void all IP rights of any business entering into China... They have no respect for U.S. companies and use their large market to get what they want. Meanwhile, they flood the American markets with fake goods!

    8) I guarantee foreign firms will continue listing in the U.S. stock exchanges. We hold the highest amount of equity. Any company trying to go public will lose out on a lot of $ not listing in the U.S. stock exchange. Why does this buffoon think Alibaba chose USA in the first place? They didn't receive the highest IPO at that time for no reason. But just read how silly this is! Alibaba was worth $200 per share two years ago. It's only worth $218 right now. That's not a good investment if you owned it two years ago, is it? Even though they increased in share price, which company hasn't? Apple, Microsoft, Netflix, Shopify, Tesla... Almost every company listed in the stock exchange has seen its share price skyrocket. Trying to say Alibaba is undervalued is laughable! The reason Alibaba hasn't done well (it hasn't, sorry!) compared to other stocks is because no one trusts their accounting records! Believe me, auditors hate auditing companies doing a lot of business in China because you can't trust them! They lie about everything! This guy has no clue how stocks work... It's embarrassing!

    9) Lies again...

    10) Idk what this even means. Every country makes mistakes. China is just better at hiding it. They literally don't have any human rights when you criticize their government. It's easy to hide the negatives and flaunt the positives. In USA, every negative/positive is for public view. You don't like it? Get on Twitter and rant about it. It's that easy.

    11) I don't know much about this but most technological advances are patented in the U.S. so I am sure this is another lie generated.

    12) China has done a great job investing in 5G but with their population, of course they will have more 5G users. Their population is more concentrated so access is far easier than it would be for other countries. I wouldn't say they are leading, anyways. Lots of countries are implementing 5G and plan to expand it even further very soon.

    Honestly, this sounds more like a marketing scheme written by President Xi than a factual discussion. China has done great but to say they are doing better or will than the United States in the near future is a lie. I mean, he quoted an incorrect debt-to-gdp ratio and then tries to pass his arguments off as factual? It takes a few seconds to debunk it... I don't know who this guy is but I am willing to bet he would pack his bags up and leave on the first plane heading to the USA if he were offered citizenship. I mean, look at the financial impact the coronavirus will have on China and the fact that they hid the severity of it until it became widespread news. Does anyone really believe what their government tells you?
    Lakeshow85 and Wino like this.
  18. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    That's NOT what he said. He said they will not list in the US ONLY going forward. And me personally this is all above my pay grade when it comes to "arguing" passionately about politics. I stand by however, from my own observations and reading and paying attention, that I think those two posts in total are comprehensive, accurate on a macro scale and nothing you've said so far to the quote above where I stopped has changed my opinion. Sorry, in this case I believe him about the strategic hole we are in more than you. Now back to read the rest of what you wrote. Curious about your take on 5G, cause sounds like we are extremely behind.

    Yeah, OK, read the rest of your takes and basically all of his takes are wrong because you say so and the 5G thing nah it's all good ... we're working on it. And then the insults you like to sprinkle in toward other peoples' opinions and perceptions about what THEY determine to be factual. All because YOU say so.

    And why would you assume he isn't a US citizen? Like SM you proclaimed was an Arab? LOL. Get over your self importance with your opinions. You have them fine. Big whoop.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2020
  19. BangBoomPow

    BangBoomPow - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 26, 2019
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    Lol, you sound incredibly upset over what someone wrote online. Be honest, was it you who wrote that? Why are you that upset, seriously?

    You just wrote a whole bunch of nothing about why you side with him when many of what he wrote was intentionally dishonest. Our debt-to-GDP ratio wasn't roughly 87% when Trump took office. Simple stuff that gets ignored and mistaken like that really tells the picture and agenda here. I've already stated that China is ahead in 5G but that doesn't mean we're far behind. When did I say he was wrong because I said so? I love how you can't debunk anything I said because you don't take your own brain to research it yourself. Of course I will assume he's not a U.S. citizen. Just read all this gibberish praising China as if he would be executed if he didn't. LOL. You're clueless. You wanna debate? Sit here and debate what I wrote instead of nitpicking #8 which was intended to demonstrate that these Chinese firms will continue listing in the U.S. regardless of whatever he is claiming.

    You literally just wrote two paragraphs criticizing me with no legitimate retort but fanboying over what someone else wrote. Something tells me you wrote that and you're upset you didn't like my response. Which one is it? Re-read your entire paragraph. I never insulted you but you're trying to insult me over what exactly?
    Wino likes this.
  20. BangBoomPow

    BangBoomPow - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 26, 2019
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    "ASIA vs U.S. going forward." This man is really comparing a continent vs a country. I don't know what you are talking about, buddy. Maybe stick to basketball.

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