Geez, is the luggage from Okafor closet starting to fall out? We may have dodged one here with this guy and his early antics.
seems like a classic case of a young player having trouble adjusting to the spotlight that follows you everywhere as an NBA'er
That's preposterous... See with the wouldn't be a problem... he'd just be allowed in to the bar or club. Wasn't it this summer in Vegas our kids all went out the night before a game? But if I was a bouncer and I saw a 6'10" kid who I knew from the NBA I'd have told him no too. Are you serious? Get out of here. What a silly thing to even attempt.
Okafor was also linked to a well known ex-porn actress. She wasn't impressed with him either. Something about loafing through the whole thing.
LOL, what? He's 7 feet tall, one of the top rookies of this last class, and won the NCAA title last season. He thinks people won't know who he is? Man I'm liking the Russell pick more and more every day.
Andrew Bynum 2.0... and I don't mean the injuries but all the bonehead things you can possibly do off the court. What's next? Parking in a handicap spot? Makes me even more thankful with drafting DAR.
The off-court stuff Bynum did had something to do with his wheels. Handicap parking, speeding, etc. Okafor's incidents seem more violent than anything Bynum became involved with.
yeah bynum's off court stuff was all car related. and it definitely didn't start a month into his career okafor will become a star as long as his head is in the right place, which it's not right now
I probably wouldn't draft him either if he showed up at the workout with a fake ID and punched a heckler outside the El Segundo practice facility.
The bodyguard thing should have happened a while ago. Young big-men should take a page from Shaq and get a bodyguard. Look at what Jerome had to say almost 20 years ago on why.
Thank you for posting this. I always knew about this dude when Shaq played for the Lakers and throughout his stops with others teams. I knew he was his security guard but always wondered about his story or how he became Shaq's guard. Good read.