Boston locked into this matchup with their buzzer beater tonight. Who ya got? Can Boston avoid a sweep?
Man I'd love if they imploded and actually lost to the psuedo-tanking C Bags... That'd be amazing... Still though Cleveland in 5.
Boy the Cavs should destroy Boston in a sweep really. I mean this should be as easy a cakewalk as their is in sports. Maybe that is a bit exaggerated but not by much. All that being said, I'd love to see the excuses the media comes up with if the Cavs lose this series. Heck if this goes past 5 games the Cavs should hold their heads down.
Lebron has to be the luckiest great player ever ... The Leastern Conf actually gets worse and worse each season ... which is difficult to believe Cavs in 5 ... but I'm not watching this garbage ... only Bulls -Cavs then Hawks - Cavs
LeBron is ridiculously lucky. I mean, he gets to take a series or two off every single playoff run. I say Cavs sweep.
Like every year, Lebron can cake walk his way to the finals. Put him out west and see if he even sniffs the conference finals.
Kobe, Duncan, CP3, Durant, Westbrook, Aldridge, Harden, Dirk, Curry, etc. are all thinking: "Oh look. LeBron gets another free pass while we have to battle every single day for a playoff spot and then again in the playoffs."
If Bird, Magic, MJ, Kobe, etc. got to take one round off each post-season just imagine what kind of numbers and results they would have had when they got to the finals. Must be nice. And he still makes excuses for choking when he gets championships practically handed to him and he can't close. The fact that anyone has the audacity to put him in the same breath as those guys is disgustingly disrespectful to the game of basketball. You can argue that some of the teams MJ faced in the playoffs didn't have the elite talent, but they were physical and f'in competed every night. Kobe and Shaq got the easy matchup of a Nets team that was vastly outmatched but that was after a brutal Western Conference playoff run. But to get bye rounds in the soft, weak a** East where you're given every advantage in the world. F off LeChoke!
kyrie is just to good...he looks like the go to guy more than lebron...but it is time to take nap and watch the real the sad thing is that one of those team will finish in the first round (i dont like neither,even if i will root for lac in this round) while i could see any of those two easily geting to the east finals...
Kyrie and Love get playoff experience with training wheels by playing in the east. It's not just a cake walk to the finals, but also an opportunity to feel comfortable and confident against sacrificial lambs whom they can make playoff virgin mistakes against.
Some 20 year old looking dudes were a few rows behind the announcers or maybe Kevin Love being interviewed after the game last night, and flipping off the camera and yelling "f*** you" in their direction. Perfectly sums up Boston fans and was a little funny.
^The "C" in their name does NOT stand for class. Their team, fans and organization be damned. I'm more than OK with them not winning the series even if it is against James. Stuck on 17 with us right behind them by only one.