I do NOT want to root for the Rockets. But I will. Series will set a record for flops and FT attempts and FT's missed. Forgive me if I ignore this series as much as possible.
I'm conflicted. On one hand I despise the Clippers. On the other hand I detest the Rockets. I hope they wear each other down so either Golden State or Memphis destroys the survivor.
I don't know who I hate more, so I don't even think I'll watch. A team full of floppers vs the player who's made a career of flopping. I don't want the Clippers anywhere near the finals, so I'll root for Houston by default.
Clippers in 5. I just don't think much of the Rockets. It depends a lot on CP3's hamstring injury though. CP3 will "likely" miss game 1 according to Doc Rivers. If that happens, I can see this going to game 7.
rockets are my least favorite team by a mile, so go clips. rockets once again totally luck out, having paul get injured right before they play the clips. at this rate, they'll draw gs minus curry and bogut in the conference finals.
Don't like either team. Harden is harder to root for than CP3, so I'll have to go Clippers. Warriors-Paperclips next round would be fun to watch at least.
It's hard to hate a team more than the clipps and rockets (well boston and cavs but that's a given). I can't stand Balmer and Rivers, i despise beard and Howard. Knowing one of them will be in the WCF makes me wanna hurl. Healthy CP3 -> Clipps in 6/7. P.s. I also hope we'll have at least one Barnes-Harden "situation" .
What a distasteful series. As others have said, it'll be a comedy of free throw earning shenanigans that will be as embarrassing as possible. Meanwhile you have two of the worst free throw shooters on the planet in Jordan and Howard who will be building houses with all their bricks. These are my two most hated teams in the NBA. I wish they could just destroy one another so that it's a cake walk for the winner of GSW vs. the Grizz. That other WC series is the polar opposite, two teams I really enjoy watching and could totally root for to go all the way. Cannot wait to see those games, while this one I will happily skip entirely. I swear, I'd root for Cleveland over the Paper Clips or Sprockets.
I will root for neither team. I just can't. But like Lakerjones said, Warriors/Grizzlies will be very much worth watching. Don't know who I want more but whoever it is I will be rooting hard for them in the conference finals.
i just hope either the warriors or grizzlies absolutely destroys whichever team comes out of this series
I'll root for neither. Both teams are a bunch of floppers and I detest Harden as much as some of Those Guys' infamous villains.
just pray for health for the warriors. Houston seems to have a voodoo hex on its opponents thus far. oh, but Patrick Beverly... *rolls eyes*